Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
11:30 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
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Visa Master Cash AE
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Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
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Review (148)
Level4 2024-08-06
作為銅鑼灣老牌 sport bar,自從佢搬咗嚟南華會之後,除咗大賽事日之外都無以前係新寧中心咁多人,而且室外同室內位都超寬敞,室內位可以俯瞰個高爾夫球場,個感覺好 Chill~佢哋嘅啤酒選擇都好多,不過夏天最正嘅緊係飲Kirin 嘅 Ichiban Frozen啤啤透心涼 (佢哋仲周不時有啲期間限定口味,甜甜的好易入口)啤酒之外千祈唔好唔記得佢哋嘅重點,無限供應免費花生🥜🥜🥜!(悄悄話,仲可以掉曬啲殼落哋下都幾治癒)食物都係經典 bar food,Mac & Cheese, Buffalo wings, quesadilla, nacho , onion ring 選擇繁多,次次嚟都心大心細~p.s. 呢度 “寫住” 招待南華會會員,但可以嚟到即場申請都得。同其他會所唔同,南華會一年嘅年費都係$250,同埋有好多設施可以 book,桌球保齡球喺銅鑼灣價錢都算唔貴,仲有泳池同哥爾夫練習場添(Golf Driving Range 要另申請入場年証)。所以如果喺呢頭活動開其實性價比都唔錯㗎~ 💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-06
Located inside the club with a nice view of the golf court. Part of outdoor area and another part is indoor side with A/C. For drinks, other than alcohol drinks, for non-alcohol choices are quite limited. End up ordering a strawberry smoothie off the menu. Saw a hair on top when it's served. They made me a new one. And it's all syrup based, not really any real strawberry inside and the drink is very sweet that I just drank 1/3 of it and gave up.For food portion, it is quite big size. Burger, ribs are huge. Peanuts are all you can eat. Quite good snack to drink with beer and a football match. But some disappointment on the chicken fajitas, the chicken on the iron pan is quite greasy.  The sauce and salsa are not enough to spread through the tortilla.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-24
依家喺南華會嘅西餐廳,氣氛非常好,而且花生任食,非常適合鍾意去飲酒同埋聚會嘅朋友,最鍾意食嘅就係佢哋nachos, 味道同埋配搭上都做得非常好食,好耐都冇食過佢哋嘅嘢食,整體上都係可以維持到一半嘅水平,我同朋友都非常享受呢一度嘅氣氛同埋環境,非常忙chill好食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟抵食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟位置 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務態度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟衞生程度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
晏就約咗幾個friend 係南華會碌ling🎳打完之後朋友話想去飲杯嘢,就去咗入面有間西餐廳叫inn side out😋餐廳好特別,會免費提供無限量花生俾我哋食🥜🥜仲有一個習俗,就係食完啲花生殼直接可以掉落地,所以餐廳真係literally 成地花生🤣🤣🤣👀👀Shrimp Toast $130飲嘢又點可以唔叫啲snacks 呢?呢間餐廳食物嘅份量都幾大,蝦多士嘅size 係平時嘅一倍🤩多士炸得超脆,但又唔會過咗火,上面嘅蝦膠好夠味,上軟下脆,熱辣辣食好香口🤤🤤Onion Rings $55啲洋蔥圈好似俾多啦A夢嘅放大電筒照過,大到好似手鈪咁🫣洋蔥圈外皮炸到卜卜脆,入面嘅洋蔥好甜,外脆內軟,一啲都唔dry,點埋個醬汁食,仲正👅Sweet Potato Fries $55比起薯條,我更鍾意食蕃薯條,感覺上好似冇咁熱氣,健康得嚟又可以食香口嘢😝佢呢度嘅蕃薯條應該係人手切,唔似出面個啲每條都一樣size,大大小小反而有唔同口感,想食脆啲又有,淋啲都有,滿足哂所有人嘅口味🙋🏻‍♀️點埋隔離嘅沙律醬,鹹鹹甜甜仲好食😋Spaghetti and Meatballs $125本來以為只係普通嘅番茄肉丸意粉,但原來一啲都唔普通😲佢嘅肉丸比平時出面食嘅大粒,同埋應該係用手打,肉味好濃,咬落去係會有鬆化嘅感覺,意粉煮得好彈牙🍝然後個番茄醬先係精髓,酸酸甜甜,我地最後係差啲想lam埋隻碟嘅醬🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️👅👅Spare Ribs 1/2 Slab $168朋友諗住搬碟ribs 埋嚟嘅時候太大力,全部薯條飛哂落枱🤣🤣🤣🤣見唔見到枱面上可憐嘅薯條,我地一條都食唔到🫣言歸正傳,佢呢度嘅豬肋骨醃得好入味,望落好似淨係得好大舊骨🦴但其實切開之後仲有勁多肉🍖同埋因為啲肉痴住骨,所以特別淋,隔離個碟野菜沙律配咗個酸酸嘅汁,食落十分開胃😋.打完保齡可以食餐咁好嘅,真係好滿足,我會多啲過嚟南華會,咁就有藉口再食了🤪🤪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每次去南華會游泳, 一般會去食中菜, 今晚改改口味去 2樓  Inn Side Out  食西餐.  餐廳面積大,  吧檯好有型格.  一個設於戶內.另一個吧檯設於戶外.戶外座位多, 但夏季比較熱, 我們都選擇坐室內.面對無敵 GOLF 練習場,  看見一個個球陸續滾出, 妙極 !!服務員招呼吾錯, 安排座位後, 便立即送上一盤子花生, 提點可以任限添加. 我們先叫了  啤酒, Hoegarden & Stella Artois, 冰凍清涼, 伴食花生至正.  服務員話花生殼可以隨便散在地上.   晚上會清理Caeser Salad,  沙律菜好爽, ok.Calamari 炸得香脆, 送酒一流.  配齊 Tartar source, 茄汁及檸檬, 去油膩又令胃口大開.Hot Wings,  水牛雞翼, 炸得很脆皮, 肉仍很嫩滑, 辣辣的, 可以加點沙律醬,  添少少酸, 更醒胃.   還有 西芹條, 幫助清清味蕾. Banger and Mash with Beans , Banger 配啤酒, 切開一片片,  好味好快食清. Pizza   我最愛嘅薄餅, 材料豐富, 份量 多,  用木板盛載, 上檯熱辣辣, 小心燙手.  有香濃軟身的芝士,  拉出芝士絲, 入口美味甘香, 配搭非常好. Rib 配薯條, 酸菜絲,  組合好.  Rib 味道  ok,  不過 Rib 醬色深,  賣相不討好.喜歡 Happy Hour 或晚上碰杯,  Inn Side Out 是個好選擇 !但食完花生, 殼可以洒落地, 這種太隨便的行為, 有點放蹤而不是放鬆,  花生媽媽不喜歡.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)