3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
This Middle-east cuisine restaurant opened in 1993, and there are many branches in different districts. It mainly offers kebab and curry with reasonable prices. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 06:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 06:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 06:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
I have to admit salad is my favorite!  And lamb got this really special flavor that I really like.  With the additional mint dressing that is so special, it makes the salad all the more tasty.  This is my regular choice everytime I come to visit this restaurant especially after partying in LKF when you are getting a bit hungry. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I had a late night dinner here, the food was so so and the price is high, although it's kinda expected considered the location. However, I received a bill in the middle of the meal so I paid for it, but went we left the restaurant, the staff said we didn't pay without even checking. We're pretty upset about this experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我好少寫食評,但都要分享吓無理待遇. 話說我同朋友各自叫餐堂食,朋友J俾完錢後個收銀無俾番單佢. 到佢個餐出時,去拎嗰陣個老闆叫我哋出示張單先可以拎餐. 呀大佬,你個staff 無俾單我我邊度嘔張飛俾你呀?仲要大大聲好似我地食霸王餐咁. 連自己個廚房staff 都話認得係朋友J 嘅order. 最㷫係拎完餐仲要追出嚟話我哋唔出示張單係我哋錯,下次唔會接受. 我叫佢放心,一定無下次因為唔會再番嚟,佢話唔緊要.P.S. 嘢食比其他分店質素差,去隔離7仔買個麵無咁嬲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-10-05
一直係中東菜fans! 平民價錢又口碑好既ebeneezer 係我首選,個羊肉卡巴食到我lamlam利。是日lunch去食卡巴,可惜lunch set無羊肉揀,揀左雞肉卡巴,$55連飲品,中環黎講算好合理。因為怕肥,叫左少醬,雖然都深明多醬會提升滋味十倍,忍一忍啦,因為真係唔知成份係乜。買個時大部份人同我一樣都叫雞肉卡巴,睇住一個人好純熟咁包包包,就因為我睇住既關係,佢一次過包幾條,有一條比d料特別少,菜既份量係人地一半,心諗個條唔好係我,我好需要食菜😭,最後個條營養不良既卡巴被寫上"LS",即係less sauce....人地條卡巴通常都爆到滿瀉,我個條包完一整圈塊皮仲可以重疊,其實個味係好的,係今次唔好彩店員太忙無拿掐好份量,都體諒既,下次會再買。雞肉惹味加中東醬好match,又有菜fresh一下,一個午餐都可以好滿足。😇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好小去香港,因為係九龍人。一朝早同黑豚肉寶寶去中環玩slide the city ,玩左成朝,肚仔餓,但黑豚肉寶寶話佢減緊肥,唔比食咁heavy ,行下行下經過呢間店,就決定食kebab 啦!以前我地都有黎過,而加裝修左,環境靚左好多,坐得舒服左!我地叫左烤雞Kebab,水準同以前一樣咁好,外皮香脆,入面足料,最鍾意佢嘅mint source ,食落啖啖清新,令到個kebab 更有層次!每次黎呢到食野,都會令我諗番起以前窮遊俄羅斯,一路食kebab一路飲啤酒同店內嘅客人一齊吹水嘅情境!我望一望凍櫃,發現原來啤酒都係$20支!咁我唔買都對唔住⋯蘭桂坊啦!仲有mango lassi 都係$12,下次過黎一定要飲! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)