4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
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Visa Master Cash
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10% Service Charge
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Review (20)
Level4 2015-09-19
上次去對面的Orange Tree,發現原來Souvla一直遠在天邊,遠在眼前。這是香港少有的希臘菜之一。打破了希臘給人藍白小屋的印象,用上紅、藍作主調,第一個感覺,很不希臘。座位頗多,除了方桌,還有通常中餐較多的圓桌,多幾個人都方便談話,還有吧枱。可愛的餐牌上,都是希臘神話的角色,你能認出幾個?星期一至五,午餐有自助餐,可以配主菜,有雞、魚、豬和牛,但自助餐的選擇都夠多,還是不要貪心了。10款沙律放在一碟。混了乳酪的紅菜頭,微酸又清甜,健康好吃。南瓜配雞心豆,兩樣都很爽口。秋葵十分爽口,特別喜歡內裡黏黏的口感,但塗了鹽的表面偏咸。甘荀超甜,乾乾的,味道變得濃縮,配羊奶芝士,幾特別。最基本的希臘沙律又怎少得,爽口的蕃茄和青瓜切粒,配洋蔥和羊奶芝士,還有香濃的橄㰖。米形意粉orzo,喜歡它粒粒的口感。扁豆粉粉的,有另一番滋味。還有煙韌的薏米,香料調味得很香。菇則不太特別。最喜歡的,竟是西蘭花。十分爽口,浸滿了乳酪醬,很好吃。第二轉,本打算拿熱葷,也忍不住encore沙律。燒粟米清甜多汁。翠玉瓜爽口但欠驚喜。茄子又腍又濃,十分好吃。混了香料的飯都幾香,但偏腍。Baklava不嫌太甜的話,都可以,夾著大量果仁碎。Eclair反而不太甜,中間的餡清清的,帶點酒香,面層擠了焦糖。牛角形的曲奇,夠硬夠脆,有杏仁香。漏了檸檬撻,比想像好吃,很清新,沒有我不喜歡的很假的檸檬味。看照片,才發現,沒有試rice pudding,有點可惜。看似吃得不多,卻飽得很的一餐。10款沙律,各有特色,色彩繽紛,吃得心花怒放。環境氣氛都很舒適,但人手不足,點餐飲和埋單,都要走到門口的櫃枱找店員。試過這頓午餐,有機會可以再試晚餐的主食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-03
SOUVLA might be the kind of place that has been sticking around for some time, that you are curious about every time you pass by but end up never venturing in for various reasons. Although visible from street level, the restaurant is in fact located on the first floor of an old building, right at the heart of Lan Kwai Fong. The inside is modern and spacious and has the vibe of a cool urban hangout/bar. Although this would no doubt make a great choice of location for drinks, SOUVLA is primarily a restaurant with a sizable and stylishly illustrated menu full of Greek words that, as fancy as they might look, are not always easily decipherable. Don’t worry though, if in doubt wait staff are eager to explain the menu to you.Service is hearty and both staff and patrons share a good vibe that make you want to stick around for another drink or two. But in terms of food, it really comes down to your tolerance level for foods that are heavy on unusual herbs and spices. Does the restaurant adapt to local tastes? Absolutely. The menu includes a fair selection of choices that are not particularly Greek or choked full of spices or herbs that are alien to Italian or French cuisines. If you want to play safe, go for one of the roasted or baked meat dishes—those are pretty much standard.All in all, SOUVLA has taken the time to cater to those who are keen on trying out some of the more popular Greek dishes while taking into account the preferences of its international audience. And it offers a warm hospitality that is so integral to Mediterranean culture.Food RundownDolmades ($75)A classic Greek appetizer: these are grape leaves stuffed with rice and spices and simmered in broth. This was very heavy on parsley and mint, but the rice was soft and nice. I preferred to serve it without the yogurt.Taramasalata ($70) – smoked roe, lemon garlicThis was super smokey indeed and it was practically a fish roe mousse. If you don't like your food to smell too fishy, you won’t like this. Otherwise it goes well with pita bread as an appetizer.Biftekia ($95) – beef, pork meatball, lahanosalataAgain very heavy on herbs and perhaps slightly too salty for our tastes.Kalamari Tiga ($95)We thought this was the best appetizer. The surnac chili sauce was delicious with deep-fried calamari.Warm Pita bread ($30)These tasted very different from usual pita breads - this was more soft, less gooey, and the flour smelled fresh.Roast Chicken ($185) – potatas sto forno, horiatikiThe roasted chicken were too dry, unfortunately. The bed of yogurt was distinctively Mediterranean, but at this point I was really beginning to miss my chicken shiwarma wraps from England. The horiatiki was just a spoonful of chopped up tomato and cucumber dices on the side. The roasted potatoes were really good though.Slow-cooked Lamb ($285) – Cypriot grain salata, lemon yoghurt and pomegranateThe lamb was nicely flavored, but again a little dry – it was served together with the yogurt sauce (which was very refreshing). The Cypriot grain salad was very nice.Golden Greek Time ($95)Vanilla, Mastiki, Honeycomb, Chocolate, Salted caramelHoly –, this is good. I have had mastic ice cream in Istanbul and loved its sticky consistency. The ice cream was less solid here but we used a fork and knife to open it up anyway. The golden fried skin was probably more for the show, but the highlight was definitely the salted buttered caramel. We emptied the whole jar in minutes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-06
在香港要吃無論是否正宗希臘菜都不便宜,見有Souvla的團購($148不用加一)且在Openrice的食評一般來說都不差, 便買了希臘 Souvla Rump & Rooster 假日自助午餐團購。這段文字是在團購網形容此餐廳的, “Souvla以流行的希臘菜名字命名,Souvla 的獨特設計採用了老希臘與現代流行特色。整個餐廳以白色花崗岩製成,再加上 Robert Gordon 手工製作的精美陶瓷件陶器,創造讓人想起古希臘與現代的氣氛。” 怪不得食客用的碟子不是一般餐廳用的白色碟子,淺灰色帶有啡邊,而且很墜手。不過,該食肆在較舊的大廈內,只有一部電梯直達,一出電梯便看到該食肆,外面環境較舊和溫暖,給我的印象不太好,幸好店內環境氣氛好很多,昏暗中帶明亮,溫暖和諧。放置自助餐的食物的地方不多,先入眼簾是沙律,中間放了一款已燒好的牛扒及雞,兩者均要待職員切件,其餘是甜品。 我先試了薄切牛扒,並淋上濃汁,醬汁有很濃的肉味和香辛料味,由於第一次吃有較多濃汁,所以是最好味,亦是最鹹;試過沒有汁及少些汁的吃法,都沒有較多汁的好味,所以別要錯過,若職員沒有主動淋上汁,要主動要求。至於肉質方面,6成熟質感較好,有時切下剩餘的扒係七八熟,則很有咬口。 雞的肉質有點嚡且只有鹹味,只宜試一次。輪到希臘沙律,順時針方向:1.白色一粒粒那堆係tomato with feta cheese,喜歡feta cheese的鹹酥便喜歡此沙律;2. 跟着是紅蘿蔔及橄欖, 紅蘿蔔完全吸收了橄欖味並已煮腍,而橄欖很鹹,沒有奶油餘韻;3. 連皮小扁豆石榴粒伴洋葱粒及南瓜子,此沙津十分清淡,但味道可以和頗有咬口;4. 側邊白色帶有點點黑色,是乳酪味,酸酸哋,質感有少許粉粉哋,吃罷舌有點嚡,若伴淡味的沙律便不會有這感覺;5.鷹咀豆撈南瓜蓉,弱酸中帶南瓜甜,伴以火箭菜來增味;6. 普通沙律紅菜頭沒什麼特別,我想若刨條,味道是否會好些;7.至於紅菜頭側係長型白飯,滑滑的,雖然白雪雪好像沒什麼味道,但其實係有點清清的檸檸味,反而比小扁豆及洋薏米沙津味濃,飯裏還有外國的翠玉瓜,黃色及綠色薄片,有泡過油的香味,可惜有點苦;8.quinoa頗酸為主,味道不吸引;9. 洋薏米中有很多紅色粉粒及有少量辣椒,似是紅椒粉,味道清淡中帶微酸,不過,若與辣椒同吃,便是酸辣味;10.西蘭花伴以綠色沙律醬,有點似薄荷與辣根味;11. 西蘭花左側是葉子包着的飯,飯很腍削,有很濃的葉子味及頗鹹,雖然其它食評說這飯好吃,但對於我來說,太鹹及太削;12.在牛扒相中出現的有黃色的飯,有很淡的香料味,若加點鹹味會好些;13.茄子及松子,雖然伴有橙紅的油,但沒什麼味道,只吃到略將茄子泡過油的油香味;14.我還沒有試的燒粟米及焗薯角15.最後有菠蘿、西瓜和紅提果盆。甜品方面,本身我沒有抱有期望,心想必是很甜,但都抱一試的心態,但最後有數款都能令我再添,此終之前吃的沙律都是比較清淡,可多吃甜品去刺激味蕾。順時針方向:1.紅色正方的是蛋糕,蛋糕層疊着果仁片,再一層海綿蛋榚及一層濕潤蛋榚,頗甜及濕潤,擁多重口感,味道不差。2. 以我所知Baklava 是重覆以一層牛油酥皮疊一層果仁碎,焗後再淋上糖漿或蜜糖造成的糖漿,或也會加玫瑰水,當整件Baklava充份吸收了糖漿後,成品會有點黏濕。此店的Baklava很甜但富有果仁味,而且甜得來是清,所以不會甜到冇朋友。3. 啡色圓形是炸的,裏面是白色,軟而有點煙韌,味似中式白糖糕,但若連外皮一起,則是沙翁味,不過甜。4. 檸檬撻味道很像 “得力素檸檬糖”,很甜但帶有微酸,雖有濃濃的檸檬味但不夠清新自然。5. 白色一團是meringue類,對於我來說只是蛋白加沙糖的東西,只吃了一小口,偏硬脆且很甜。6. 半月形餅乾,偏硬且乾身不油,一入口有點焗蛋味,但同樣令我感覺吃水泡餅,甜度剛好,是全場最清及最輕怡的甜品。7. 有點似eclair,面有拖肥味的醬,內裏的朱古力果仁醬有點過淡,外皮鬆淋,我不太喜歡這口感,這總樣人感覺不夠新鮮,試一次已夠。8. 最後一款甜品是相中中間那款,即巴卡拉雪茄(Baklava cigars)外層是偏黏濕的酥皮,吃時酥皮有點韌,因酥皮應該是加了糖漿,饀料是朱古力杏仁碎等,饀料密度高但味道不濃及頗甜但此終不差。9.相信飯布甸是由奶煮成,不過吃不出奶味但富有香料味,是玉桂吧,吃時還有少許餘溫,頗杰,但其中一杯有多些汁,惟獨這杯感受到奶味;此外,飯有一部份是散開,但有部份是一團團,飯粒中間有點還未夠腍,所以味道流於表面,我認為若這飯能像葉包飯般淋削便更能入味。不過,各處地方有它們獨特的製法和民族喜好,所以這飯布甸未必是此店做得未夠好。這自助餐主要是食沙律及甜品,若能接受清淡的沙律,便可一試,此終在香港食希臘菜是昂貴的,以此價錢一試入門希臘菜也無妨,尤其是甜品,若散叫是不便宜的但又未必適合港人口味,而現在可以嘗試多款甜品,適合喜歡甜食又好試新口味的人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-06-03
As it's not easy to find quality mediterranean food in HK, we've decided to give this restaurant a try after passing through it so many times in LKF. The atmosphere was quiet with very few other occupied tables. We had the slow-cooked lamb and steak, along with the Horiatiki salad. My friend loved the feta cheese and the salad was fresh and well-seasoned. Only disappointment was with the steak which my friend had looked forward to. It was probably slightly over-cooked and so texture-wise came out slightly rough. Slow-cooked lamb was very memorable--incredibly tender and juicy. I would highly recommend the slow-cooked lamb.Coffee was excellent. They also have a decent range of rather tempting mediterranean-themed drinks.Having lamented the lack of dishes we could order given we were only two, we are anticipating to return, hoping to try their range of grilled cheese and pork souvas in particar. Must also mention that the attendants have been very welcoming. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-31
隨意係蘭桂芳揀一間平時少去嘅餐廳,朋友們都揀左呢間。訂位方法好特別,係sent message俾餐廳負責人。由頭盆到主菜都好特別,我地都係聽waiters同負責人介紹,試左好多係餐廳嘅signature dishes。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)