Restaurant: IKEA Café

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

All Branches (9)
With 5 chains in Hong Kong, Ikea café lives up to its Swedish brand. Famous for their meatballs, customers have no problem queuing for them as well as for the Mandeltarta. Coffee drinkers get free refills. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Kwun Tong (2012-14, 2016), Best Western Restaurant (2015)
Good For
Family Style Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Kid-friendly Details
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (838)
Level2 2024-10-04
上個星期六要去宜家買嘢,順便喺餐廳食晚餐,之前對呢間餐廳嘅印象一般,因為覺得嗰啲食物都係好普通,可能我自己買返屋企煮仲好食過佢好多,但係今次竟然有意外驚喜,就係佢嘅脆豬手啦!結果我哋三個人叫咗兩隻嚟食,因為食過一隻之後好想再食,雖然佢嘅份量都已經唔細,切出嚟嘅肉都好多,不過我哋幾個都係食肉獸,所以就再叫多一隻!第一,佢嘅溫度維持得相當好,雖然我買完都唔係即刻食,因為仲要搵位,但係搵到位之後再食,都唔算話特別涼咗,所以對佢嘅印象已經好好,然之後切開裏面嘅肉質係相當之唔錯,個皮固然係焗得夠脆,裏面嘅肉亦都唔會話乾到冇晒肉汁,十分好食,再加埋酸椰菜,都係我鍾意嘅,伴碟嘅薯仔就真係好普通,可能分開整,所以啲薯仔已經凍晒,根本食唔落,不過有呢隻豬手就夠啦,我另外叫咗個小龍蝦沙律,真係唔會再試啦,因為啲小龍蝦一啲鮮味都冇,我諗同食張紙都冇分別,沙律菜唔算太差,但係份量相當之少,所以對於個沙律係失望嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-01
估唔到11點已經開左門,12點前人流唔算多,冇食咁耐,多左好多選擇,價錢亦好平,仲有個小小Kids Corner,食完自己收拾餐具。 酥炸咸豬手 $73豬手都唔細隻,好多肉,炸到個皮好鬆脆,肉好嫩,配上蒜蓉汁,焗薯同酸菜,相當抵食 小龍蝦芒果沙律 $43沙律跟一包芝麻醬,小龍蝦肉質偏淋,沙律菜爽脆, 內有粟米、芒果、烚蛋 兒童套餐 $19五件麥樂雞,外脆肉淋,配粟米、薯蓉同茄汁,另有汽水任飲 瑞典肉丸 $26宜家必食,肉丸有8粒,又香又淋,配上紅蘿蔔、西蘭花、薯蓉同磨菇汁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-06
IKEA's durian ice cream is undoubtedly one of the popular desserts. Made with fresh and creamy durian flesh, it has a smooth and velvety texture, allowing you to fully savor the rich durian aroma with every bite. IKEA's distinctive design style also imbues the ice cream with a refreshingly simple and elegant visual appeal, leaving you in awe.As an affordable sweet treat, IKEA's durian ice cream can definitely be considered a true crowd-pleaser.Indulging in 5 scoops of IKEA's durian ice cream is undoubtedly a rather luxurious dessert experience. The rich and sweet ice cream perfectly complements the mildly spicy durian, creating an exquisite layering of flavors and textures. This delectable combination not only satisfies your cravings for diverse tastes, but also allows you to indulge to your heart's content during gatherings or parties. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-12
Ikea榴槤雪糕🍦第二輪 IKEA 榴槤雪糕🍦新地配上D175紅蝦榴槤肉,雪糕口感軟綿,榴槤肉非常甘香‼️成間Ikea都係榴槤味😆追加榴槤肉每份$13,仲可以最多追加五份榴槤肉添🤭🤭‼️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-17
每次來Mega Box 一定會到Ikea閒逛一圈,看下家居用品,感覺很放鬆舒適,之前只在小食部吃雪糕🍦,這次看到Ikea餐廳的廣告牌上有凍蝦🍤,對於🍤迷來說不能錯過,食完覺得超級好味😋,好鮮甜,我點了好幾盤🤭這裏價格也不貴,性價比蠻高的,很多小食可選;雞肉串🐔也是不錯的選擇,雞肉很嫩,醬汁搭配很好👍🏻 而且用餐區域很大,不會好逼,最後餐盤需要自己送去回收處♻️ 💓推薦凍蝦🍤,30一盤,性價比唔錯而且好鮮甜美味😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)