Restaurant: E-pai, teppan-yakitori

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

3-min walk from Exit B3, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
The Japanese-style pub which offers Japanese cuisines such as Okonomiyaki and Teppanyaki. It will be a good choice if you want to get a drink with a group of friends. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Kwun Tong (2015-16)
Opening Hours
11:45 - 15:00
17:45 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 15:00
17:45 - 22:30
*Last order: 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (562)
一入到餐廳就濃濃日本感🥰場景好似喺大阪咁,環境真係十級正!🎎🎋🎏🎐次次約朋友黎gathering都讚💞坐bar枱,或者鐵板燒bar枱都好好feel👍🔸️海膽丼$220做緊海膽祭既期間限定菜式✨️上面鋪滿豐富嘅海膽,粒粒三文魚籽,中間一層仲有帆立貝帶子,下面豐富嘅吞拿魚蓉!每一啖都好鮮味😋🔸️刺身三點$280有北海道海膽、日本北寄貝、池魚王包海藻,仲有紫菜配,可以用黎夾海膽食。呢度既刺身都好正,無得輸👍🍢燒牛舌串燒$62🍢燒日本蕃薯$42🍢鹽燒活鰻$78全部串燒熱辣辣上枱,樣樣都好好味呀❣️😋🥰牛舌爽彈,日本蕃薯好甜,活鰻最正!好厚身,鹽燒調味啱啱好,超好食👍🔸️大牛油蜆石頭鍋$158蜆有好多!超鮮甜🔸️白身魚石鍋鯛魚湯$178 好鐘意呢個湯!好好飲!好濃好鮮嘅魚湯,用石頭鍋上枱,keep住辣辣有好多菜、有豆腐、有魚、有蟹菇,好有營養😋🔸️一杯關西燒$88關西燒圓圓、漲卜卜,完整上枱,再由店員即席切開,熱騰騰蒸氣升起,入面都多配料,好滿足既一餐❣️💕呢度除左環境、食物,服務都好!店員好nice,落單時會細心推介。值得encore!💓👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-04
周六在觀塘找吃😂,朋友推介的一間富日本🇯🇵特色的店,從門口已感受到一股,日本🇯🇵大阪,神戶的風情😅又或者好像去了日本的居酒屋🏮,感覺很多古典物品,食物方面刺身拖羅都非常新鮮😍,我本人比較吃這個燒餅,我算是吃過很多店舖的燒餅,在大阪也經常吃,個人感覺這間做的配料比例非常豐富,而且入口美味不會過濃😋,另外燒物也燒得啱啱好,牛舌不會太乾或硬,只是感覺餃子🥟做的不太均勻而已😜服務員非常之好值得讚👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
>>想食居酒屋我一定揀呢間 小菜豐儉由人<<>>初試清酒隱藏飲法 必點刺身 魚湯 關西燒<<🥢🥢 高質 x 氣氛 x 物超所值 = 回訪率 90% 🥢🥢真係好正!原本係諗住去飲幾杯,點知食物都咁正!⭐️呢晚我哋叫咗好多海鮮,全部大推⭐️刺身三點:鯛魚、帶子同海膽搭配魚籽海藻,三種爽口大海風味,真係一流!道湖淺蜊:飽滿清甜又大隻,配菇菇煮超正!鯛魚湯更加係必試!用多種海魚:石斑魚骨、牛秋魚、左口魚骨餚製而成,乳白色的湯底濃而不膩,飲過返尋味!⭐️除咗居酒屋嘅鐵膽串燒(牛舌、露筍豚),我哋特登叫關西燒嚟試下,成塊面咁大嘅關西燒超竟然保持到好飽滿嘅形狀,真係勁考功力!蛋、牛粒同椰菜絲分佈平均,包裹係外面嘅餅皮軟軟糯糯,口感超正!⭐️酒水方面:「善之水」純米清酒產自奈良,跟店員推介咁落咗一片青瓜,原來可以令味道更清新!海鹽荔枝梳打同日落黃昏都係水果入饌,後者仲有西柚x橙香!🏷️魚湯、淺蜊、串燒、關西燒$30-$88🏷️燒酌、梳打$42-$49 清酒$180 刺身 $280#食在觀塘 #放工食咩好 #居酒屋 #關西燒 #刺身三點 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🔸一杯關西燒$88口感香口軟熟,盡顯師傳手藝功架,有牛肉粒、椰菜絲等豐富餡料,加埋特製調味及醬汁,香氣滿溢,令人食唔停口🤗!🔸刺身三點 $280是日精選刺身係鯛魚、帶子同海膽,色澤鮮嫩,食落鮮味無窮,配埋三文魚籽/海藻一齊食,口感更加豐富🫶🔸道湖淺蜊 $88蜆肉隻隻肥美飽滿,肉質鮮甜,個湯都好濃,可以飲埋😗🔸豚肉露荀卷$48🔸燒牛舌串 $62燒牛舌帶油脂香,香濃惹味;豚肉露荀卷口感豐富,肉質嫩滑,大推串燒👏🔸鯛魚湯 $60絕對係被低估嘅魚湯! 集合左多種海魚🐟,鯛魚、石斑魚骨、牛鰍魚、左口魚骨等,火喉好夠,奶白鮮甜,滿嘴濃香🤤🔸善之水清酒 $180/300ml🔸海鹽荔枝梳打 $42🔸日落黃昏 $49飲「一杯」邊度夠~ 小酌幾杯先夠🍹最鍾意日落黃昏,帶西柚、橙果香,酸甜開胃,海鹽荔枝少少鹽味更顯荔枝鮮甜,再飲返杯清酒,善之水甘甜清爽,醇厚淡雅, 好滿足🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-02
呢間日式居酒屋位於Apm商場內,充滿濃厚的日本風!入到去staff 好熱情咁介紹各種菜式,特別推薦嘅係時令嘅魔鬼手卷。首先嚟嘅係刺身三點,包括咗日本直送的池魚、帆立貝和海膽,新鮮爽口,質量絕對有日本水準,同日本食嘅味道一樣!然後係期待已久的魔鬼手卷!北海道的馬糞海膽和吞拿魚蓉鋪滿在卷中,組合天衣無縫,帶出深海的鮮味,入口即溶,搭配日本米的香氣,超夾充滿味蕾享受。而燒牛舌串和鹽燒活鰻魚都好出色,肉質鮮嫩多汁,讓人回味無窮。現場燒製的鰻魚,油脂與肉的比例均衡,散發出鰻魚的獨特香氣,絕對值得一試。最後係主食的立魚湯稻庭烏冬吅生薑豬肉石頭鍋飯。立魚湯用大量的大地魚每日新鮮熬製而成,濃郁的鮮魚味一飲而盡,搭配上稻庭烏冬,每一口都能品嚐到鮮魚的風味。食完好滿足😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)