Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
椒鹽蝦 椒鹽魷魚
Review (21)
Level3 2016-07-18
夏日最啱就係同啲舊同學一齊過嚟行下山,體驗一下慢生活。平時嘅生活工作節奏太快啦,系時候要轉一轉生活方式。行攰咗就想搵個地方坐低休息下。即時搵間靚海景嘅海鮮大排檔坐低食埋晚飯。因為唔系飯點,就得我地一張檯。套餐系580蚊,菜式嘅份量唔系好大,不過勝在都算新鮮··炒飯實在整得太差啦,啲飯一舊舊,而且好硬。一啲都唔好食!至於海鮮,其實只要食材新鮮,點樣整都唔會難食得去邊。好似啲蝦咁,其實唔需要乜技巧,灼熟就ok啦。帶子肉都幾細下...魚嘅味道偏咸,而且因為間大排檔系室外,啲野好快凍曬。菜嘅份量細,兩個人唔夠食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-09-25
I've been to a number of seafood restaurants in HK including Lamma, Po Toi and Cheung Chau. All have been good but Lamma Hilton stands just above them in my view. Firstly the service was excellent. Friendly and warm rather than in-your-face. The manager Simon was a great host and helped us pick a suitable menu for 9 people without overselling. The food was served promptly but never rushed.  Speaking of the food, it was fantastic. We had a set menu that included deep fried squid, salt n pepper prawns, steamed scallops with garlic, lobster with cheese sauce, lemon chicken, clams in black bean and chilli sauce, steamed garoupa, vegetables and the yummiest fried rice I can remember for a long time. I used to always go to Rainbow Seafood but after today's experience Lamma Hilton is my new go to place for great food and service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-04-19
南丫島半日遊,由榕樹灣行去索罟灣,運動一下.到了索罟灣,原本想到大名鼎鼎的天虹吃海鮮,但實在是太多人了,結果到了旁邊的森記.估不到有驚喜! 4個字:超級抵食👍👍👍!!!選了$278 二人餐.有扇貝,鮮魷,炒硯,白灼蝦和炒飯.(賴尿蝦是加點的)老老實實,確實好耐無食過咁抵食嘅套餐.還要是在滿是遊客的南丫島,食材新鮮,服務不錯,值得推薦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-12-02
十幾人去南丫島食诲鮮,走入呢間森記,叫了兩個套餐,食完覺得超唔好食兼揾笨。以下為部份莱式:白灼蝦: 冇乜蝦味。椒鹽鮮魷: 鮮魷少,炸粉厚,味道尚算可以。炸魷魚: 魷魚極少,成碟都係粉。炒蜆: 蜆肉極細少,生粉獻汁太多,奇怪!蒸魚: 話係诲紅鮪,食落似養魚!炒飯: 料極少,等了好久才上枱,不太熱,味道一般,連基本妙碟飯都唔掂,点搞?服務一般,成曰唔跟上菜位上菜!質素極差,可能是南丫島(甚至全港)至差的海鮮飯店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-26
We came over to Lamma for the first time for "Lamma fun day," which wasn't very fun at all. So we hiked from Yung Shue Wan to Sok Kwu Wan, then hiked in a circle around the big mountain-hill thing in the south. I needed some fried seafood like nobody's business.This place had lots of sets for 2 people, and the manager told us we could swap out any method of cooking on the menu for any other method (like salt and pepper fried squid for steamed squid). Seemed like good prices and lots of options.Sweet and sour calamari. This was fried calamari with a sweet and sour dipping sauce. The main guy in the restaurant (manager? owner?) told us the calamari was great, and he was not lying. My wife swears this was the best squid she's ever had: perfectly cooked, not rubbery at all, succulent, with a crispy outside. A+Salt and pepper fried shrimp. Normally I prefer my shrimp with the shells off, but these shrimp shells were somehow inoffensive, and maybe even added a positive crunch. The salt and pepper seasoning was great, and they came with these really tasty, spicy chili slices... like hot bell peppers-- sweet but fiery. AClams in black bean and chili sauce. I was really digging the black bean sauce. It wasn't very spicy, but it lots of flavor. The clams themselves were tender, and not tough or chewy like you often find. AScallops with mashed garlic. These were two scallops in their shells with bean-thread noodles and tons of garlic paste. I thought the noodles and garlic were fine; the scallops were overdone for my taste. I've had way better. B-Fried rice. Light and fluffy and eggy. A nice "filler" accompaniment. B+In general, I thought this place was great. Maybe all the other places around it are even better, I don't know, but a lot of them had closed up or had no patrons when we were leaving, so that tells you something. Yeah, there are lots of Westerners here, but that's sort of the demographics of Lamma.Total for 2 with 3 (640ml) beers: $400 exactly. Well worth it if you ask me, them was some good eats. A continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)