6-min walk from Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
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Eco-Friendly Details
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TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
去左呢間都有一段時間,原因係近我公司,呢間餐廳一定要中午去到,否則會好多人迫、有D餸會俾人搶哂,D 餸比起其他食店係好似健康少少,但始終係多油,連西蘭花、耶菜花都加左糖,跟本無必要,夾左唔係好多餸,就已經成 83 蚊,跟本唔值呢個價,貴到飛起,D 湯日日都係一樣,又唔出新款。上次見到有客人食完飯,佢將D餐具連個底盤放入你地個洗碗兜度,之後有個洗碗工就即刻大力抽起個底盤,再將個底盤掟落下面個兜度,我先知原來餐具同個底盤係要分開放,但你地又無指示,但態度都唔洗咁樣,請你地改善下。本身附近都有其他素菜餐廳,但未去過,價格好似更貴。上環呢區D餐廳都係又多味精、又貴又唔健康,之後都係決定帶飯算。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-12-06
以前幫襯開哈佛提素好多年, 去到近年覺得差左就冇再去已經接近一年冇再去過今日剛好要去西港城, 行過店面望望發現有驚喜決定入去試試裝修過, 冇以前咁舊, 光猛乾淨左好多菜式比起以前款式多左, 全部餸都岩送飯枱凳好似冇變過, 但整體感覺鬆動左冬瓜湯, 味道唔錯, 多渣, 有進步!叉燒味道仍舊冇變價錢尚算公道, 夾了6-7款餸收$68菜式款式多左, 味道溫度足夠, 見到佢換左電自助餐爐應該有關, 坐低食舒服左, 冇以前咁逼希望佢地會再做得更好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-04-25
I discovered Harvester 6 years ago when I lived in Sheung Wan. Been a regular ever since. Great service and great value. Tip: for lunch make sure to get there before 1PM as seating is very limited during lunch hours.Also tea, water, rice and soup is complimentary. Expect to spend around $50 to 100HKD per head. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這間餐廳不知發生什麼事了,什麼 mission,支持素食都是廢話了,老闆都請不要再接受什麼訪問,多來關心下自己的食店吧。我同一群素食支持者多年來,幾乎晚晚都在進餐,以前的一班舊伙記及廚師近半年都換人了,食物質素愈來愈差,但價錢愈來愈貴。我見過有不少食客向職員反映過,但情況依然每況愈下,特別是湯,完全是滾水一樣,試問有湯料的湯怎可能會這樣,除非全心希望你飲滾水。廚師還大聲說自己沒有試味,向來不飲湯,那是作為廚師應有的態度嗎?  如此不堪的情況已維持了一段時間,實在忍不住在這裡公告天下。糖水更加不用說,有些時間只有 (水) 味,有些時候只有 ( 糖) 味,如此不用心的製作不如算了吧。不要去宣揚自己什麼推介素食,不要說在那裡開分店了,反正到那裡都愧對一班支持者,相信好快會離棄你,反正附近還有其他素食選擇。老闆如果看見這段字,不妨突擊檢查一下,這不是亂說的。還有,請好好訓練員工,客人未表示完全食飽,請不要來收走碗筷,離關店還有2小時,那麼趕時間要洗碗嗎? 已經發生幾次了,更不想浪費食水及清潔劑。而且你們不是貼了通告出來,客人食飽自行取碗筷到 return tray 嗎? 相信這評語是不少食客的抱怨及心聲,期望有所改善,不要因為有了名氣就懶理,認真經營,畢竟管理是最大的責任。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-11-16
Categorically speaking, there were only two ways this story pans out, either blog entries continue, or they stop. I have been looking forward to some Chinese Vegan comfort food.Harvester, a weigh-and-pay restaurant tucked behind the Sheung Wan Western Market. The food selection is on rotation but there's always a soup of the day, wild red rice and congee to accompany the selection of vegetarian goodies. I order the broad beans, sauteed water spinach, braised root vegetables and tofu skin warppers,There's no appetite. How is it possible that I feel full but also so empty? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)