Exit A1/ D, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Generous portions drive customers to queue up. In addition, the sandwiches and Ovaltine Milkshake make this cafe the perfect place for comfort food, despite the wait. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing (2016), Best Restaurant in Tsuen Wan (2011-15)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1146)
Level4 2024-08-14
天氣太熱,走到不想走,只想找個有冷氣的地方坐一坐。而嘉樂冰廳就救了一命,哈哈。在大熱天時的氣溫下,瞬即走入去坐一坐,叫點小食,來個下午茶,休閑時間就是如此渡過。炸鴛鴦雲吞10粒 $40有5粒是酥炸鮮蝦雲吞,另外5粒是酥炸菜肉雲吞。兩款都炸到酥香脆口,外皮一咬即破,咔嚓咔嚓的酥脆咀嚼聲音隨即聽到。餡料豐富,材料足。略沾甜酸辣醬,更開胃。豉油皇雞翼四隻$29 滷色光澤飽滿,雞翼嫩肉入味,鹹甜交錯,兒時風味感即湧現。脆爆華田西多士(半份) $24賣相吸引。西多士就食得多,但西多士加爆脆阿華田脆脆,就第一次食,感覺新穎。原來都好夾,阿華田𢫕必食。西多士炸到金黄色,蛋香加牛油煉奶的組合,本來已經好食,但原來再沾爆脆阿華田脆脆,有另一種特色,口感層次更豐富。阿華田脆脆$28 阿華田控必飲!濃郁好飲!上面更佈滿阿華田脆脆,一邊飲一邊有爆脆脆口感。鮮蛋奶昔$30 像雪糕似的飲料!頗大杯,清涼解渴,夏天必飲!奶香中帶有微微蛋香味,凍冰冰的奶昔,實似雪糕刨冰,哈哈。蓮子冰$26 蓮子多,已經去芯,軟甜香棉,甜度適中,多吃蓮子,健康有益。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-05
今日二訪嘉樂冰廳,喺荃灣嘅老字號茶餐廳,門口擺放咗好多歷史悠久嘅阿華田罐,杏仁粉罐,濃濃嘅懷舊味湧出嚟✨唂咕問咗餐廳老闆原來係未經加工嘅朱古力粉造成,呢啲已經係上一個世紀嘅產物🤔真係冇乜邊幾間餐廳有得飲👍👍👍飲落好香可可味,完全係唔甜嘅,都幾香濃🤗熱奶茶嚟茶記點可以唔叫返杯,要試下呢個歷史悠久嘅奶茶,茶味十級濃郁,淡奶比例偏少,適合中奶茶毒深嘅人士😆淨牛腩牛腩大大碟,腩汁香濃入味👍個人覺得牛腩筋比較出色🤗用嚟撈麵一流👍豬扒麵炸過嘅豬扒外表鬆脆, 豬扒極之厚身, 咬落去增添口感,脆中帶軟✨配公仔麵, 水準平均👏肉絲燴伊麵原來燴伊麵係湯面嚟嘅,又長知識了😉厚蛋鹹牛肉三文治厚蛋有成寸幾厚,整到咁厚嘅蛋都有啲功架👍這一點現代茶餐廳真係做唔到,加埋鹹牛肉令並美味升級🥰菜肉湯餃呢個值得推介,皮非常之薄,咬落唔會成口粉,韭菜味香濃,食得出嘅新鮮👏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-04
The Ovaltine French Toast at Kee Wah Cafe is an absolute delight. The exterior is perfectly crisp and golden, giving way to a soft, pillowy interior. But the real star of the show is the thick, creamy Ovaltine spread that coats each slice. The rich, chocolatey flavor is simply divine, melting in your mouth with each bite. It's the perfect balance of sweet and indulgent. This is hands down one of the best renditions of this classic Hong Kong-style cafe item that I've tried. Do yourself a favor and order this the next time you visit Kee Wah Cafe - it's a true taste of Hong Kong nostalgia in every bite. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
嘉樂冰廳係荃灣嘅老牌冰室鄰近楊屋道街市一到假期門外就會排長龍今次就試咗巨型火腿奄列🐷🍳份量十足超厚滑蛋鹹牛肉三文治🥚🐮🥪個蛋真係超厚熱奶茶茶味OK杏仁霜唔係好啱我口味🥲食物係份量大,夠gimmick, 但未至於好好味。老牌冰室當然環境一般,保留我中學年代去食記嘅回憶😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平時去街市買餸已經見到你間冰室排哂隊😬今日見美食晏晝就入去試下🫢冰室裝修出冇懷舊嘅氣息🙌食物方面選擇好多種類😍好鍾意佢可以嗌半份或者一份😊就算人少少都可以食到幾款招牌食超厚蛋餐肉治入面既炒蛋厚度至少3層😜入口啖啖蛋香😊餐肉煎至香脆可口😬將麵包烘底脆脆地好好食😎大滿足火腿奄列係蛋皮中放滿火腿絲🥰包蛋仲保持到非常嫩滑😋酥炸鮮蝦雲吞係師傅每日新鮮包製而成🥰即點即炸點埋酸甜辣醬🥰熱辣辣幾好食😋薑蔥雲吞撈麵用左好多薑蔥拌碟😇雲吞皮薄錎多😋幼麵煮到剛好食落爽滑帶少少鹼水味😊我鍾意加入上湯一齊食😋豉油皇雞翼(4隻)熱度啱啱好唔會過鹹🙌滷水豆腐表面滷至好入味😬裡面豆香味濃🥰甜品嗌左脆爆華田西多士😊兩個人叫半分啱啱好🫢麵包入面搽咗花生醬🥜再將麵包沾上蛋汁炸起😍面頭加左粒粒脆脆華田😋口感豐富十足‼️懷舊雪糕紅豆冰🫘夏天飲真係爽😍紅豆煲至軟淋又不失口感🤪加埋雲呢拿雪糕真係Perfect match🤤脆脆阿華田係凍華田上面加咗一粒粒嘅阿華田脆脆😋飲落唔會勁甜🙌口感層次豐富感覺唔錯😬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)