7-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Beef & Liberty is a burger chain in Hong Kong by chef Uwe Opocensky. Their beef burgers are made from hormone and antibiotic free cows. Other than the classic cheeseburger, Beef & Liberty also offers a falafel burger that is vegeratian. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Cash UnionPay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (150)
Happy Sunday 🌞今天專程過海去食灣仔的前四季總廚面包,可惜大排長龍,只可以買外賣。一路行一路硏究有咩可以食,有朋友介紹有一間美式西餐廳都幾好,于是決定去幫襯。電梯里痴左張米芝連推介的logo,🤔勁哦⋯⋯上網搜查,先知道,原來呢間都系大有來頭,前文華東方的總廚都加入左佢中環分店做行政總廚。餐廳內裝修很有美式風格,融入左粗獷野性的元素,因此獨具個性,崇尚自然隨和的特點。玻璃上寫住「A great hamburger takes time to make. We think this one will be worth the wait」哈哈....手撕豬肉漢堡:選用慢煮蘇格蘭millers of speyside豬肉,脆豬皮,青萍果菜絲沙律,青蔥。請注意了⚠️!有脆豬皮出沒,要小心!食食下會突然咬到一粒好硬既豬皮結太大力咬下去,牙好痛架啦!手撕豬都幾好味,不會太鞋,ok既。另一份系煙肉芝士漢堡,選用牛肉餅,Dingley Dell英國煙肉,raclette芝士,焦糖洋蔥。Order時侍應會問要幾成熟牛肉,我地揀左Medium(因為我唔食牛,所以牛肉漢堡系屬於男友的)牛肉餅外圍呈褐色,內裡的肉以粉紅色為主,中心部份仍見一絲絲血紅色。 男友話牛肉漢堡好好味,肉質juice,夠香口,尤其系raclette芝士,好正。值得一提既糸,驚喜大發現,蕃薯條🍟好好味,佢保留左蕃薯的糖心,又有薯條的香脆,感覺好特別,比我最愛的厚切薯條仲美味!絕對要食!不過飲品方面就遜色左,我地點左Apple & mint lemonade,成餐飯食完都未來,玻璃上寫住糸A great hamburger 🍔 takes time to make姐,晤通野飲都咁大功夫?!不過我地兩份漢堡,并冇等好耐哦!系呢杯野唔知想點咁!左催又催,終於都來,食完漢堡好耐了,晤知佢呢杯野仲有咩意義!全部都系冰,冇兩啖,樣好平凡,味更普通 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-03-25
Signature burger toooo salty, and over cooked, maybe tooo many guest making the staff hard to cope with. Every staff kept walking and walking around with no efficiency to serve you a meal unless you require to have a bill.Pls order 3 hour free flow, if you mean it...coz it take 30minutes to serve you a glass of sparkling wine, yes, it take 30minutes for the walking staff to make the opened wine into your glass. What I can comment is terrible and inefficient service procedure, making a nice place no better than have a quick meal in McDonald. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-03-02
像置身外國食漢堡所有侍應都是外籍人士,不收加一但可以付小費所以服務比收加一的餐廳更好, 更熱情一坐下就會介紹食物, 而且食的途中也會不斷問feedback 飲品:用雪糕打的奶昔,口感極厚重好香濃,罪疚感也極重!最特別的是有威士忌奶昔,絕不兒戲,酒味突出,能中和一下甜味食物:一款是Cheese burger,另一款忘了並不是那種極邪惡拉絲式的芝士,只是一片很和諧地融入漢堡中主料有肉碎和扒,很鬆軟,medium rare剛剛好甜品:最最邪惡的甜品!大大塊暖的朱古力曲奇,朱古力還有流心侍應會再在上面澆上忌廉!這熱量啊…… 這吸引程度啊…… 實在太過份了!!還好我身型瘦削,但從不吃這種程度的甜品也實在大開眼界,只能說好甜和好吃!小記:其實每次侍應來問"How's it" 都只能匆匆答 "Good"奶昔加曲奇是有點heavy,兩人份可以減量餐廳附近的舊樓都翻新得很精緻食完還可以散步到誠品逛逛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-01-27
雖然唔係成日食漢堡包,但都略有聽聞過Beef and Liberty。餐廳離地鐵5-10分鐘左右,要搭𨋢上二樓,當初唔知佢喺樓上,經過咗都唔知😹星期六中午時間唔算多人,都有啲吉位。嗌咗兩杯lemonade, 飲管好靚哈哈,比較清新唔會太甜,都好飲但唔太特別~.同細佬嗌咗一模一樣嘅野😹煙肉芝士漢堡($132),加薯條($30)。閒日有午市套餐就平啲~再配野飲。漢堡包細細個,唔嗌薯條應該食唔飽tt一咬個漢堡好厚,牛肉味濃,可惜唔夠多汁!薯條好脆,個醬好好味,推介~.男朋友嗌咗monthly special, 係個加咗果醬嘅漢堡包,但我覺得普通款好味啲~總結黎講,漢堡包質素唔錯,但價錢略高,而且份量較少。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-01-19
偶然也會午餐來到星街,這次就一試burger。可選擇的漢堡不多,但每一個都很吸引。這次決定試雞肉漢堡再配蕃薯條第一口已經愛上這個味道,酸酸甜甜,以往沒有試過這個味道,十分開胃,都很喜歡。而且份量適中,不會太大太浪費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)