6-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
飯後甜品, 魚子醬配DARK CHOCOLATE...本身花多眼亂決定唔到食邊款, 見到店外貼左D報道講呢杯野, 就試下第一啖放太多魚子醬, 咸到我死第二啖食番多D雪糕, OK, 有D咸香, 黑朱既少甜. 幾過癮, 夾少少魚鯹第三啖, 覺得其實都唔係咁夾, 而且雪糕好''漏'', 我食左一半就放棄左了呢D配搭真係為左試而試的, 但不會再食第2次... 魚子醬雪糕只比我揀配吹波膠味或者黑朱, 咁..如果揀吹波膠雪糕後果會更慘下次都係食D正常味好了.
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I picked 2 flavours which were pretty milky. One more so than the other but I see it as a good thing because it meant that there wasn't any crazy food stabiliser. There were less choices than shown on the list which was a bummer as I really wanted to test out the pistachio flavour.
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最近喺堅尼地城搵到工,緊係要發掘下究竟有咩好食啦!喺電車總站附近有間細細嘅雪糕店,決定試下!Hazelnut icecream💰HKD34Um....HKD34, 好細杯,好細杯,真係好細杯😕Hazelnut嘅味道係有嘅,未算超濃嘅味、或有啲咩咁特別。就係一球好普通嘅榛子味雪糕囧雪糕又唔算滑,勉強都咬到少少nuts嘅。我嘅感覺係三十幾蚊買一盒Dreyer's扺好多,而且質素差唔多囧其實店仔細細幾別緻,而且係有好多種味嘅雪糕,只不過可能我地揀嘅味太普通啦,或者可以試下其他特別啲嘅味!始終都係覺得三十幾蚊一球仔雪糕好貴囉sosad
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店面小巧玲瓏的雪糕小店給人一種温馨的感覺。試了salty caramel and Italian dark chocolate 軟雪糕。兩種味道混合產生一種意想不到的化學作用,少少咸,但又有順滑的甜味,再加上鬆化香脆的朱古力條,有種難以形容的矛盾感覺。
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Caviar Explosion (HK$47) with lumpfish caviar served on original milk soft serve from Japan. Just one word: #weird. Caviar and ice cream do not mix - PERIOD. It's supposed to induce some sort of sweet and savory contrast but the caviar is too fishy and salty plus there's no real practical way to eat it other than take a bite of caviar and then a bite of the ice cream alternatively to quickly balance it out. The milk soft serve was not bad but not milky enough to stand out either.
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