Restaurant: Sushi Man

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

13-min walk from Exit E, Long Ping MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
An Omakase restaurant with almost 90% of the ingredients imported from Japan, including otoro cheeks and fins. The “Sea Urchin Cup with Peony Shrimp “is the signature dish. A plate of sea urchins is stacked like ice cream balls, and then the peony shrimp is placed on the top. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Japanese Restaurant (2016)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (598)
Level4 2024-10-28
皓耐冇去鮨文,打去一聽已知我係陳生皓有人情味,1:30pm有4個客,坐得舒服😌,揀咗海膽杯omakase,首先上黑松露蒸蛋,一般、刺身:長崎鬚剃鯛+馬糞海膽,第一☝️次食鬚剃鯛感覺新穎,海膽新鮮、炭火鰤魚,肥美有炭火味、天婦羅帶子,皓熱不過有d韌、壽司🍣:三陸北寄貝,爽口、中吞拿魚腩,肥美、甘目鯛,爽、象拔蚌,爽,我鐘意貝類、島根縣池魚、燒吞拿魚腩,肥美、牡丹蝦、海膽杯,鮮甜,有三文魚子,醃得皓皓,卜卜脆、燒左口魚手卷,皓肥美滿足,魚湯皓熱但多薑味,甜品🍮靜岡蜜瓜🍈+puff,大滿足😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
千萬不要到這間日本餐, 選擇了$892午餐(未加一), 成間餐廳的廚師和服務員 也是黑口黑面! 有一位皮膚較黑,鮑魚刷髮型,個子矮小的所謂廚師, 態度極為惡劣, 擅自删減我們的食材. 我哋質問為何 冇咗幾道菜, 佢竟然答以為我哋食唔落, 所以冇整畀我哋. 嘩... 咁都得!!??旁邊幾位女士吃628的餐, 竟然仲多食材過我哋900蚊一個餐. (不同廚師)廚師對熟客和生客態度和所給的食材也不同. 佢答 “廚師發板, 便是這樣的”! 鮑魚刷頭的廚師擺明趕住收工,偷工減料, serve完海膽九秒九已經唔見咗人,返咗入廚房趕打咭收工!態度差不用再講, 魚和海鮮也是普通貨, 仲要有骨添.. 未食過omakase有骨😮‍💨總結: 貼錢買難受今天晚餐也不用再吃, 因為午餐受氣都受飽.(我十年也未寫過食評, 寫出來是希望大家避開免跟我一樣踩雷.) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-08
鮨文 Omakase (元朗)呢間位於元朗嘅Omakase 假日lunch都幾難book,所以今次嚟食Dinner⭐️ 北海道吉岡產海膽:鮨文嘅海膽絕對會令人興奮,呢度每日由日本拍賣行產地直送,絕對新鮮。呢款海膽係日本料理中嘅珍品,濃郁嘅奶油質地同鮮味,食落令人回味無窮。⭐️ 海膽真鯛刺身:真鯛魚嘅肉質鮮嫩,口感細緻,同埋佢同海膽嘅結合,帶嚟一種絕妙嘅味覺享受。⭐️ 金箔富山灣白蝦刺身杯:富山灣嘅白蝦係全世界其中一種最甜美嘅蝦。白蝦鮮甜多汁,同埋金箔嘅奢華感相得益彰,令你既能品嚐到美味嘅海鮮,又可以打卡。⭐️ 黑魚子拖羅刺身:黑魚子,口感豐富,帶有微妙嘅鹹味,將肥肥嘅拖羅嘅油香口感再昇華。⭐️ 大赤貝:呢度嘅大赤貝刺身質地爽口而且非常鮮嫩鮮甜,每一口都充滿著海洋嘅滋味。師傅拍一拍,就會見到佢哋嘅赤貝有幾新鮮、幾好動! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-25
喂喂,今次真係食到一餐正宗日本風味啦!🍣👅💥 點了一份發板,一系列的海鮮實在係又鮮又彈牙,攞來賞味一流。特別嗰吞拿魚面珠燈,入口即化,配上師傅的手藝,真係好過癮。那個日本活帶子啊,食落去爽口得滑,既嫩又鮮,攞來嘆都嘆唔夠!至於個海膽魚生,香濃得嚟絕唔膩口,個人覺得係全盤之寶。燒右口魚手卷嘅油香,啱晒愛食濃厚味道嘅友!根本停唔到口啦!食完呢一輪,我只能講,鰂魚涌嘅呢間餅店,真係有佢嘅小宇宙。喺呢度,你唔駛拎嚟和其他高大上嘅地方比,佢嘅水準自成一格。而家坐喺度回想,嗰股清新帶勁嘅海味仲喺喉嚨繞樑,呢次飲食體驗,真係正到飛起!下次我一定再約埋班友一齊嚟大滿足!🍽️✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
元朗必食「我媽家姐」|鮨文一直聽到朋友推介呢間位於元朗嘅「我媽家姐」,襯放假約左朋友一齊入黎食啦!😜前菜:茶碗蒸刺身:白子、二座目、帶子天婦羅併赤海膽手卷、燒吞拿魚面珠墩壽司:金目鯛、中拖羅、北寄貝、秋刀魚、鱈魚、牡丹蝦、腦天、海膽魚子杯、魚邊特製鮮魚湯、甜品呢個set相當豐富,一定夠飽,每款新鮮美味😚今次我就最欣賞燒吞拿魚面珠墩,要過百公斤以上先有面珠墩肉,肉質嫩爽,配上特製醬油,甘甜美味🤤鱈魚壽司,油脂豐富肥美,微微炭燒,令油脂魚味更豐富😌北寄貝壽司,相當大隻,爽軟帶清甜😊海膽魚子杯,賣相別緻,打卡之選,當中有海膽、魚子、蝦製成,全部都鮮鮮鮮!😋魚邊,師傅經過一番燒製,迫出香濃油脂,再製成手卷,好味到不得了!😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)