All Branches (1)
+853 28823318
It is a Portuguese restaurant with reasonable price. Suckling pig stuffed with rice is a must try item. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
*星期五、六、日 不接受訂位
Payment Methods
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Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (189)
復活清明,全家又坐艇去馬交。酒店check in後,坐輕軌來到官也街,大家開始安排晚餐了!   茂利想食牛肉,小米想食葡菜。看到店門牛柳套餐有特價,再細看餐牌,價格合理,直接拎飛等位了。在角落的小圓枱就座,就要快快下單。葡國鹹豬手沙律  大大碟的蔬菜,鹹酸的透明沙律dressing幫助消化。 細細塊豬手不太鹹。脆炸馬介休球 剛炸起熱辣辣,外脆內軟,絲絲魚肉混在薯蓉裡,鹹度適中。懷舊鑊仔牛柳套餐   Pan fired Beef Tenderloin 有湯有肉有薯菜有甜品,可以解決選擇困難症。 Tenderloin牛仔柳中芯位仍是粉紅色,肉質嫩滑有牛味,單食已經很美味,沾上伴碟的黑椒汁更正。波爾圖污糟雞 Baked Chicken "Porto Style"看到店內黑板的廚師推介,還有手指公,所以試試。這個菜是最後上枱,熱辣辣剛焗起。除了半隻雞,瓜蕃茄葱頭原粒蒜菇,還有鷹咀豆紅腰豆八角桂皮黑水欖辣椒。清爽湯底鹹酸香辣,透著淡淡的孜然香。原隻燉煮的半邊雞肉嫩滑,鷹咀豆和紅腰豆軟綿綿容易咬,伴著鹹香湯底一起享用更美味。   充斥香料的雞湯底十分惹味,真的想把湯底喝光。來到最後,細看鍋底,真的很眼熟,真係好似Tajine鍋。十分懷疑這是摩洛哥塔吉燉雞,在此店就變做Porto Style。 甜品 : 木糠布甸   忌廉厚實密度高,入口粘稠痴脷痴上咢。並非入口即化的噴噴咀忌廉。 離去之時,店門仍有多人等候。果真很受歡迎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇲🇴🥢🥣澳門人氣葡國菜☑️葡國海鮮燴飯 - $138個飯用鐵鍋上,都幾大份,絕對夠兩個人食,好足料,有好多海鮮包括蜆、八爪魚、蝦仁、火腿,一隻大蝦,一隻青口,仲有大量蔬菜,包括蕃茄、青椒、洋蔥、芫荽。調味都唔錯,酸甜開胃,令人食到停吾到口。☑️葡式炭燒豬頸肉 -$83豬頸肉冇切成薄片,反而係成塊上,而且仲有兩塊,每塊都好厚身,燒得好靚,有孜然粉嘅味,個汁酸酸地幾好味,仲配左薯角同沙律菜☑️西西里忌廉煮蜆 -$138蜆嘅份量吾少,都冇沙,而且索汁。個汁幾creamy, 有大量嘅芫荽同埋洋蔥,調味吾錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-10
幾特別,十分之香。馬介休球綿滑好食,海鮮焗飯十分香濃,海鮮十分新鮮,蝦肉彈牙。加哩雞包一大分,cp值高。辣汁牛尾浸滿辣汁,牛肉味濃,一口辣汁、牛尾,一口飯絕配。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有個小假期去澳門玩,去完水上樂園,夜晚散步出官也街搵嘢食。呢間葡國菜好多人推薦,今晚黎到,門口都有條小人龍。店員出黎話如果之前拎咗籌嘅人唔返黎,就俾我入去。結果五分鐘後我地就入到去食嘢了👏🏻🔸脆炸馬介休球(💰55)(9/10)正宗馬介休球,食到一絲絲魚肉,仲有魚肉鹹香,脆熱到位😋🔸檸檬白酒炒蜆(💰118)(9/10)佢嘅檸檬白酒汁實在係出色,酸得好正,令人好開胃,不停咁食!雖然佢唔係用大粒嘅蜆,但份量十足,食極唔完。如果蜆大粒飽滿的話,我就會俾10分😅🔸麵包焗葡國雞(💰108)(7.5/10)我覺得個麵包焗得太脆啦,完全無軟嘅麵包😞店員無等我影相,一上枱就剪開我個包,真係無眼睇😖佢嘅葡國雞幾入味,雞肉亦唔鞋口。🔸特色焗鴨飯(💰83)(7.5/10)呢個焗鴨飯非常之香,盛入碗中,有一絲絲鴨肉喺飯入面,食到我津津有味。點知老公話佢嗰啲無鴨肉,我再食多一碗都無鴨肉😑咁佢的鴨肉都分佈得好唔均勻😵‍💫🔸Sangria (💰38)(7/10)好易入口嘅生果酒👍🏻食物味道真係唔錯,性價比高。到澳門真係要試試👍🏻Overall評分: 8.5/10👏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-26
The girlfriend fancies a dinner of Portuguese cuisine as she is feeling Cha Chaan Tang fatigue. I don’t blame her since we have eaten loads of street hawkers food, dai pai dong & wonton stalls. She picked this restaurant based on the ratings and we were not disappointed. There was a wait when we got there & that is a good sign. The cab driver said this area is colloquially called restaurant row. Decent prices. Fast no nonsense service. Accepts most foreign credit cards. Not many options for booze other than the House Red/White wine & a couple bottled beer. Kudos to the many reviewers who have enjoyed their meals here. We have enjoyed ours as well continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)