7-min walk from Exit A2, Po Lam MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 23:00
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level4 2019-01-07
天氣咁凍個人特別懶,雖然新都城好多嘢食,但由屋企行出去都要15分鐘,所以近近地行落慧安園食個飯填飽肚就算🤣🤣 慧安園食野都離不開茶記,呢間茶記驟眼睇人流最旺,位最多,空間又比較大,下午兩點左右都要同人搭枱鹹牛肉炒蛋冶 (烘底加$1)$18炒蛋唔算厚,亦都唔滑,鹹牛肉嘅分量好少同埋食落都冇咩味。多士烘完之後都係‘白曬曬’ 唔夠香又唔夠脆鹹蛋蒸肉餅飯 $46蒸肉餅不錯,肉質肥瘦適中,蒸得夠淋易咬,又帶少許彈牙,份量都算多,但就唔夠熱,飯都同樣只係暖暖地,同埋質感偏乾偏硬 係呢個小小既商場,食物味道早已預料到,只可以講,係平淡既一個牛餐🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-11-25
這間餐廳提供大眾化食物,價錢實惠,尤其是$20元的粉麵,種類選擇也很多。好像有雲吞、炸醬、魚蛋、魚片、貢丸、牛肉等等,而且全日供應, 如果到了月尾洗淨無幾,這真是窮人恩物了。我叫的這碗雲吞米線,份量絕不欺場, 食一碗足夠飽肚,雲吞有四粒, 餡料豐富有咬口,材料不馬虎,味道也不錯,完全沒有偷工減料之嫌, 加兩滴的辣油更加惹味十足。我只叫了這碗雲吞米線,並沒有叫飲品及生菜,侍應也沒有對我白眼, 今我食得舒服安心,證明平嘢也有好嘢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-08-08
The food quality is no longer good. We ordered the lunch set of pork rice and fish egg noodle. The rice is hard and the pork is not fresh. The noodle is marginally acceptable but noodle soap is very salty. The place is somehow not clean. The location itself, which actually is a open area inside small residential shopping center, is not so tidy. Customer service is not good, no smile at all. ☹️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-08
Was just surprised that this place has been visited by expats from the reviews.Not many expats around but recently there are more in this stretch of town.Its all chinese food here so had instant noodles with satay beef, the noodles were silky but the beef was quite salty and chewy.Egg was ok with a rich runny yolk. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-11-28
Went here for the lamb pot set which includes rice, soup and a tea for $102.It was kind of expensive but then the portion was big.The soup was the usual msg soup and the tea I don't drink anyway.The lamb was chunky and soft and the side of fermented tofu sauce enhanced it nicely.There were shitaake mushrooms in the pot as well and they were braised well so they were soft and tasty. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)