10-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level3 2015-01-11
lunch食左galette (鹹crepe), 因為太飽最後放棄冇食多個crepe or waffle做甜品,放工大約6點, 經過mix見到佢地仲未換走tea set餐牌,見到有waffle, 於是就決定係呢度食個waffle當了左個心願~ 因為一個waffle熱量都幾高, 所以我索性食甜品做晚餐...waffle tea set $49包杯飲品有得揀chocolate, strawberry or mango我揀左strawberry, 感覺健康d飲品要左熱豆奶,我一向中意飲mix嘅豆奶, 因為完全唔甜, 但又夠濃~等左約十分鐘個waffle終於到, 好大份!有4片waffles, strawberries仲有一球strawberry雪糕! 比餐牌張相仲多左好多糖漿~waffle剛剛烘好, 香脆熱辣, 加埋冰凍嘅雪糕, 一冷一熱, 一脆一軟 真係好好食~不過對一個女仔嚟講, 份量真係比較多, 加埋咁多糖漿, 愈食愈覺得甜同漏下次都係同人share好d, 自己一個都係唔好再咁樣食晚餐.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-04
Salmon Caesar Wrap$52 + Iced Coffee$4 ComboA whole-wheat wrap filled with flavorful flakes of grilled salmon pieces and salad mixture which include bell peppers, red onions and fresh lettuce are matched perfectly to a lunch-sized portion.  Richness of the fish, sweetness of the veggies and sourness of the dressings combined to a wonderful balance of flavour.  Despite its mini size, the coffee was acceptable being an additional $4 item in a combo meal.A satisfactorily and healthy meal to go for~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-02-14
平時早餐個人覺得大快活的炒滑蛋套餐不錯吃,而且物有所值. 眼見Mix 的早餐貴出面成倍.倒一試再作比較.叫左個所謂有機蛋奄列餐.可以唔洗補錢飲豆奶或熱咖啡.但係轉果汁就要補成12蚊.最後要了豆奶.食落隻蛋認真唔得,煮得太熟而且味道太淡.得一塊麥包切開兩份同幾粒蕃茄.有點搵笨. 屋企都可以煮得好食過距而經濟好多.雖然我好食半生熟蛋多過熟蛋,但距真係煮得耐過頭,好似煎餅感.雖然Waitress態度誠懇,但真係感覺跌錢.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-29
Came here for a drink after being roasted at Texas BBQ chicken because there was no air con.The air con here was quite cold.This time ordered the Green tea with fruit.The drink was much nicer than the green tea with lychee.It was not so bitter.After poking the fruits, it gave the green tea a hint of sweetness.There were chunks of pineapple, lemon and watermelon in the tea. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-08-09
今天是公司的其中一個同事快要離職前的一個午餐,於是就一行人找了附近還沒吃過的一家餐廳吃。在餐廳外面有一位女職員會熱心的介紹今天的套餐有什麼有吃的,而且這裡還會附上真實的食物樣品讓各位看。最後,我選擇了蜜桃鴨胸焗長通粉。一個套餐裡可以選擇湯或是飲料,我選擇了湯,可是這時候下單的職員卻告訴我,湯賣完了也太快了吧!!!那時候才大概下午一點半~~~我才剛剛放午飯半個小時啦~~~因為下了單,拿了一個餐牌子放在桌子上,等一下waiter就會端食物過來。等了大概10分鐘吧我是一個非常非常喜歡長通粉的人,所以我對這個餐是期望很大的。可惜這一碗的長通粉也太少了吧就像是被人偷偷吃了一半一樣不過呢~鴨胸燻得很棒,吃起來的肉質還是嫰的!!cheese的部分被烤得相當好,溶化在長通粉裡面 還頗好吃的。雖然長通粉少了點,不過當cheese x pasta的時候,有一些長通粉好香脆增加了一點口感XD continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)