Restaurant: | Pang's Kitchen |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Pang's Kitchen is renowned for different styles of stir-fry dishes, especially the ginger and lettuce fish belly pot, famous for its strong taste and ingredients.
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Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-25)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
*Last order: 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Easy Access | Restroom Cleanliness | Wheelchair | Easy Parking 🙂 😠 Pet Friendly | Corkage Fee | Cake Cutting FeeThis restaurant is located in Happy Valley and is well known for many years. They serve Cantonese style cuisine. The price is relatively high compare to normal chinese restaurants cos they have won Michelin 1 for many years since 2015. Their stir-fry dishes are famous. You normally have to book in advance in order to get a table. Surprisingly, they have a relatively good deal lunch menu for those walk-in guests. It‘s only HK$105 per person with soup, rice, one dish selection and a dessert. If you have 2-3 person, you can order 2-3 different kinds of dishes to share! But if you have table reservation, you cannot order this set lunch menu. I like the soup, it’s papaya soup. It‘s very hot and tasty. The chicken is also good, not too salty, the flavor is just right and it’s hot too. Oh, don‘t forget the dessert. I like it so much… it’s the sweet potato with ginger. It‘s very hot… and not too sweet.. I also like it too! They have restroom inside the restaurant. It’s small but clean. Overall, the venue is small, not too many table and no big tables but the food quality is excellent. You can access there by tram, bus, minibus or drive. It‘s not close to subway but if you drive, there is parking lot nearby but need to walk a distance. Same as meter parking. They do charge for corkage and cake cutting. Please bear in mind. Since they are located at street level, wheelchair is ok and car or taxi can get off at the entrance.
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今次專程去跑馬地嘅 📍彭慶記 試吓佢哋嘅招牌餸呢間連續多年拎到米芝蓮一星✨嘅老字號,主打住家風順德菜,味道同分量都好令人驚喜,難怪連富豪名人都係佢哋嘅常客啦~😏【大良炒鮮奶🥛】順德名菜真係好考功夫!牛奶炒得滑溜又帶微微焦香,入口綿密帶微微蛋香,面頭灑上松子同火腿粒,鹹香同奶香交織,口感層次豐富到爆燈!❤️【臘味生炒糯米飯🍚】份量大到嚇親人 !糯米粒粒分明,乾爽又油潤,臘腸、潤腸、瑤柱同金鉤蝦米嘅鹹香完美滲透,仲有啖啖鑊氣,食到最後一啖都唔油膩,抵讚!👍【士多啤梨咕咾肉🍍】咕嚕肉外層炸到酥脆,肉質軟嫩唔乾柴,酸甜醬汁掛得均勻裡面仲夾雜左新鮮士多啤梨🍓酸酸甜甜好開胃😋【薑蒜魚鰾煲🐟】魚鳔(其實就係魚下巴肉)肉厚鮮嫩,完全無腥味魚皮炸到金黃酥脆,蘸埋濃郁嘅薑蒜醬汁,鹹香惹味到想嗌多碗白飯!🔥【蒜香雞🍗】雞皮炸到脆卜卜,肉質依然保持嫩滑多汁,蒜片炸到金黃脆口,連骨頭都入曬味🤤
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新年約左班朋友食飯,見最近有IG reels推介呢間跑馬地中菜小店,估唔到真係幾唔錯~😋5個人叫左5個餸同一個飯🫶🏼每一款菜式都幾高清質,對得住米芝連一星!而且份量好足,食完個個都好有飽足感😆大良炒鮮奶第一次食炒鮮奶,鮮奶同蛋白混合,非常滑溜❤️而且奶同雞蛋比例剛好,配上瑤柱同帶子⭐️不同食材相輔相成,成道菜好鮮。順德砵仔焗魚腸魚腸同蛋焗得好乾爽,外皮脆脆地,口感層次唔錯🔥。而且魚腸處理得好好,完全不腥。配上胡椒粉,令焗魚腸味道更有層次。六寶六寶包括海蜇、藕餅、芋卷、魚餅、蝦餅同豆腐,每款調味恰到好處,而且煎炸物都好出色,唔會太過油膩。個人最鍾意芋卷😍😍外面脆卜卜,入面又香又軟,每一啖都充滿住芋頭嘅香氣💯福建炒飯福建炒飯呢啲常見嘅菜式就最考功夫🫣呢個飯底炒得乾爽,唔會過於油膩👍而且好足料,芡汁唔會過多令個飯一擗擗。下次再encore!
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傳統嘅米芝蓮一星,第一次食佢個lunch set, 有一碗例湯、一碗糖水綠豆沙做甜品,同埋一碗白飯,百零蚊呢個價錢都好合理.🐥沙薑鹽焗雞上枱嘅時候出晒煙,熱辣辣,連碗碟都係熱嘅,碗碟都係熱嘅能夠保持到溫度,大讚🫶🏻雞件入味,嫩滑,唔會過老,本身可能用冰鮮雞,略帶有雪藏味,所以雞味比較遜色,有點兒失望🫣.🥬菜心炒肉片菜心鮮甜,保持鮮嫩綠色,食落去爽脆,豬肉片唔嚡,承諾都有豬味,呢個菜式反而有驚喜.老闆服務態度好,走嘅時候都好客地講聲多謝~菜式都好豐富,好多選擇,有機會想試一下佢嘅晚餐小菜
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