5-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The prestigious two-starred Michelin chef Philippe Leveille is opening a new Italian eatery in Central's L.place. Simply named "l'altro" which means "the other", the new restaurant aims to create a unique identity and ambience different to other restaurants and bring an extraordinary dining experience. It is also looking to take Hong Kong’s food industry to a new high by serving up heavenly authentic Italian fare infused with the best French culinary techniques. "Greedy, buttered, generous and 'never brainy'" is how Chef Leveille describes his kitchen. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Gelato Miramonti One side grilled pigeon, squid and chorizo brunoise, light sauce of foie gras and crustacean reduction ; Homemade spaghetti with clams and Pantelleria capers Roast suckling-pork Duck foie gras and wild duck terrine, caramelized onions and variation of foie gras Monkfish "bomboniera", buttered potato cream and black truffle
Review (47)
Level2 2017-02-18
This was one of the best meals we have had recently in Hong Kong. The service was exceptional and personal. The food was well presented and flavorful. The restaurant is well designed and comfortable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-04-04
咁高檔嘅意大利餐廳,我有D不好意思攞部iPhone 出來映食物相,所以我今次沒有相片分享,只可用文字來形容。這餐廳係好寧靜(因不太多客)高格調,好適合靜靜地傾計、品嘗優質美食的地方。我朋友叫左支香檳,跟著我看看Menu, 係寫密密麻麻嘅意大利文及英文,好似英文小說咁麻,你望落已無心機看下去,只好請waiter 介紹,他求其講一兩句便算,問一句答一句,結果我便求其叫左個龍蝦海鮮湯($298),及main dish($428) 叫左唔知什麼什魚。先來一些 麵包仔、全部都不熱的,好似唔新鮮咁,連我咁鐘意食麵包的人,食左一口便不想吃了。Appetizer 係好鯹的魚仔,唔好食。我叫的main dish 個presentation 係幾靚嘅,好大隻碟,只有中間圓心位可裝食物(好似細日本碗圓用咁大),放左薯蓉及粒粒類似雪魚嘅魚,最重要係加左幾片黑松露,好香,但無味,D魚都好滑。我朋友叫左capaccino 湯,用個咖啡杯黎裝,都幾得意。及rissoto,見到她的食相,無乜特別,無表示,好食程度可想而知。因今餐是朋友請的、今晚價錢都不平,及先前食嘅嘢又不吸引、無特別,咁鐘意食甜品的我,也不願意再叫了😔價錢、食物、服務態度有進步嘅空間😏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-04-03
這間是表妹吃了多年意大利餐廳,由於餐廳此期做黒松露fine dinner, 所以誠邀我一起去品嚐!本人第一次品賞黑松露,有㸃期待!首先有4款小㸃/前菜,三文魚子紫薯撻,芝士包和Parmaham roll, hot cocktail ( 忙了它的材質,但味道不錯)除芝士包外,其餘味道都ok!第一道菜是生帶子片,黒松露配亜枝竹汁,第一次真正吃松露,但覺得吃新鮮松露好似沒有像吃一樽一樽松露醬那麼香😅但頗清新!第二道菜是slow cook egg ,配雞湯和䅇子醬,蛋面用黑松露粒冚著,味道一般般,因蛋黃是全流汁,雞湯不夠熱和松露粒太多較硬!第三道菜是意式雲呑,又是將新鲜松露在你面前放在菜上面!吃完已經飽了!到主菜是黃猄,我真有D驚,本人並不愛吃,但也把它完成(其實生的部分是沒吃,因怕血淋淋)待應說黃猄不可太熟,否則㑹un!最後是雪糕和甜點,雪糕又有松露出塲,果然是松露宴,絶不稀塲!還有可自由添加非常濃厚朱古力醬!由於巳飽到頂㸃,其他精緻甜點沒法品嚐!整體來說是不錯,服務也佳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-05
越人越多外國名廚來香港開業,奈何他們都不是會長期駐紮,有的會經常往來,有的卻不常來,然而L’altro的主理名廚PhilippeLéveillé卻會定期到來。這位名廚大有來頭,在意大利連續拿了十五年米芝蓮星星,他就趁農曆新年前來了香港,推出了一個限定的餐單。未開始前,先來點麵包,雖然供應的是高級的橄欖油及陳醋,但我還是喜歡他們的自家製牛油,有不同的味道,而且芝士脆片也夠味道,十分好吃。大餐前就來點餐前小吃,分別是【Cherry tomato stuffedwith ricotta cheese and olive】及【Grissinistuffed with mashed potatoes and chorizo】,前者清新,後者惹味,兩者都很好吃。正式開始時,第一道頭盤是【Cannolo with smoked ricottacheese, marinated scampi with lime and yuzu vinaigrette】,鮮豔的顏色已引起食慾,以清甜的車厘茄汁連結起鮮甜的小龍蝦刺身及煙燻芝士,層次十足,鮮味得很,另一個是【Bread, butter and anchovies】,在烤得香脆的多士上塗有牛油及放上鯷魚,以鯷魚的咸香來令整件小食變得美味,旁邊的醬汁及香醋啫喱起了提味作用,配合得宜。最後的【Olive oil poached cod, cod milk andgazpacho sorbet】味道竟是最清新的一道,鱈魚煮成半生熟,形成了一種很詭異的質感,可是cod milk卻令魚肉變得滑溜,而且配上一球西班牙凍湯的雪葩,及一塊特製又鬆脆的魚皮,由此可見,這位法國籍大廚將法國菜融入了意國菜內,菜式設計得相當別緻又好味。接著是【Hand made black spaghetti"Splash", roasted squid, burrata, mint-lemon oil】,果然有著藝術家的感覺,出奇不意地將墨魚及墨魚汁麵混為一體,吃前加入吸管內的檸檬汁,突出了鮮味,麵條特別煙靱,以鉗夾住來吃,真是有趣。是晚的亮點之一就是【Roasted Venisontenderloin with Traditinal Balsamic vinegar from Modena, mash potatoes】,平常真的很少機會吃到鹿肉,今日終於一嚐。這件鹿仔柳吃來與牛柳十分相似,質感卻更為柔軟,味道卻沒有想像般擁有野生動物的羶香,容易入口。一系列的甜品中,【Chocolate cereal andmascarpone "Cappuccino", warm espresso emulsion】就嫌如一杯消滯的espresso般,咖啡香濃,配合幼滑的mascarpone cheese,精緻美味。令人期待的甜品必定是這個遵循最古老的製法的【Secret recipegelato "Miramonti l'altro" served with warm strawberries】,口感相當幼滑,蛋香豐富,淋上煮士多啤梨醬後,酸酸甜甜更使雪糕更為美味。到最後,以【Hot madeleines】作結,為是晚劃上完美的句號。L'altro中環皇后大道中139號The L.Place 10樓Special menu ($1680 + 10%)好味指數:☆☆☆☆(5☆為最高)******************************Email (zysk@ymail.com)Blog (www.jamelchui.com)FB Page (fb.com/jamel.food)Instagram (instagram.com/jamel_zysk) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Chef Philippe Léveillé of the 2 Michelin star Miramonti L’altro in Italy is in Hong Kong and a special dinner by the Executive Chef is available for a limited time at L'altro only from January 26th to February 5th! I first visited L'altro at The L Place 2 years ago for lunch and was underwhelmed to be honest, but after trying the food prepared by Chef Philippe last night, I came away impressed with the creativity of the dishes and the way it was presented. The special 9 course dinner costs $1680 per person and offers an opportunity to try contemporary Italian cuisine with a French twist by a chef who has held 2 stars since 2001!We started off our meal with flavorful bread and canapes which comprised of Grissini stuffed with mashed potatoes & chorizo and Cherry Tomato stuffed with ricotta cheese & olive.The Cannolo with smoked ricotta cheese and marinated scampi with lime and yuzu vinaigrette was an impressive combination as the smokiness of the cheese was a surprise hit with the refreshing scampi.The Bread, Butter and Anchovies was meant to be eaten by hand and even though I am usually not a fan of anchovies, the flavor of the fish was complemented perfectly by the creamy butter and the crispy toast.The Olive Oil Poached Cod with cod milk and gazpacho sorbet was a dish brought over from the chef's restaurant in Italy! Parts of the fish were a bit chewy but the combination of the flavors was refreshing with the tartness from the sorbet and the crunchy texture from the fish skin.The Hand Made Black Spaghetti "Splash" with roasted squid, burrata and mint-lemon oil came with tweezers as our dining utensil! Droplets filled with lemon and olive oil were squirted into the pasta first and while the spaghetti was a bit hard, the pieces of squid were cooked perfectly. The Roasted Venison Tenderloin with traditional balsamic vinegar had a hearty and gamey taste while the mashed potatoes made with the chef's family recipe was rich and creamy!The Chocolate Cereal and Mascarpone "Cappuccino" with warm espresso emulsion was a delight to eat as we were instructed to use a spoon to scoop all the way to the bottom to get a bite of all the different layers of flavors and textures in this dessert.The famous gelato "Miramonti L'altro" served with warm strawberries was fabulous as the gelato was super creamy and silky smooth! I've had this before with chocolate syrup and while both the chocolate and strawberry went well with the gelato, I thought that the strawberries allowed the gelato to shine a bit more.Finally, we ended the night with some lovely regular and lemon madeleines in a Macallan whisky wooden box! Follow me on Facebook: supertastermelFollow me on Instagram @supertastermel continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)