Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Located inside the Elements mall, Mango Tree is a Thai fusion restaurant with an amazing view of the harbor. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
*Last Order: 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (563)
Level4 2024-09-25
Mango Tree has been around for quite some time. I had been there once a few years ago.The usual Thai items such as the pad thai and the pineapple fried rice were authentic and good. The fresh pineapple on the side was juicy and sweet.The ‘Thai-tastic Twists’ Afternoon Tea Set for two was very nice. Nearly every table had that. The taste of the fresh abalone all came from the dipping sauce. I was expecting some marination. The lobster on top of the peanut sauce on rice cracker also did not have its own taste, while that was understandable as the peanut sauce had strong lemongrass flavour that I liked. The angus beef skewer was also great. While the traditional Thai mung bean dessert was very pleasing to the eye, we didn’t quite like eating them. The black sticky rice with fresh mango was terrific. We ordered the mango smoothie and the lychee smoothie. Both had real taste and with just-right sweetness. 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-11
用餐日期:2024/04/11可用餐時段:15:00-17:00,2小時用餐費用(每人):$217.5餐廳環境:環境整潔乾淨 冷氣足 檯與檯之間闊落 坐得舒服 服務:服務員服務態度好味道:點了「泰味盛典」下午茶 2人餐1-鹹點:有7款香蒜辣汁鮮鮑魚味道不錯 青木瓜青芒果沙律味道正常 其他的5款烤炸物因是預製不是即叫即做關係 上檯時食物都已變冷變稔味道一般 不推薦2-甜點:有4款 椰汁西米糕和泰式斑蘭千層糕都味道正常 但芒果黑糯米飯的黑糯米飯偏硬 泰式和菓子偏甜 不推薦 3-飲品:點了焦糖海鹽咖啡+玫瑰泰式茶Latte 3.1-焦糖海鹽咖啡: 這咖啡賣相很差像中間穿了洞 味道一般 不推薦 3.2-玫瑰泰式茶Latte:有玫瑰香味 也有拉花 奶泡厚實 味道好 推薦總結:今天和朋友聚會 因朋友想試下午茶便來試這家 經網上平台購買了$435下午茶2人餐 這家的下午茶食物味道一般 性價比低 不推薦給專為食物而來的客人 這家下午茶客人不多 環境舒適安靜 坐得舒服 較適合想和朋友輕鬆聚會的客人餐牌+餐廳環境: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-03
Mango Tree,位於尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號ELEMENTS圓方金區2樓2032-33號舖。 餐廳以泰國料理為主, 店內環境舒適。 泰味盛典下午茶$468+10% 兩位 🔸鹹點香蒜辣汁鮮鮑魚泰式魚丸、蝦丸和雞肉卷串青木瓜青芒果沙律花生醬龍蝦肉配脆米餅安格斯牛肉串軟殼蟹米紙卷脆炸蝦春卷 幾款鹹點發揮得好平均, 而我最喜歡的是泰式魚丸、蝦丸和雞肉卷串,魚丸和蝦丸口感彈牙, 雞肉卷串肉質豐富惹味。 🔸甜點芒果黑糯米飯椰汁西米糕泰式班蘭千層糕泰式和菓子 甜品我推介椰汁西米糕, 裏面有粟米粒和芋頭粒配上濃郁的椰香味,口感軟滑美味。 🔸飲品Thai SangriaMango Smoothie 飲品選擇多,Thai Sangria 味道清新,Mango Smoothie 芒果偏酸。 整體食物質素唔錯,但服務有待改善,我是一早網上訂位的,入座的時候問可不可以坐窗口位,女店員說要清潔,所以不能坐, 但當我用餐的時候,見到繼續招待其他新來的客人坐窗口位置。🏷️溫馨提示~ 整個用餐體驗均屬個人分享意見, 只作參考😊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-07
環境:落地嘅大玻璃,望到個環境非常有食慾,環境衛生整潔乾淨。食物有水準,經常都係嚟食晚飯同下午茶,今次就嚟食佢嘅午餐,估唔到午餐都幾抵食,而且材料十足,一定食到你大滿足。今日我食咗個牛肉船麵,我覺得如果夠熱會更加好,佢嘅醬汁非常之好配搭埋啲牛肉,味覺大滿足。朋友食個蟹炒飯,用了十足,淡淡蟹肉。我哋都好滿意呢一間餐廳,所以推薦俾大家而且服務嘅態度都非常好,細心,仲問我地係咪住客或者喺度工作,因為係有一啲折扣嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
非常失望,會去官網投訴的程度1. 服務態度非常不好:落單、買單,招手后有服務員注意到但會先服務中途離他近的其他白人客人,不知道在香港歧視什麼亞洲人;來點餐正常的你好,請問也不會説,頤指氣使,沒聽清就是“哈?”,不知道是否是區別對待還是無差別攻擊2. 不衛生,冷凍半成品:糯米飯直接用塑料紙,甚至不是保鮮膜貼著上,飯像是冷凍了一個月一樣硬,外溫內冷,烤白鱔芒果沙拉糯米飯,白鱔是完全沒醃漬的白鱔,芒果是芒果,糯米飯是糯米飯,白鱔很腥,街市魚檔的魚鱗片一樣的味道,塑膠包裝的糯米飯很倒胃口3. 不精緻,不如food court:塑料糯米飯不說了,雞湯,一個藍色的小小碗,摸起來像塑膠,不如家裡小狗的狗碗,甚至不如food court4. 很擁擠,光線很昏暗:可能祇有相機自動調光可以看得清吧,吃飯都看不清桌面;和隔壁桌客人距離一個手臂,茶餐廳? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)