Restaurant: Tim Ho Wan, the Dim-Sum Specialists

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit D3, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
The unmissable Tim Ho Wan is the favorite of all time, low price with high quality, its long queue and award winning streak is unsurprisingly common. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 21:30
*Last order: 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (285)
Level4 2024-06-29
同事一班人食午餐,最重要係快,有位。。。同事選了大角咀添好運。洗杯碗已非自己恒常做的事地但發現杯內有未清洗好的茶漬,扣分了。服務員尚算細心,加水加公筷,俾紙巾,牙簽,都有禮貌。食物方面:最好咪係酥叉燒飽,熱辣辣,外香內軟,叉燒味剛剛好。蝦餃:蝦肉多,ok牛肉球:沒有特別,食唔到陳皮味蘿蔔糕:ok,蘿蔔味唔覺咸水角:香脆,尚算隻腸粉:正常表現,沒有特色紅油炒手:紅油唔錯桂花糕:清甜好炒麵都好大碟。唔想等位,可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-06
老牌港式點心「添好運」是香港其中一間歷史悠久既點心店,今日品嚐了燒賣、蝦餃、炸雲吞和牛肉腸粉,深深感受到這家餐廳在傳統點心製作上的出色功力。首先是燒賣,外皮恰到好處的焦香,咬下去餡料飽滿多汁,肉餡鮮嫩可口。蝦餃則包裹著飽滿的蝦肉,清甜爽脆,完全道出了海味。而炸雲吞的外皮酥脆鬆軟,內餡飽滿,肉汁豐富,令人難忘。最後,牛肉腸粉的表現同樣亮眼,薄薄的腸粉包裹著鮮嫩多汁的牛肉粒,吃起來口感細緻綿滑、層次豐富。值得一提的是,「添好運」在分量和價格上也非常講究。每一款點心的分量都恰到好處,不會過於寒酸,也不會太過飽滿,很好地平衡了份量與口感。而價格方面,相較於其他港式點心店,這裡的價格也相當實惠,物有所值。總的來說,「添好運」無疑是一家出色的港式點心店。從原料的選用到烹調工藝,無一不體現出店家的用心經營。無論是作為正餐還是小吃,這裡的點心都足以圈粉。我相信只要再接再厲,「添好運」定能成為香港美食文化的代表之一。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
買了戲飛和親戚在奧海城睇戲,入場前醫一醫肚,揀了添好運,人多就可以食多幾款點心!茶錢則是按所選茶類分成$6/$8/$12 / 位,豐儉由人。蜜味叉燒腸,皮薄,叉燒餡足,啖啖都食到叉燒!潮州蒸粉果,皮薄晶瑩,餡料飽滿,有齊芫荽、沙葛、肉碎、花生,味道香,口感豐富。南瓜絲芋頭餅,口感比較結實偏硬,減卻香口程度。鮮蝦燒賣皇 ($34),燒賣大大粒,蝦仁與豬肉餡彈牙。陳皮牛肉球 ($25),不會太稔,帶點咬口。 香滑馬拉糕夠香又夠鬆軟,濕潤度剛好!酥皮焗叉燒包,熱焫焫出爐,酥皮外層夠香脆,內裡叉燒餡帶蜜味香甜,好吃!炸兩,稍嫌內裡包裹的油炸鬼較為硬身,不夠鬆脆。杞子桂花糕,桂花味清香,味道不會太甜,作為晚飯的結尾都算不錯!吃了那麼多食品,人均消費大約$90,價錢都算合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
添好運真係久不久我就會去食蝦餃燒賣鳳爪蒸飯真係好好食,尤其酥皮叉燒包雖然點心款式較少,但做好根本都好重要。 而家仲進步咗,有冷泡茶,今日試咗蜜桃烏龍,淡淡桃香唔太濃,好飲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-08
用餐日期:2023/12/04用餐時段:晚餐用餐費用(每人):$95餐廳環境:室內不少座位 冷氣足 檯與檯之間較近 人多時可能要搭檯 服務:服務員服務態度正常 點菜上菜都快味道:點了百花釀油條配香辣蟹膏+紅燒豬欶骨撈粗麵+麻辣豬皮豬紅+陳皮牛肉球+酥皮焗叉燒包1-百花釀油條配香辣蟹膏:這個因醬汁是直接淋在油條上 使油條變得淋不鬆脆 醬汁偏咸 不推薦2-紅燒豬欶骨撈粗麵:這個豬軟骨豬肉醃得很入味豬肉夠稔味道好 湯汁不過咸 粗麵煮得剛好不過硬或過稔 和豬軟骨一起食味道超好 推薦3-麻辣豬皮豬紅:份量足 豬紅味道好 也夠辣 但豬皮吸了辣汁後偏咸 如可只是麻辣豬紅更好4-陳皮牛肉球:這是來這家必點的 牛肉球內很少筋 有牛肉味 牛肉醃得好味 牛肉球多汁彈牙 推薦5-酥皮焗叉燒包:這個夠熱 包焗得鬆脆 包內叉燒醬汁味道不錯 推薦總結:這家環境整潔乾淨 室內有不少座位 點心味道好 上菜也快 如想少人輕鬆進食最好選午後時段 晚上6時前。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)