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Signature Dishes
竹. 刺身 炸一口芝士年糕. 秘醬牛肉飯 燒牛舌
Review (9)
Level1 2013-11-25
話說剛開張冇耐食過一次咖哩吉列豬扒飯... 整體上都滿意今日再去幫襯一個咖哩吉列蠔飯, 返到公司一開個盒, 以為自己睇錯:個咖哩汁稀到同湯無分別, 用黎撈飯又淡味又唔夠撈..... 比我之前食開既咖哩汁最少開稀左4-5倍大佬, 咁趕客法不如直頭唔好開門做生意.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-15
I rarely walk down this road because there are too many pedestrians on this narrow pavement and it stinks of second hand smoke and fumes from heavy traffic going past made worse by traffic jams.Anyway, I had to stop walking for a few seconds because of some slow walkers infront of me and discovered this tiny joint.I only noticed it because of the burgers.I was surprised to see that it was a small sushi joint doing burgers as well.It was helpful they had English menus but not all the items are listed.Anyway, ordered the salmon burger for $38 and I didn't realise it came with potato wedges.There were three different salmon burgers:-Seared salmon burger-Spicy Salmon sashimi burger-Salmon sashimi burger with a bamboo sauce.{It seems to say bamboo sauce (juk-jeung) on the poster}I opted for the seared salmon burger. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Seared salmon burger:The bun was really good, it was a fresh springy wheat bun with crushed oats and wheat on top.It was much better than those lifeless plastic buns you get at other local places.There was sliced cucumber in the burger which added to the refreshing taste but they were not sliced properly because the pieces were still attached to each other.Beneath that, there were slices of seared salmon.The salmon burger was amazing because the salmon was seared just right complemented by the cooling cucumber and wasabi mayonnaise.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Potato wedges:The potato wedges were not memorable but the frying oil was fresh so the potato wedges tasted ok.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Previously I tried the salmon burger at MOS which was good but the second time I had it, the salmon was over cooked. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-08-16
八號風球除下後仍要上班,心中有一點鬱悶,所以下班後到處逛逛。走到英皇集團後面的灣仔道,看到這間店鋪在做推廣。竹醬三文魚漢堡只要$10!!! 另加薯角也只要$5!!!! 立即與友人買1 set.由於是即做漢堡,所以需要等候一會兒。隨手拿起菜單望望,原來竹醬三文魚漢堡平時要賣32大洋的!!!竹醬三文魚漢堡:個包真係烘到啱啱好~夠軟身又香~張相影得唔好,夾在中間的餡料應該至少有兩至三塊三文魚,中間有青瓜生菜。竹醬應該就是麻醬? 甜甜地同三文魚又幾夾wor~總括來說:好好食!薯角:由於也是即場炸,所以好熱好脆,食完想再食個種。本身已經有鹽,所以其實可以唔落番茄醬。由於是日為八號風球後的下午,老闆表示沒有比較大的麵包供應,下次應該會食到珍寶漢堡。而且優惠天天不同,能不能碰到心目中的美食特價,就要看你的運氣啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-06-18
今趕時間要過188買game, 無時間坐低食飯, 咁岩路過見到有人派傳單, 講明外賣專門店咁巴閉, 又有coupon, 過去試下,食左個香蔥炸雞飯.個炸雞唔係炸到乾晒, 熱辣辣仲趣趣地, 個蔥汁好野喎, 野味但唔係生蔥口臭果隻, 未食過, 幾野味.送飯係good! 好食. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-06-13
有日經過灣仔, 收到lee 間外賣店派傳單, 見到d 宣傳單張既相好吸引, 仲有$5優惠劵, 於是就去買個雜錦魚生飯連面豉湯試下, 原價$45-$50。佢地用既外賣碗具都唔錯, 好實正, 用左好大力先開到個碗蓋, 見到裡面有好大碗白飯, 仲有薄薄的一層魚生, 有三文魚, 仲有一款白色既魚類(唔知係咩), 跟住全部都係蛋同青瓜 有一點失望同相片掙好遠, 下次會選擇係超市買魚生飯花款一定唔止得兩款魚~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)