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Review (2)
Level4 2013-07-27
I am not really a fan of pork or deep fried cutlets, but tried this place because of the Japanese style pork kievs.As well as these pork kievs, they had other snacks too such as fried cutlet egg, fried cheese etc, but none of them were available when I tried to order them.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★At the counter, they had samples of the different kievs:Kiev filled with miso and radish:Kiev filled with creamy mushrooms:Kiev filled with Spinach:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Decided to get the Kiev with miso and radish because the spinach and mushroom ones looked a bit creamy.The set comes with soba, rice or ochazuke, julienne cabbage and a drink.The soba was a bit too soft for my liking.The julienne vegetables were really nice because of the sesame sauce.The green tea was the best out of the set because it was not too sweet and the green tea taste was strong.The star of the meal! The Kiev!It was a bit too oily!I was a bit disappointed the filling was same colour as the coating. The miso was not even dark nor was there any miso paste or beans in it because I could only taste some slight grated radish.The filling was bit weak and tasteless.More annoyingly, the pork was very fatty! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於將軍澳 Popcorn 商場二期 (Popcorn 2, 即前君薈坊) 的全新美食廣場 CookedDeli by citysuper, 除了一向的「例牌」食店 (包括 滿記甜品、南京路、香辣屋 等) 外, 也有幾家特別的新食店進駐, 除了兩家首次登陸香港的 Court Rosarian 和 Danish Bar 外, 還有首度跟隨 CookedDeli 而來的大久屋。大久屋今年先後於香港兩個美食廣場進駐, 先有銅鑼灣 Hysan Place 的 Kitchen Eleven, 最近則有將軍澳 Popcorn 2 內的 CookedDeli by citysuper, 前者食評偏向負面 (可惜事前沒有查看食評 ), 這裡的首個食評同樣不例外, 是一個喊面。無疑被這裡的門面吸引著, 當然還有其產品的概念。日式吉列豬扒內層加入芝士並不是新鮮事, 但這裡卻還有菠菜、磨菇、韓式泡菜、和風麵豉蘿蔔等選擇, 感覺新鮮。同行的友人點選了白菌吉列釀豚 ($56), 來到時已發現內層模糊一片, 內外層則有斷層的情況出現, 看來不太樂觀。拿了一件來試, 放到自己的碗上一陣子, 再拿起是竟然發現大量油漬附在碗上, 更有不少大滴的油流到碗內去, 可知該件釀豚有多油膩?  另一款菠菜吉列釀豚 ($53) 也是一樣, 拿起一件後, 看見碟上的情況, 已經不用多說。脆皮跟豚肉幾乎完全分離, 吉列皮層非常油膩, 豚肉過熟且甚為乾身, 菠菜跟吉列豚亦格格不入。新張期內, 贈送炸物一客, 選擇了炸雞兩件, 來到是冰冷的, 很明顯是預先炸了一大堆並放了很久的貨色, 跟即叫即炸的主食做法不同, 質素可想而知。值得讚的地方倒也有, 跟餐的澱粉質, 除了白飯和喬麥冷麵外, 可選擇茶漬飯, 算是罕見, 無論風味和味道皆不俗。另外, 加 $7 的蜂蜜綠茶也有驚喜, 因為換來的是一杯茶味甚濃的抹茶。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)