6-min walk from Exit C, Kennedy Town MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
西環可算是我由讀大學到現在九年間最常覓食的地方,因為大學在附近,舍堂在附近,上班亦在附近。這間位於豪宅對面漢堡小店真是不得不介紹。他們的漢堡全部即叫即制,所以每次也要等候約十五分鐘。其中我最愛的是homemade burger,約$60左右,麵包鬆軟有厚度,煎得暖暖的又充滿牛油香,自家製漢堡扒「淋」身又非常juicy,每次吃都要用餐巾或外賣盒子好好保護,以免肉汁滴到衣服上,配上生菜和蕃茄,中和一下油膩感,非常好吃!份量亦很充足!這裡的漢堡,已成為我工作疲累後的comfort food了!
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地鐵開通左堅尼地城站 前兩日就同男友去左視察一下~行行下見肚餓所以就試d入到黎先有得食既野!行到近海個邊就見到依間burger takeway 舖望一望價錢都幾平 最平$58就有一個burger 嚕諗住再周圍行下搵野食所以同男友兩個share 一個burger +fries落完單 周圍行左陣 就去返個舖前面等舖旁邊有3個坐位 可以俾你反張枱落黎坐我地叫既係最平$58既burger (諗住試下先哈哈)一拆開張紙 都好大個下 入面有生菜蕃茄同酸瓜舊肉好大舊 應該都會幾飽一咬落去 d汁飛哂出黎 外皮鬆化 肉質鮮㜛 生菜新鮮舊肉應該係手打 有男友手板咁大咁厚 質地夠林佢個醬汁我就真係食唔出係咩 但就同成個burger 好夾個fries 都唔錯係我最鍾意食既粗薯條貪佢粗薯條薯味濃d 又可以慢慢食出面炸得乾身 但入面就仲係岩岩好唔會烤到乾哂好似食炸粉咁總括黎講個burger 真係好好味同埋$58同出邊街賣$1xx個d都有得fight性價比高!!
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男朋友去左岩岩新開左MTR既堅尼地城,之前都係靠電車入黎,今日入黎行下影下相,我地行緊去海邊吹風個陣,聞到好香薯條味,原來係係呢間係馬路邊既小鋪傳黎,咁男朋友就話買去海邊食,我地點左一份fish and chips同一個照燒雞漢堡,夾埋岩岩好100蚊,即叫即整,咁佢叫我地等10分鐘,次後我地就令左去海邊食,D fish and chips真係好熱,食落去D薯條好脆,但唔算太好味,好似冇咩味咁,反而個魚就好好味,外皮脆,食落去唔會鬆散.至於個漢堡真係好大份,兩個人食岩岩好,但舊雞我嫌太油了,食到成嘴油,但D菜同蕃茄又幾新鮮,整體黎叫ok la
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Reason for visiting:Walked by this place several times with my sister, and we finally decided that it was time to give it a try. The menu seemed bigger than the last time I had looked at it, from salmon burgers to fish & chips to pork knuckle, they had a variety of items for you to choose from. Environment & Hygiene :B Takeaway is a neat little place at the corner of the street, where a lot of restaurants have opened up in the past few years. You can see right through into the kitchen and it looked clean. Also, I saw that the staff had a glove on when handling food, which was good. As suggested by the name, it's obvious that they cater to takeaway orders, although there were a few chairs available for sitting. I think they were probably there so that people could sit while waiting for their orders. Service:The staff told us that our order would take about 8 mins, so we had time to wander off. My sister found him a little awkward, but I thought he was helpful and friendly. Taste & Value:We ordered a Homemade Beef Burger ($58) and an order of onion rings ($28). Both were bigger than expected and definitely more attractive looking than the pictures they have on the side of the wall. The burger was VERY fresh. The patty was very juicy and the veggies were fresh with a nice crunch. I thought it was wonderful. My sister liked it too, but she complained that the burger was undercooked (the inside was a little raw looking I guess). It was one messy burger to eat. I had juices running down my face, but I don't think anyone saw or I'd like to believe so. The onion rings were really nice as well. They were different from the ones you usually get. There was some sweet tasting orange seasoning sprinkled all over, which I've neer tasted before. The batter was very light, I almost want to say they used a tempura batter. Anyways, they were crispy and you could actually taste the freshness of the onion. $86 for a burger and a side for 1 seemed a bit expensive at first , but the quality made it worth it; and also, sharing made it a good deal. Final Verdict:Will be heading back to try some of their other burgers for sure! Definitely try it out if you're in the area, it might surprise you.
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A hip and chick burger joint on the corner of Catchick Street offering burgers, fish and chips and more.I wanted to try the burgers but it was too hot that day, so I just went for their Belgian fries.They were chunky flat cut chips and it came with some yellow sauce.The chips had a nice starchy centre with a crispy surface, and the sauce was surprisingly nice because it was mildly sweet.
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