3-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (65)
Level4 2015-11-10
這店常經過,今晚終一試。//說真的初時沒有太大期望,但這店環境選用橙色黃色作主調,配上播放的輕快音樂,真令我想起以前去美國那些地道的快餐店。//說回食物,餐牌都是那些漢堡配薯條飲品的combo,而我見到有個叫low carb choice,所以貪新鮮點了。//這店即叫即做,等了5分鐘左右後有得食了,但見到的是一個沒有麵包的burger,變成是用生菜片作為麵包,所以食下去反而更多玩味,生菜新鮮脆口,而蕃茄亦新鮮,漢堡扒都厚身和juicy 所以這birger 是十分正的。//而另外最值推介的是薯條,鮮炸,真的好好味,正的美國加州風味一餐。// continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-10
喜歡吃漢堡包,是因為可以當一餐正餐來吃,而且還會重覆地去,那簵是甚麼理由。Caliburger 便是一個好例子,之前到過,如今也會再來一次。這回來到,亦是坐在高櫈,與親愛的一起吃。餐牌在頭上,一看便知道要吃甚麼。是在下的漢堡包,內裡有生菜與雞肉等材料,薄薄的一塊雞肉,燒得甘香軟腍,生菜的爽脆,加上其他材料,口感豐富。薯條是最佳拍檔,外脆內軟,雖不是粗的,但也覺好吃吧。親愛的點了燒雞肉沙律,蔬菜是新鮮的,也是爽脆,加上沙律醬,令食味增加不少。一個新鮮泡製的漢堡及沙律,或者是永遠好吃的吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Came here on Oct 1 (holiday) for lunchThe menu wasn't bad. reminds me on a typical american fast food chain. we ordered the Bacon burger combo and buffalo wings. the burger wasn't bad. the size was a little small. but the taste was ok. nothing special about it. it does make me miss harveys(burger joint in north america). the fries were good, but a little salty. the buffalo wings taste good. i would like to have more sauce on it. and have the celery and carrot on the side, rather than at the bottom.theres nothing speical about this place. but if your around the area. feel free to give it a try.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-09-22
我諗我起碼嚟過十次呢度食野,我一定要寫個好評俾佢!至從去過West Coast In & Out,呢個味道,漢堡包嘅賣相,都好回味!當CaliBurger開業我聽說喺In & Out嘅姊妹店,我開心到不得了,第一時間要去尋找想當年嘅味道。我有時經過舖頭空空,我好擔心,因為無咗你就無咗食漢堡包嘅意義!你一定要撐落去,我會繼續支持你架!傳統漢堡包嘅賣相係每層都好分明,材料好新鮮,咬落去有啲肉汁必出嚟,成手都係,咁先為之食漢堡包。呢個薯條我會幻想為In & Out嘅animal fries。溫馨提示,如果手機無電,每張檯都有提供充電線,好貼心呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-09-09
放自己半天假,走去探男朋友班唔知食咩好,講起Burger,佢就帶左我黎呢度!同上次Butcher club比較,雖然牛係有唔同,但我反而覺得呢個好味好多!呢個包個底有Honey Mustard 汁,超鍾意!加埋個洋蔥圈,口感感覺幾好!入面仲有酸瓜,煙肉同蕃茄,餡多到一啖都咬唔晒 另外呢個個洋蔥汁都好惹味,芝士好juicy! 另外其中一個薯條轉左口味,千島汁+芝士+煙肉,濃厚既醬加埋粗薯條係一流既配搭!我發覺我鍾意左呢度既Burger啦!😍😍😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)