Restaurant: | Forum Restaurant |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
3-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Forum Restaurant is famous for their stone pot abalone, pan-fried garoupa fish and other Chinese delicacies. For lunch, this restaurant also serves dim sum specialities like shrimp dumplings, turnip cake and spring rolls.
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Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015), Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2016-19), Michelin 3 Starred Restaurant (2020-2024)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
富臨飯店阿一鮑魚 - 銅鑼灣最高級粵式饗宴位於銅鑼灣的富臨飯店阿一鮑魚,以其精緻的粵式點心和高級海鮮菜餚而聞名。走進餐廳,裝潢富麗堂皇,透露出濃濃的高級中菜氛圍。招牌菜「脆皮雞」。這道菜色以優質雞肉為基,經過細心烹調,外層酥脆可口,內里卻鮮嫩多汁,入口便能感受到雞肉的原汁原味。除此之外,我們也點了叉燒包等經典小吃。每一款點心都材料新鮮,做工細緻,汁多肉嫩,可見廚師的功力非凡。最後,我們品嘗了他們的招牌甜品「陳皮雪糕」。佐以陳皮的獨特香氣,更是增添了層次感,令人回味無窮。整體而言,富臨飯店阿一鮑魚提供了極致的粵式饗宴體驗。無論是高級海鮮,還是精緻的點心,均展現了粵菜的頂尖水準。環境典雅,服務周到,性價比也相當高。強烈推薦給喜歡粵菜的饕客們!
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很少寫食評因為覺得食野係非常個人,口味亦都冇準則。 但今次嘅體驗真係令人徹底失望。見網上好多好評, 加上有影片分享平台介紹過, 滿心期待去試呢間推崇對出品有要求, 對味道有講究嘅餐廳。 由於只係普通飯聚,想一試佢哋嘅小菜, 所以冇叫到鮑魚海味之類嘅名貴菜式。 但餐牌嘅小菜都非普通價錢,普遍都3, 4百一道。是夜叫左豉油王炒鱔球,荔芋鳳尾蝦及陳皮牛肉餅。先黎炒鱔球, 第一口已經腥到不得了, 以為只係偶然一舊, 再食多兩舊都係非常腥。 問經理係咪正常, 經理竟然答左我地一堆令人難以至信嘅說話。 經理解釋鱔本身有腥味係正常, 佢哋都有落酒亦煎香過,而且淡水魚一般都係咁。 其實我地都明有些魚係特別腥, 但相信咁高質嘅餐廳吾會吾識處理呢個餸。 而且經理連了解嘅興趣都冇就已經用呢翻說話去打發我地。 最後我地冇繼續問, 只係繼續食飯, 但個鱔就冇繼續食落去, 因為真係好難頂。跟住到荔芋蝦, 賣相非常好,亦都炸得鬆化, 奈何隻鳳尾蝦竟然又霉又吾新鮮。 第一隻還好, 只係霉, 食第二隻直頭食到一浸濃郁嘅腥臭, 吾知係咪蝦腸冇整乾淨還是蝦真係好吾新鮮。 結果又係無法完成。至於陳皮牛肉尚好,陳皮夠香, 牛肉餅都嫩不會過實, 味道不錯。最後, 連原本一心想試嘅陳皮紅豆沙都決定放棄不試, 因為枱面已經有很多失望嘅菜式,胃口都開吾到。非常無奈, 吾知道係咪要維持擲星就只係主攻做好鮑魚等名貴套餐,其他就求求其其。 吾知係因為小菜嘅廚師並非主廚還是經營成本所以有所取捨。 但我覺得, 收得3, 4百蚊一碟小菜,(餐牌上普遍都3,4百一個餸)亦係名氣甚高嘅餐廳, 係咪應該每樣出品, 服務都係一致。 如果因為客人吾係光顧鮑魚等名貴菜式就只會得到咁樣嘅質素,真係吾明白所謂星嘅準則。對呢間餐廳都非常失望,完全不值一試。
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自問算是同齡人中吃過比較多乾鮑,當然都是性價比的南非乾鮑。也吃過不放蠔油,滿滿鮑魚鮮味的鮑汁,只是再嚐就沒再有驚艷的感覺。明閣那篇的南非乾鮑我是一筆帶過,因為對比以往吃過的實在沒有什麼特別。不料一嚐阿一鮑魚,又再次帶給我震撼。鮑魚中間略略變色的鮑魚芯,帶有一種鮑魚特有,超濃郁的極致鮮香。可惜我不知道這份味道,是日本吉品乾鮑所有,還是阿一鮑魚獨特手藝所造成。文字實在太難去描述,建議大家找找馬田的油管看看,他最近帶家人去吃阿一鮑魚,影片中也有差不多的評價。至於值不值,這層次的中菜,個人覺得更多是鑑賞與藝術性質,是那種你不來這就吃不到,未吃過就不知道天花板在哪的味道。蔡瀾以後無食家,社交平台上盡foodie. 真正的食家都是用金錢堆砌出來的,計算著所謂性價比,不捨得吃,又哪能真正知道什麼叫好吃。
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We were here for lunch to celebrate my sister’s recovery. She was longing for the famous fried rice here but a little bit disappointed. First of all, we ordered some dim sum to start. Their pur er tea is not as good as Luk Yu Tea house. However, their pork liver dim sum out shines everywhere we had in Hong Kong. The taro dim sum is not fluffy & had too much ingredients in the stuffings that over power the taro favor. The taro itself is too crunchy to the hard side, should be crunchy but melted in your mouth. They are very nice to give credit back to us since we do not like it. The crab meat soup with e noodle is not as good as Luk Yu. The soup base is not as favored as it soup be. The e noodle has no egg smell or taste. Overall it is better than a lot of places we go. Finally the Number One fried rice arrived. Rice is crispy but the rice itself undercooked. Rice is a little bit too hard. They were very nice to recooked another one for us. The one that upset me the most is the waiter pick up a customer’s napkin from the floor & without changing or folding it to a nice shape, he just put the dropped napkin back on the customer’s table. If this is not a Michelin 3 star restaurant, I would not mention this incident. Hope they have more hygienic training for the staff to maintain the top rated in the industry.
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富臨飯店 米芝連⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️@富臨飯店 #cwb (eng version below)💕正宗名人飯堂🌄傳統中菜 !💕🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹總共$ 3800人均約$ 1900推介3.1/ 5 💕(正常水準,0驚喜)————————————————————————識我就知我食遍大江南北,始終最愛中菜🌄🤘🏻🟡✔️(好多菜式都必須預訂!記得睇定menu,訂好先去!)✔️🟡(佢既網鮑最出名,由5700$- $30000不等,但呢款就要等我股票暴漲先食🤣🔺 今次係狂風掃落葉式食飯,趕住收鋪前去「濕平」!🔺推薦菜品🍴1. 法國鵝肝焗蟹蓋 $400/隻 (要預訂)正常水準發揮既蟹蓋,啖啖蟹肉,香而不膩,可以一次過食2隻,不過同鵝肝唔太夾,有小小格硬既配搭~ 但都好吃的😋 2. 燒汁翡翠牛仔柳$280 (最值得食!🟡)估佢唔到,呢碟簡簡單單,但勁有鑊氣!牛味濃,肉質爽🤓 280$抵比! 3. 原燉蓮子紅棗 $360 (預訂3位起)感受到好濃既紅棗味,唔太甜! 幾好飲!(因為趕住去利園掃貨😂,打包回家飲🤤)✖️✖️✖️✖️1. 玉簪鮑魚卷 $520上碟唔好睇,普通蝦膠菜式~ 2. 魚香XO醬爆中蝦球 $500比較香小小的普通炒蝦球~ 3. 紅燒佛跳牆 $1050 /位菜同相片唔同樣,傷心左! 不過好足料!包括魚翅,海蔘,30頭鮑,冬菇,同樣係正常發揮,不過不失~————————————————————Forum Restauant Total cost: $3800Per person: $1900Rating: 3.1/5 (Average)———————————————————————— If you know me, you know that I have always loved Chinese cuisines the most.🤘🏻✔️ (Many dishes require pre-ordering! Make sure to book in advance!) (Their famous abalone ranges from $5700 to $30000, but I'll have to wait for my stocks to skyrocket before trying those! 🤣Recommended Dishes 🍴1. Foie Gras Baked Crab Cap $400/each (pre-order required)A crab cap filled with chunks of crab meat, fragrant but not greasy.2. Jade Sauce Grilled Sirloin $280 (Best value!)Rich in beef flavor, the texture is crisp. 3. Traditional Stewed Lotus Seeds $360 (pre-order for minimum 3 people)Strong red date flavor, not too sweet! Quite nice!✖️✖️✖️1. Abalone Roll with Jade Pins $520Don't be fooled by the presentation, just a standard shrimp paste dish.2. Spicy XO Sauce with Shrimp Balls $500Just a slightly fragrant version of common fried shrimp balls.3. Braised Buddha Over the Wall $1050 perDish looks different from the pic~ #chinese #eataroundtheworld# #香港美食 #香港 #hkfood #銅鑼灣美食 #銅鑼灣 #美食 #香港好去處 #打卡 #hkfoodie #foodie #gf #文青 #hkeat #hkig #hkgirl #中菜 #chinesfood #生日飯 #男朋友 #女朋友 #聚會 #香港打卡 #abalone #followforfollowback #likesforlike #daily #旅遊
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