9-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (15)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 23:00
08:00 - 23:00
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
印度式紅咖喱雞肉 手調咖啡 北京烤鴨連薄餅配料 紅加侖子味及藍莓味果醬脆餅 特濃味車打芝士 雞心豆蓉滋味醬
Review (23)
今天嚟到中環揾食,搞到啖啖滋味,真是滿足到我呢個吃貨!🌟 首先,啖啖Cheese & Onion Triangles,啲芝士同洋蔥味道咁配,食落去真係爽口,啲餅嘅酥脆聲令人一聲過癮!一啖又一啖,根本停唔到口。🧀再講下佢哋新出嘅雪糕,哎呀,我差啲就瘋狂啦!聖多美朱古力嗰個,入口即溶,濃郁到犯規,真係朱古力控嘅天堂!馬達加斯加雲利拿呢,滋味綿密,每一啖都感覺到雲利拿嘅純粹,甜而不膩。🍦至於焦糖海鹽,喂,個甜鹹對撞,太正喇!最後,哥倫比亞咖啡,解饞得嚟又提神,飲杯咖啡都未必咁正。每款口味都喺味蕾上跳舞,我只能話,勁過癮,啲嘢食好有層次,真係食家必試!當然,末了呢款Spirit of Summer嘅乳酪系列,每個味道都好似帶我去咗唔同嘅國度旅行,開心過癲,攞返屋企正!🍨真心推介,唔理你係咪食家,喺呢度,你總會揾到你嘅至愛!快啲嚟試吓,唔好錯過啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
差不多天天都有新食評要寫,但今次真係要同大家掂一掂呢間M&S出既雪糕。茶餐廳同街市都冇得賣,實為貨真價實既雪糕新寵兒呀!首先嚟個聖多美朱古力味,入口即溶嘅朱古力滋味仲帶有若隱若現嘅茶香,夠晒滑潤;食落去感覺好似經已去咗西非嘅朱古力小島,太正啦🌴。跟住轉戰馬達加斯加雲利拿,濃郁香氣噴鼻而來,每一啖都滲透咗雲利拿精髓,簡直係雲利拿控嘅天堂。再嚟個焦糖海鹽味喇,甜中帶鹹,係咁樣喺舌尖上打轉,層次豐富得嚟又唔單調🥄。最後,哥倫比亞咖啡味絕對係咖啡迷嘅福音,微微嘅苦味之後有返甘嘅驚喜,好似一啖啖濃縮咖啡咁,迫使緊幾杯水都唔想放過😌。好啦,我都識啲字唔好,重點係,做咩唔快啲去試下呢?不過食多咗記得做運動,唔好變肥柑子! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2019-01-07
最近,在中環的聖誕飯聚中,食友好姊妹送上 <Marks and Spencer 馬莎> 的朱古力給大家當作聖誕禮物!好多謝她呀!就在踏入新一年的2019年第一天,下午好奇拆開來試!馬莎朱古力 Dulce De Leche Truffles金色四四方方的外盒包裝,完全是一份禮物的賣相!簡單撕開旁邊的貼紙封條,打開盒子一看,內裡竟然是一張薄身白色的包裝紙,包住用上透明膠袋盛載的朱古力,只是封條貼實,並非啤實!這款來自愛爾蘭的朱古力,其表面果仁的 size 比金莎朱古力更大粒,相對口感更強!咬開香濃甜美的朱古力,中間是拖肥軟心,令我想到咬崩牙的樂家杏仁糖那種甜度!雖然,沒有好似金莎朱古力最核心的榛子,勝在細粒得來卻是內外兼備!令人食完一粒又一粒的上癮呢!配上一杯由媽咪好朋友送上新加坡手信的蜜桃茶作為下午茶,最好不過! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-01-07
Marks & Spencer opened lots of Cafe or supermarket last year. It seems they are more aggressive in Hong Kong market. I noticed that they sell fair trade coffee beans. To me, this is the reason attract me to go into this kind of chain store. I ordered Flat White. It only costs $32, the quality is good. The coffee really smell good and taste smooth! You may take a seat and enjoy your coffee at the shop. A good coffee make me a day continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-24
Went here a while ago but they now have my favourite cakes turned into muffins.There were three flavours: Lemon, Victoria sponge and Blackforest.Each of the muffins are filled inside.The Victoria one was simply delicious with smooth buttercream on top and sweet strawberry jam in the middle.The blackforest one was disappointing because it was too sugary sweet and fudge like. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)