Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 18:00
Payment Methods
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Review (27)
他最近常常神秘的說要帶我吃美食,卻又不跟我說到哪裡反正乖乖跟著走就對了嘛,你的休假天就是吃貨的節奏店裡的裝潢仿佛停留在昔日,不算精緻但有種說不出的味道古舊的格局 有慕名而來的旅客 也有當地人光顧,店內雖小但平日也擠滿人們在賣著各款自家製的雪糕,共有12款口味!當中大部份都以水果為主每杯可選3球不同口味﹝MOP$23﹞我倆選了 薑汁 香芋 椰子 相間的顏色很美清香的椰子有絲絲椰肉在裡頭,香芋味道較淺 與 微辛的薑汁香氣,質感偏向沙沙冰感亦融化得快其實在等Andy過來時,店主一直問我要吃些什麼不好意思的情況下,多點了杯 黑牛﹝MOP$22﹞半瓶可樂加上球巧克力雪糕很透心涼啦,不過有點小貴啊~!而4款口味冰淇淋中以巧克力最普通很簡單樸素的小店,走進去就好像穿越時光隧道般走回舊時光 去品嚐最古早的風味,而且它就在車水馬龍的噴水池附近熱了!累了!來歇歇腳也不錯喔~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-18
然後我們來到了九記冰室,這裡的手製雪糕很有名啊!這裡的特色就是雪糕會用玻璃杯作容器,很平凡但充滿歷史感。我們點了三球雪糕,分別是芝麻、香芋及香橙味。這裡的雪糕由於是手製的關係所以食材都會因應時節而供應喔!多半都是有冬天有香芋而沒有芒果味雪糕,夏天則相反。不過令我有點失望的是香芋味也不怎麼吃得出味道,可能是快要夏天的關係了?芝麻也不見得出色,味道不夠出,很淡口。起初只是想玩玩新意思所以點香橙.沒想到很有驚喜!就像在喝鮮橙汁一樣!後來在網上爬資料才發現這裡的水果味雪糕尤其出色啊,難怪香橙味如此好食!所以下次一定要再去試試水果口味的雪糕!我們還點了黑牛,甚麼是黑牛?就是可樂+朱古力雪糕了,另外還有黃牛及白牛,分別是玉泉忌廉+菠蘿雪糕及雪碧+雲呢嗱雪糕。其實我很想試黃牛,只是朋友不喜歡菠蘿所以就作罷了,畢竟一杯都很夠。這裡的汽水很夠氣,因為是枝裝的,配上雪糕真的一絕!極度推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-10-29
下午茶時段,走左去議事亭前地側邊斜路上的九記冰室食個甜品消消暑!都有差不多十年無幫襯。今次再來,發覺物價又係貴左好多。以前食杯裝三球雪糕只係十零蚊,而家要 20 蚊,冰類亦閒閒地 20 蚊,店舖仲要標示每位最低消費 10 蚊,感覺其實唔係太好。我食雪糕涼粉(19蚊),涼粉分量極為迷你,唔太冰凍,雪糕味道亦無得選擇,真係唔多值;朋友明明叫紅豆涼粉,結果來左紅豆涼粉新地,無端端要佢焗食多一球雪糕,涼粉的分量比我的大少少,當然價錢亦貴多D(26 蚊)。埋單合共 46 蚊,價錢唔貴,但食物唔多值!下次應該又唔會再幫襯啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-12
香港已經很難再找到這類冰室了。天氣暑熱,同學說想找間出名的冰室坐,所以介紹了這間九記,裡面裝潢格局很五六十年代風格,餐牌牆磚枱凳都很有風味,點了個紅豆涼粉,細細碗,紅豆冰的紅豆,又大又甜!又有花奶,涼粉切到一條條的,坐在這裡涼住冷氣,吃個消署涼粉,都幾享受:) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-14
I was on a food tour and we were taken to this place by No 1 openricer who has written over 7000 reviews and the most reviews on OpenRice and is now a full time blogger.Initially I thought it was an ordinary Macau cafe but then I realised they served home made icecreams, so Lai Kei Ice Cream is not the only one that serves ice cream.If we did not stop by today, I would not have known that.As well as icecreams they serve soda floats and guava juice which is not often served in Hong Kong.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Icecream trio $20:There were so many flavours so I ordered the not so common ones such as Guava, ginger and taro.I wanted to order orange and pineapple as well but you could only choose three scoops.Basically the texture of the icecreams were quite coarse and icy because they were homemade.In general, they all tasted really good, you could taste real guava fruit and fibre in the guava one and the ginger one was quite milky with a hint of ginger and taro was the best, it was not too sweet and tasted natrual with pieces of taro.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★THANKS FOR THE TREAT KC! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)