5-min walk from Exit A2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Wooloomooloo Steakhouse is owned by the Wooloomooloo restaurant group that aims to "raise the steaks" in Hong Kong's dining scene. They specialize in premium Australian beef sourced from the best ranches. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
11:45 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:45 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Wooloomooloo青檸批 香煎原隻頂級帶子 暖心朱古力蛋糕 精選澳洲黑安格斯牛扒 藍海蟹餅
Review (132)
Level2 2024-08-26
Very nice view up there, although not directly facing the victoria harbor, still enjoying its good vibes and quiet environment for a romantic dinner/ celebration/ gathering with few friendsA wide range of food choice with decent steak, fish, etc for main course.Price is reasonable with such view and food quality.Order steak for dinner and the steak is just about right and rawness. The dessert is cheesecake. Slightly too sweet, nothing special continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Wooloomooloo Steakhouse✨灣仔靚景西餐廳 - 生日lunch之選~🩷✨同事生日所以特登揀左Wooloomooloo同佢慶祝~ 灣仔店係31/F, 景觀超開揚🌆🏙️可以望到馬場景🐎~ 呢個價位既餐廳可以有呢個景,我覺得性價比可以~🉐我地叫左Executive Set Lunch~ $198pp 再加一,有的選項要另外加錢🙌🏼餐廳會送麵包,仲係暖既,好有誠意~ 而且唔夠可以加😋🩷Appetiser前菜有3個選擇,我地揀左兩款~💠Chicken Tenderloin Thai Style Salad鷄肉唔鞋~雖然係泰式,但都唔會太辣~有唔同既菜,番茄同花生~ 食落好開胃~🥗💠Cauliflower Soup湯好滑同香,雖然係椰菜花,但一d都唔青,而且唔漏~🩷主菜都有4個選擇~我地揀左兩款~💠Pan-Seared Salmon Fillet三文魚🐟煎得岩岩好!唔乾唔鞋,而且仲好有三文魚味,材料優質新鮮!三文魚搭配番茄蓉一齊食,仲可以去油膩~而且擺盤好靚,打卡一流~😋🥰💠Sous Vide Spain Duroc Port Rack慢煮豬胺肉質好嫩,入面超級juicy!食豬最怕就係好鞋好乾,但因爲佢係慢煮,所以keep到豬胺入面既肉汁,好好味道~最後我地叫左跟set加$68既tiramisu~ 🍰一早同餐廳講左係慶祝生日,所以佢地好好咁係碟度用朱古力漿寫左happy birthday🥰Tiramisu好香咖啡味☕️係好濃,好濕潤既tiramisu,好滑好軟~ 雖然加$68, 不過分量比較細,所以唔好expect太多~最後跟set有coffee/tea, 都係不過不失~餐廳環境:🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵/5 服務質素:🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸/5 食物味道:😋😋😋😋😋/5 性價比:💰💰💰💰💰/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-23
來這裡lunch幾次了,個人認作為商務午餐或者farewell都係頗適合嘅🫡因為感覺正式,又唔會太豐富太飽,啱晒要傾偈及聯宜環境唔錯,坐位舒適,食物質素係幾好,但等嘅時間也頗耐😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-08-04
今次同啲朋友試吓依間位於灣仔商廈裏面嘅西餐廳。依度嘅落地玻璃加埋呢個居高臨下既景真係贏晒呢間餐廳喺尖東海旁都有另一分店,係另一番風味,尖東嗰度室外同室內嘅枱都有,就適合三五知己chill下飲酒happy hour🥂🍹灣仔呢度都適合飲酒chill下,但係更適合慢慢享受個午餐,望住個靚景🥂🍹餐包好鬆軟,個湯都好入味,個扒雖然好厚下,但煎得好好,一啲都唔韌,成功鎖住肉汁一個lunch人均消費$250係貴左d💸整體成個用餐感覺良好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-07
難得有個loooooong lunch,去左wooloomooloo第一次食,因為好似好high class 好貴,原來lunch 又未算天價🤔叫左兩個lunch set,一個係燉牛肉配飯,另一個係rib eye燉牛肉算唔錯,幾入味,味道都易入口,不過飯好少👎🏻Rib eye,我真係唔知自己食緊乜唔止冇牛味,仲要係怪味難咬味道差到不得了,仲要連汁都勁少竟然仲要加68,不知所謂🙄Lunch set 大概280,我估有200喺個景同租度,70係人工,剩返先係食材。以上係本人進食後估計,原來試一次都嘥quota包,唔ok,俾油醋,唔點晒啲油根本點唔到啲醋🤬唯一ok,湯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)