This Chinese restaurant is located in a special red building and the second floor offers some sea view VIP rooms. It has fish tanks to offer live seafood, which is suitable for friends gatherings and birthday parties. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-18)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (202)
Level3 2024-05-18
西貢豐盛海鮮餐廳慶祝生日,主人家一早落哂單,點咗椒鹽鮑魚塔、三斤半東星斑、龍蝦伊麵、蒜蓉粉絲蒸蟶子王、椒鹽瀨尿蝦、菜⋯椒鹽鮑魚用塔上呢個畫面好震撼!個個打卡到啲鮑魚都凍埋😂 鮮嫩的鮑魚配上椒鹽的味道,非常美味。再嚟有嘩聲嘅係 三斤半的東星斑!超大條!當然非常新鮮,煮得剛好,唔會蒸過龍,肉質鮮嫩,味道鮮美。龍蝦伊麵都係主菜之一,龍蝦肉質鮮嫩,伊麵好有彈性,味道非常好。蒜蓉粉絲蒸蟶子王又係我最愛,好鍾意個種質感,新鮮無沙好緊要。椒鹽瀨尿蝦又係西貢必食、瀨尿蝦肉質鮮嫩,椒鹽的味道夠惹味!好想食多隻!喺西貢有好多間海鮮酒家,呢一間淨係講到算唔錯,下次再介紹另一間俾大家 😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Sharing our disastrous experience (several staff very rude) at our usual Sai Kung seafood restaurant with friends (who did not seem surprised), they suggested to us Sing Kee nearby in Sai Kung.A week later, we when for a family dinner on week end to Sing Kee.It was not full nor empty, but having decent business. The staff was very welcoming and soon it was the head waiter that took care of us.The ordering was smooth, seafood and types of cooking.The very friendly, and efficient, head waitress was a bit puzzled about the large number of dishes we ordered. Could we eat all that? 😊 No problem, we could still bring the left-over home and finish that the next day.Then he brought to us the seafood alive (clearly fresh) in plastic bags (classic and expected in such restaurants).Once we were “acquainted” with them, he took them to the kitchen.A little bit later, staff started to bring dishes to our table and the head waiter seemed worried: Space!Would there be enough space on the table for all we ordered? We were laughing, told him not to worry as we love seafood and can eat quite a lot (saved the shells, there is usually not a lot left after us, not even the cartilage of crabs!)And we got to work!Did we make an impression because of the quantity we ordered (and very different seafood to share)?Maybe. The fact was that 2 or 3 waiters were regularly circling around our table very attentive to any potential requirements.There is a serious difference between being very attentive to patrons needs and rushing them out.The Sing Kee staff was absolutely on the right side.Wet towels were coming when needed; side plates full of shells were replaced at the right time, and the head waiter was coming from time to time to make sure everything was smooth, while happy to crack jokes with us.At some point, he saw our son struggling with his crab and us laughing about it. He looked at us then seeing an implicit blessing (i.e. no potential face issue in sight) he provided some “training” to our son about how to tackle the crab. Everybody was happy.Oh, and the food?It was excellent! Everything gone into our stomachs, saved the fried rice (precaution order) that was bagged and we took home. The seafood (many different) was excellent, the cooking great. No sauce was left when the staff took back the plates of the defunct seafood. I do not feel bad about doing that. It was excellent and we proved it.As we were full, we settled the bill and the tip we left …walked the talk about our very high appreciation of everything there, seafood, cooking, service.The head waiter said few words in Cantonese to a waitress nearby …and I would assume (I don’t speak Chinese) it was about “the gweilo clients are very happy and proved it.” Yes we were.If trying very hard to find a “negative” (which is in fact a positive in such environment), I would say that there was a little bit less choice than in the other one (that shall not be named)…but if there is less turnover, with seafood, freshness is critical, so that works with me.And why having a large choice, if you barely have time to finish your plate before that the staff takes it away?Conclusion:We will come back and recommend that place.General comment:Knowing Hong Kong for decades, in such a difficult business environment, on MANY aspects (not only F&B…but everywhere including taxis), I can see 2 totally opposite attitudes:•Some go for short term “scorched-earth” “thinking” with some short-sighted sloppy behaviour totally undermining/sinking their future (they are walking blind to bankruptcy but they don’t know yet), i.e. self-destruction loops,•Some go the extra mile to deliver quality and attention, something that is very visible to us and that we happily reward. For us, Sing Kee is clearly in that categories. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-08
今日同埋屋企人一齊嚟西貢食海鮮 一行六個人加兩隻狗 坐吓露天區域欣賞吓大自然嘅風景餐廳嘅位置遠少少咁多 換來嘅係完全唔嘈吵嘅環境 同埋對住海景 人都開心啲我哋就喺西貢艇仔買咗幾張海鮮去加工 最值得一讚嘅就係我哋買咗條大白魷做刺身 師傅可以完美將佢切薄薄一片 非常考功夫之餘 仲要咁有耐性 足以證明呢間餐廳係有心機去做菜俾我哋仲有要讚嘅係我哋叫咗20隻扇貝 20隻均勻地啱啱好熟 粉絲夠林 豉油都啱啱好唔多唔少 如果大家想食高級啲嘅中菜可以嚟呢間試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-19
六人食晚飯。完全冇叫貴價海鮮,份量絕對唔大例如瀨尿蝦兩隻,蒸貝六隻,油料費收得極貴完全唔合理仲未計海鮮。。埋單5款海鲜加加埋埋一共食咗$4800。。食物服務態度全部正常,有少少衛生問題,主要係真心唔值咁貴。所以覺得現今香港餐飲真係自己搞死自己。。完全對西貢海鮮酒家失去信心。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-17
同老公去左第一次食哩間野,去到門口已經覺得伏,得果2,3枱客,但老公話哩間係米芝蓮餐廳所以照入去食,2個人食野唔多諗住唔叫套裝散叫2樣野食,叫左椒鹽瀨尿蝦,芝士焗龍蝦,問佢有無得睇下海鮮想揀下,服務員扮聽唔到,佢餐牌基本上所有野都係寫時價!再問海鮮點計又扮聽唔到,淨係同我講要收加工費,我簡直覺得哩間野係呃人,但坐低左就照食啦,食物雖然味道唔錯,但好似有種擺上台俾人湯既感覺,好唔中意,成餐飯我基本上唔知幾錢埋單,我連一個顧客去幫襯一間餐廳基本想知價錢既權利都無,我以後唔會再食,就算請我去食我都會叫人唔好揀哩間,不知所謂!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)