餐廳專門售賣朱古力蛋糕,包括6吋或8吋,不設堂食,而餐廳總店在新加坡。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (119)
Level4 2015-06-23
今日約了朋友晚飯,飯後經過Awfully Chocolate,雙腳就情不自禁的走進店內,那就順手挑幾件餅回家孝敬一家之煮吧~晚上的選擇也不多,所以只選了三件~Chocolate Tart ($40) 是朱古力粉絲的必然之選~ 朱古力餡兒濃郁滑溜,甜蜜中又帶點甘苦,撻皮酥化帶有牛油香,二者配合起來就是美味呀!!White Chocolate Creme Brulee Tart ($40) 是為了它的小碗子而買的~~ 小妹很喜歡收藏這些小碗子的呀,所以見到就很想買啦~~ 回到家,面層的焦糖竟然還沒有溶化~ Creme Brulee 綿滑,蛋香跟白朱古力配合得不錯,但甜度頗高,面層焦糖雖脆,卻不是鬆化的脆,有點死實實的,不討好~Salted Butterscotch Brownie ($38) 質感軟身濕潤,朱古力味香醇,加了海鹽,所以糕身又帶點鹹鹹的,漏膩感減低了,不錯~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-06-11
因為生日關係, 加上知道我係一個豬古力狂迷所以貧友買左哩個豬古力蛋糕同我慶祝話說, 今次都係我第一次食哩個惡魔的蛋糕叫得豬古力狂迷, 我當然食食全豬古力的蛋糕果然名不虛傳, 蛋糕不單豬古力味香濃而且每一層口感都唔同, 豬古力味濃得黎又唔會太甜同埋食落仲好滑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-21
一直好想試Awfully Chocolate既出品但佢係外賣,識既親友好多都係唔太中意拎住企住食另外係唔知價錢,佢個名牌仔得個名,覺得會好貴咁……種種原因下,遲遲都未試過/__>今次得自己一個人,食完午餐想搵甜既野黎過下口癮好啦自己一個就試下新野啦:^)無懼中伏!一入舖頭,店員已經好熱情咁向我推薦唔同出品仲要好了如指掌咁,感覺係做左唔少功課,同埋幾用心服務既(Y)Salted Butterscotch Brownie $38呢個Brownie比平時見到既更大份,而且係好足料咁面頭一層淺啡色既係Salted Butterscotch,其實係類似海鹽焦糖咁不過Butterscotch係用黃糖製作既,製作溫度比焦糖低d,質感偏軟加左鹽真心冇咁膩,多左味道層次之餘更突出甜味正如食生果,如西瓜、芒果,會加少少鹽黎提升清甜香味Brownie部分係濕軟版本,並唔係乾身似磅蛋糕果隻做法拮入去個感覺帶點硬實,朱古力味道格外香濃,充滿醇香果然awful!整體黎講我覺得唔會太甜膩,係有d creamy有d油但佢有鹽黎解下膩,特別得黎又是一個噱頭:^0 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-08-20
After a not very pleasant dinner, my Fd and I decided to have dessert in K11 mall to compensate the unsettled feelings. There were so many options: Smile Yogurt, Glacio Gelato, Holly brown honey toast, etc....Then we remembered that we haven't tried the chocolate ice cream from Awfully Chocolate, and so our mind is set"HEI" Premium Dark Chocolate Ice Cream $45/scoop, $80/2scoops, $135/pintWe had a single scoop to share cos we thought it was quite pricy and we were still full.The cocoa was super rich, although it's dark chocolate there's plenty of sweetness like caramel, and brings up good taste of a nutty note. The texture is smooth as silk, but doesn't melt as quickly as I thought it might, just as a soft cold dense truffle ball. The casing is good looking like a foreign Chinese takeaway box, which keeps the ice cream cooler for a longer time. (thumbs up)It was raining that night, but we sat and ate the ice cream outside of the shop where theres roofed leisure area with benches.Also, the were many free samples of Super Stacked Chocolate Cake HKD40/ 100g - A thicker, richer version of our All Chocolate cake with more bite, with different kinds of chocolate used for the six inner and outer fudge layerIts super moist and really can satisfy any chocolate cravebtw the mall is doing an exhibition in the gallery that has some cool and strange piecescheck it out while it lasts continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-03
Awfully ChocolateYOU MAKE ME FAT WITH YOUR CHOCOLATE!!!Chocolate pie濃濃嘅朱古力味一入口已經俾佢SUPER 滑 SUPER 濃嘅朱古力味 整暈咗我千層Chocolate cake呢個仲要再好食DD蛋糕唔會'鞋'service very good!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)