1-min walk from Exit H, Central MTR Station continue reading
Helmed by the 'Best Italian Chef in Asia' Umberto Bombana, 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana is the first and only three-Michelin-star Italian restaurant outside of Italy. The signature dishes include the homemade tagliolini, lobster risotto and tiramisu. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2011), Michelin 3 Starred Restaurant (2012-24), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2017-2021)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (181)
To celebrate 2 consecutive successful closings, have decided to reward myself by embarking on a 3 stars culinary journey this week with different dining buddies.Second one on the list: Bombana for dinner.Wine by the glass selection was great. Here’s what we had.Bread basket- albeit a simpler affair than its French counterpart, was an incredible and aromatic prelude to the meal, especially when slathered with the accompanying olive oil and balsamic vinegar.Hoikkado scallop, nestled on a bed of smooth and smoky eggplant purée, its earthy notes enhancing the delicate sweetness of the scallop.Spaghetti, perfectly al dente served with Sicilian red prawns, datterino tomatoes and citrus. The prawns, perfectly cooked, were succulent, fresh and bursting with flavor, whilst the sweet, tangy tomatoes and citrus zest provided a vibrant acidity that balanced the richness of the dish.Baby Lamb from Aveyron, with aromatic herbs, black olives, and caponata (comprising capers and green olives, adding a tangy flavor). The lamb, incredibly tender and flavorful, (albeit too tiny as usual) was cooked to a perfect medium-rare: a seemingly simple dish, but in fact a masterpiece of culinary precision.Short rib and beef tenderloin from the South Australian Mayura beef farm, served with whipped potato, all tied together with a rich red wine and plum sauce. The tenderloin, expertly grilled, was tender and juicy, while the short rib, equally impressive and slow-cooked to melt-in-your-mouth tenderness, added a depth of richness to the dish. The potato, with its earthy sweetness and creamy depth, provided a perfect counterpoint to the richness of the beef.Figs Tart with flaky crust, filled with compote and topped with juicy figs. On the side: creamy, honey-infused gelato.Slice of raspberry cake on the house.Decadent finale: all you can eat from the chocolate trolley.In summary: true culinary gem, with every dish meticulously crafted, showcasing the finest ingredients and the chef's impeccable technique and passion for authentic Italian flavors. Came close second as my favorite in the trilogy series. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-23
High cp value Michelin lunch. 👍👍👍 🥩🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟beefSurprisingly outstanding .Crispy outside soft inside. Perfect texture! 🍝🌟🌟🌟🌟✨truffle pasta never disappointing you of their well known truffle pasta 🍝🌟🌟🌟🌟uni pastaRich and creamy.🍰🌟🌟🌟🌟✨hazelnut dessertNice outlook and tasty 😋 don’t forget the petite four trolley Overall:Food 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Service 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Really good service! Everyone is wearing smile High cp value Michelin lunch. 👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-11
一直在bucket list 的8個半終於有空來嘗一嘗了❤️‍🔥香港意大利Fine Dining天花板是真的不簡單,這家除了在意大利的總店,原來香港這家是唯一有米芝連三星的🐄💗一進門就看到他們的大🍅好可愛,這次來慶祝生日,超開心可以坐在靠窗邊的位置,望住人來人往又不失高級感的中環挺有意思的⚜️寶貝們記得要預約,午餐時段也是滿座的🤍午市套餐的配搭也有幾種喔🤭可以自己搭配要全餐還是不要甜品那些,最普通的配搭不用千元喔~我這次當然要幫寶子們全部試試啦☺️【是日點餐】🥨Appetizer 🦞8 1/2 Seafood Soup💚Homemade Fettuccine 🐮Veal Tenderloin 🍒Cherries 🤍午餐人均消費1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣+🤍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍴嗌咗呢間中環米芝蓮餐廳嘅意粉,彷彿都係喺度搵到香港人嘅「家嘅味道」。👌🏼 海膽意粉真係霸氣,滿滿嘅海膽鋪喺頂,咬落去鮮味滿溢,口感都係滑溜溜,令人滿足。佢哋嘅紅蝦意粉都唔錯,蝦膏鮮香得黎,每一啖都有滿足感。黎到牛肩肉,呢個 "Mayura Beef Shoulder" 係Lunch Set嘅一環,肉質香濃而溫潤,刀工鬼馬,每一咬都嚟個滑得喺舌尖滑翻滾。😋而家嘅讚喎就係佢嘅環境同服務,儘管冇啲乜嘢過分華麗嘅裝潢,但都係夠舒適,令人放鬆。職員服務都算貼心,唔會令人尷尬。餐廳過江龍感覺都啱哂呢度多元文化嘅城市,正喎!客人湧湧,好似見証咗佢嘅受歡迎度。總括嚟講,呢間餐廳嘅食物質素真係岩岩好!下次想試下其他佢哋秘製嘅餐點,期待下次再嚟幫襯啦!🍽🥂#米芝蓮美味 #香港飲食 #舌尖上嘅香港 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Otto is my favorite restaurant in the world in terms of overall experience, winning by a hair, with its most attentive service, intimate venue and celestial food. It might lose by a hair to Single Thread Farm in the food department. The latter is the only one in world restaurant history that won Michelin two stars in its first year and 3 stars before the second year was up. It beats Otto by a hair only for its more diverse selection of dishes, with the owner/chef having trained and worked years in some of the best restaurants in the world, including Fat Duck and Michel Bras having learned Japanese cooking in Hokkaido under a 3-starred French chef and then in UK, assimilating the best of different culinary styles. So if you are one that wants 16 course meal with many different ethnic blessings, you may go for Single Thread, If you are not merely impress with variety alone, but wants simply the best overall dining experience, then you may vote for Otto. I love food, but at the end of the day, the overall experience is most treasured, that’s why Otto is my overall #1. I put my precious dollars where my mouth is. I live in Carmel, blessed with dining at many amazing restaurants in Northern California, including the wine country, so Otto has some fierce competition indeed and to be numero ono in many book is no small feat indeed. I visit Hong Kong twice a year, spending an average three weeks each timeand I dine at Otto at least twice on each of my visit, and that is in the face of the many tempting choices locally.Kudos to the wonderful, unrivaled team both in the back and the front of the house! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)