1-min walk from Exit B, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Lippo Chiuchow Restaurant is located at Admiralty and serves a variety of Chiuchow dishes. A few of their chef recommended dishes include the Poached Crab Cold Cut Chiuchow style, Fried Chicken with Chinjew Sauce and Baby Oyster and Minced Pork Congee. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay OpenRice Pay
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Braised Superior Shark's Fin in Rich Soup Goose with Chinese Marinade Chilled flower crab in ChaoZhou Style Oyster Omelette
Review (149)
Level4 2024-10-26
Didn’t expect Lippo Cha Liu is that packed in lunchtime, there’s a small room besides the large main room, but i prefer eating in the main lobby with brighter environment haaChicken Feet with Black bean sauce is pretty spicy comparing with other cha liu, and you can see whole piece of red bean insides haa, looking cuteSteamed BBQ Pork Bun is good with soft bun, and the quality is in normal standardCrystal Dumplings is in very good standard, very long time no eat this one, this is one of my favorite dim sum when i was very young haaa, this one having very chewy and soft layer and i love red bean sauce haaaBombay with spicy and salt is really well cooked with mild seasoning, the taste isn’t too salty, i love the soft bombay texture soso yummy ahh yayaoutsides:insides:The quality of Dim Sum is pretty good, but the price range is quite high, the environment is in chinese styled, not bad having lunch with mommy here haaa continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-14
琴日同屋企人去咗飲茶,今次試咗幾味新嘢。翡翠帶子餃真係驚喜!個餃皮靚綠色,用上新鮮菜苗打成餃皮,夠晒健康。入面嘅帶子新鮮彈牙,個size都唔細,配埋啲蝦膠,正。蘿蔔糕外皮煎到金黃香脆,而蟹粉小籠包一啖入口湯汁四溢!個餡料有夠多蟹粉,香濃鮮甜,皮薄但唔會好易爛。蒸蝦餃皇都係水準之作,皮夠薄透明,裡面隻蝦夠爽彈,肉質結實新鮮。沙律明蝦角外皮酥脆,裡面嘅蝦餡夠新鮮,配埋個沙律醬。壓軸嘅鵝片撈麵都值得一讚,啲麵彈牙爽滑。鵝片肥瘦適中。呢度食物質素真係唔錯,啲嘢全部新鮮熱辣辣,賣相靚仲要夠晒誠意。難得見到啲傳統點心整得咁出色,真係值得推介畀啲鍾意飲茶嘅朋友! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-01
🔹️開心聚餐選來金鐘 “力寶軒” 潮州菜館午饍🥢🫖 環境舒適寧靜🎶 食物新鮮高質👍 服務周到🧑‍💼👩🏻‍💼食得開心👭👫👭💞💫我們點了📝🥢😋🔸️鹵水鵝拼盤🥘🔸️碧綠川椒雞🐔🔸️金湯焗開邊龍蝦🦞🔸️紅燒豆腐肉碎煲🍲🔸️黃金花姿卷🧆🔸️椒鹽九肚魚🐟🔸️欖菜肉碎四季豆🥘🔸️紅棗千層糕🧆🔸️馬蹄銀杏綠豆爽🍵🔸️蛋白杏仁茶🍵🔸️功夫茶🤸‍♀️🫖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-01
去咗呢間潮州酒家飲茶🫖,午市人頭湧湧。朋友介紹話佢哋啲嘢食好正宗,用料又足料,所以就專登去試吓。果然無令我失望!每道菜都做得好好,真係感受到佢哋嘅用心。首先,我哋叫咗個鵝片撈麵$98,好有驚喜。呢個係潮州菜嘅招牌菜之一。佢哋嘅鵝片,肥瘦適中,鵝肉滑嫩,唔會太韌,鵝味香濃。撈麵有鵝汁,仲配埋上湯,真係一流!我哋叫咗個翡翠帶子餃$78。個賣相已經好吸引,啲餃皮薄薄透透,帶子鮮嫩。蟹粉小籠包$38/位,就係另一個亮點!皮薄、蟹粉嘅味道好濃郁,而且仲食到絲絲蟹肉,真係好正!我哋每人一隻唔夠喉!跟住蒸蝦餃皇$80, 晶瑩通透,個皮夠薄但係又唔會爛,蝦肉爽口彈牙,食落好滿足!最後煎蘿蔔糕$48,煎得金黃香脆,外層脆卜卜,內裡軟糯,配埋辣椒醬好正!沙律明蝦角$68,炸皮夠薄夠香脆,點埋沙律醬,唔會太油膩。除咗食物好食之外,呢間酒家嘅環境都幾舒服,乾淨企理,服務態度都唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-08
跟同事到金鐘開會,完成會議後做到附近的【力寶軒】飲茶,酒樓裝修寬敞,樓式極高,空間感十足,加上店員服務態度有禮,用餐禮驗舒適潮洲炒麵 $168潮洲炒麵用上粗麵,麵條滑順,搭配蝦仁、火腿、芽菜和紅蘿蔔絲,口感層次豐富沙嗲蒸土魷 $68土魷肉質鮮嫩彈牙,搭配濃郁的沙嗲醬,味道香辣適中,加上有薯仔粒墊底,吸收沙嗲和土魷鮮香,非常惹味什菌紫薯粿 $48這道什菌紫薯粿外皮柔軟,內餡菇香十足,紫薯的天然甜味與粒粒菇菌非常配合,口感極具層次鴛鴦水晶包 $48這道是我喜歡的潮式點心之一,水晶包外皮晶瑩剔透,餡料分別是蓮蓉及豆沙,甜度適中,入口煙煙韌韌蘿蔔絲酥餅 $60蘿蔔絲酥餅外脆內軟,層次分明,內裡一條條蘿蔔絲的鮮甜味道和酥脆的口感令人非常滿足紅棗千層糕 $36紅棗糕層次分明,清楚看到分層,紅棗味道甘甜,口感煙韌滑順,適合飯後享用。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)