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四月上旬•炎熱週一,要吃點東西才工作。想吃飯,又不想吃得太膩。沒有什麼胃口,吃蕃茄飯如何?鮮茄加上茄汁炒的醬汁,加了不少糖,多多甜少少酸。蛋是溏心而飯夠多,至少吃得夠飽。還有兩條菜,不過有腩汁味...都無蝕底。加凍奶茶一杯,飽足。睇番相,唔覺意green Monday左一下。
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又行去灣仔LUNCH無頭緒食咩唯有求其去返食過既地方個豉油少少甜,做得幾好叉燒又幾林bor~仲有半隻唔係太鹹既鹹蛋tim~通粉餐好大碗好飽架不過個湯底比較淡口油到好似D油唔洗錢咁,好恐怖個包林到好難食個蛋係半生熟既~真的.. 呢度應該係飯既質素比快餐好啊
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I usually dine here for noodles, rice with egg and luncheon meat but when I went in I saw someone have Glutinous rice wrapped in Lotus leaves so I had that because I didn't know they served it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Glutinous rice wrapped in Lotus leaves:When it came, the smell of lotus leaves was very fragrant.The filling was rich and had lots of fillings such as roast pork, preserved sausages etc, but I mainly ate the rice because that was my favourite.The glutinous rice was soft and moist, richly flavoured by gravy from the fillings and infused with the smell of lotus leaves.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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在灣仔這麼多年, 居然一直沒留意有這樣的一個好地方, 實在太失敗了一天心血來潮想吃車仔麵, 車仔麵之家人太多, 也吃得不舒服, 拱照平平無奇,一 search 之下便發現了金鑽, 評語都不錯, 便去試試。一點鐘左右去到, 非常旺場, 但返檯很快, 幾分鐘就有位,點了個三餸麵, 豬紅大腸冬菇配粗麵, 咖哩汁。友人點了椒鹽豬頸肉飯。麵先到,咖哩汁頗香濃, 不算辣, 麵是變不出花樣普通的粗麵, 但軟硬適中。配料份量不少, 豬紅ok, 不會「一夾就散」, 大腸未夠入味, 最討好是冬菇, 細細粒但夠厚身也很入味, 很不錯。另外友人點的椒鹽豬頭肉應是名物, 很多人都點這個, 試了一點點, 多確夠惹味, 但感覺比較熱氣。環境尚可, 食物普遍算是中上, 價錢在灣仔來說可算是超值, 真是一個開心大發現,午飯多了一個好去處
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