1-min walk from Exit A5, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
I was shopping at a bookstore in Wanchai and decided to grab a bubble tea before heading home. O'Brien Road is like the street food mecca of Wanchai, but there are only a couple tea shops unlike Causeway Bay or Mongkok, where you have many options. So, I decided to get my bubble tea from Come Buy since it's right next to the book store.I didn't have high hopes since I remember Come Buy's bubble tea being only mediocre in quality, and I got pretty much what I expected.I placed my order: Large Cold Tapioca Milk Tea with less ice, and it was ready in a few minutes.The tea was $20, which is about average-priced. The tea itself was better than expected. I could taste the tea flavor, and it wasn't watered down. The tapioca balls were a bit disappointing as they were not chewy and rather mushy. Overall, mediocre. Too bad, Ten Ren on the same street is gone because it was about the same price but much better quality.
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街頭飲品「come buy」台式飲品的旋風襲港多年。今次介紹就是「come buy 」這是一間台式飲品連鎖店,常見長長的人龍,有本地人亦有遊客光顧,即使要站在悶熱並人多擠迫的街頭中等候一杯即製的飲品,大家亦毫不介意,只要一杯涼浸浸的飲品便感滿足。大家要注意,就是多款台式飲品的熱量是相當驚人。一杯全奶全糖的珍珠奶茶熱量相等於一碗半白飯的熱量。其實,在眾多台式飲品中,亦有些選擇較健康,今次,我叫了「梅果茶」少糖$19,這是低糖的果茶,本身想加入高纖的椰果或蘆薈,不幸是這梅果茶沒有這些選擇。梅果其實是消膩解胃口不佳問題,對身體有益處。整體而言,這杯特絕對是透心涼又健康的選擇!
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食完南記粉麵 都9點45 諗住近近地 唔過馬路 就試下come buy勁耐冇飲佢 費時過完天橋 天仁都閂 叫左黑糖珍珠奶茶 走冰 少甜 中杯 $17 近期又話啲珠係乜乜乜做 我唔信 亦覺得香港一定唔會發生呢種事 放心叫 但又真係好好咬口 好似食緊橡膠咁 ...確實好多珠 好食就話啫 甜度 係我叫錯 應該微甜至得 不過姐姐幾好人 提我走冰都係凍 少甜即係少啲黑糖 但啱口味最緊要 所以comebuy始終唔係我首選
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今日在下出開灣仔,好耐都冇去過ComeBuy買o野飲。舖頭唔多人排隊,在下最喜愛飲珍珠奶茶,所以就決定飲佢啦!我點o左單,等o左成10分鐘,一直睇着D人上貨。第到唔耐煩,就吹下佢,出曬汗。 最後終於黎啦!Lum着好好飲啦,點知奶茶勁淡!明明叫o左小冰!都係勁多冰!! 珍珠勁 Lum LoL。貢茶都係 HK$15!! . 在下唔會再飲呢間!
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