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Review (9)
這天下午到荃灣剪髮,一搞便兩個小時,但又趕著出席六點聖堂彌撒,趕時間的情況下唯有在荃灣找檔小食醫一醫肚。平常我多會到大河道的東京站的,因為一向水準不俗。這天我想吃辣魚蛋,但走到東京站面前,看到魚蛋咖哩辣汁便看出這天的辣魚蛋水準有變,於是改變主意。看見轉角後的陳記魚蛋相比之下大排長龍,於是抱著一試無防的心態,就想也不想走到龍尾排隊。在排隊期間,已可以看到周圍有許多正在吃魚蛋的人,似乎應該是水準不俗,這刻我心底裡對這家魚蛋的期望又提高了。除了魚蛋外,這店還有牛柏葉、麵根、牛丸、土魷、雞肉腸等。另外,還有印尼撈麵。排到去才驚發現原來這店的魚蛋和其他小食是滾水煮的,是之後配上秘製醬汁,頓時有點失望。本來我只是選了魚蛋和齋的,但店員姐姐說三串比較抵食,於是焗住要多串牛柏葉,而我配的是大辣的汁。以往,我通常見到是這類魚蛋和汁分開煮的檔子都不會幫襯的。雖然這做法可以讓客人自由選擇辣的程度,但這煮法卻令到辣汁的香辣味只是流於魚蛋表面。大辣的醬汁是由指天椒、薑和香料煮成,這個醬汁本身的確很香很惹味,而且夠晒辣,最岩我這隻小辣椒仔。可惜,正如前文所說,醬汁味道只是流於表面,感覺是醬還醬,魚蛋還魚蛋。魚蛋質素更是差,沒有魚味,唯一可取是比較彈牙。由於醬汁過辣的關係,所以完全吃不到魚蛋應有的魚味。牛柏葉爽口,算是不錯。麵根倒是驚喜,因為它完全吸收了醬汁,非常惹味。老實說,我不明白這店為甚麼會有人排隊,其水準極差,店名打正旗號主攻魚蛋,偏偏魚蛋煮得不知所謂,而且店員服務態度亦需要改善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-26
湾仔地鐵站A3出口旁有好幾檔小食,今晚收早經過有點口痕,就先去陳記來串牛丸配大辣汁。牛丸四粒$7,微微的肉味,爽而不是彈牙的口感,幸而加上有後勁的香辣汁,加番少少分……之後再来個碗仔翅加辣菜莆,無上湯味無肉絲味,冬菇也是一樣,可以不試!笑面,只給辣汁的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-30
During non public holidays I would not consider this stall at all because it is always surrounded by people but as it was a public holiday that day, there was not many people getting snacks from there.There were two snack stalls on that road, this one and the eggette stall which also serves beef offal.The beef offal looked a bit bland so I chose this place.Initially I just ordered the beancurd skin puffs but then the fishballs looked nice so I got an extra skewer of them which were placed on top of the beancurd skin puffs.There are three curry sauces: non spicy, mild and hot.While I was eating the first cup I looked at the name of this place and realised they were famous for fishballs which was lucky because I tried them as well.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Beancurd skin puffs + fisballs with non spicy curry sauce:The fishballs were quite small and they did not have grounded fish bones in it which was good.They were firm and quite al-dente but the fish taste was not that strong.The beancurd skin puffs were a bit too oily and the curry sauce ruined everything because it just tasted sweet just like curry syrup.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fishballs with mild curry sauce:The fish balls were nice so I got another skewer this time trying the spicier sauce.Again it was sweet with a spicy tone to it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-12-09
小妹每個星期都要去灣仔上堂次次經過都見到排勁長龍之前以為係普通燒賣魚蛋,所以冇停抵等今次前見到只有一個人等緊 而且又有啲口痕 所以停抵叫左燒賣魚蛋各一串 加唔辣醬食落幾野味 燒賣是魚肉燒賣...比一般個D大粒少少魚蛋正正常常,不過幾彈牙每樣$6/串調味醬:有少少似沙嗲味,個味好香.而且食落同一般既沙嗲醬有一種與別不同的味道平時小食店既醬 一般都只有辣依間的確唔錯 照顧埋唔食辣既客人雖然只係一間小食店,但係個店員服務不錯, 而且好有禮貌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次要推介的是位於灣仔的「陳記魚旦」,它在旺角、鰂魚涌等都有分店。這裡最出名的是個「招牌辣汁」,基本上每款食物的味道已被這美味辣汁所支配,好吃得某「名嘴」早前也在節目中介紹它。魚旦燒賣各賣 $6。阿姐會將其取出放在紙杯中,再混上一些辣汁,大小唔辣適隨尊便。雖則只是平平地收 $6 一串,但都頗製作認真。魚蛋是很傳統的港式街邊魚蛋,細細粒並帶有陳皮香,入口彈牙有嚼勁。龍少爺喜歡這辣汁不是一尾的辣,它有很多香料及蒜在內。一開始吃到是辣中帶甜,辣得來有香味;過了一會兒,那股辣味就狂湧出來,令人大呼過癮!個人較喜歡小辣,更能吃出香料的味道。這裡的燒賣質素一般,不是最想吃的那種質感,但最重要都是個辣汁。。。掛上了辣汁,一切都變得美好;化學作用令平凡的食物都變得非常美味。這裡除魚旦燒賣外,還有牛丸、牛栢葉、尤魚等小食。其實吃什麼也不打緊,大家都是在吃汁吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)