3-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
This Thai restaurant is located in Quarry Bay with few seats. They offer traditional Thai cuisines. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:45 - 14:45
Sat - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
11:45 - 14:45
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level1 2024-01-18
I work at Tai Koo and I would walk to Quarry Bay without hesitation everyday to grab lunch at this takeaway Thai shop. Once you see the long line, you just know it's going to be good. For $50, you can choose 2 Thai dishes from the array of 10 choices. And I can tell you that you won't be disappointed with any dish. $50 is more than a bargain in Quarry Bay. Worth every single penny. I usually go for 3 and 4, the hot and spicy basil pork, and the pandan fried chicken. I love spicy food and the basil pork always hits the spot. Inch-perfect seasoning, and tingles my mouth. Can't go wrong with basil pork, Thai cuisine's most famous dish.I have to talk about the pandan fried chicken in a separate paragraph. This fried chicken is the absolute best. So aromatic from the pandan, and always crispy whether I come at 12 or 1 pm. My friends even travel 30 mins to try it and they keep coming back. Without a doubt their best dish in my opinion.Number 9: the grilled pork neck is amazing as well. People queue up for this and I believe this is their bestselling dish. A very strong contender for their best dish but the fried chicken just edges it for me.I can eat this everyday and I mean it. The lady is so nice as well, always gives me extra rice. Without a doubt best valued Thai food in Hong Kong. Everyone in QB should get on this. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-07
依間泰國菜專做外賣,所以每逢午餐時間都會有好多打工仔排隊。今次我嗌咗碗泰式豬手飯試吓,佢嘅飯同埋餸係分開擺放,但係豬手好多肥膏,冇咩肉食,整體感覺一般。鰂魚涌有其他更好嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-27
呢間鋪頭午市時間成日都排長龍,只做外賣😯今日有時間就去排下,試一試係咪真係咁好食先😌本身以為咁長龍要排好耐,點知佢地出餐原來好快,落完單無耐就已經拎得。🍗香茅雞翼飯 $50雞翼又香口又脆,唔會太咸,味道岩岩好😚 最怕雞翼咬落去成口油,佢又唔會😍仲有成五隻雞翼,又有齊菜,唔會話淨係食肉咁單一😆個份量好大,相信男仔都夠哂飽!平日鰂魚涌都唔係咁容易搵位,特別係午餐時間,有時連外賣都有排等🫢下次再黎食過其他野😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
快食泰菜之選今日又去左鰂魚涌做野,即係又到外賣時間啦。哩間泰國野淨係做外賣,但都成日大排長龍,因為真係超抵食!泰式豬頸肉飯套餐跟白飯,炒雜菜同例湯。豬頸肉有成17塊!而且肉身煎香,爽口彈牙,配埋泰式豬頸肉醬,送飯一流!個湯同炒雜菜都係正常發揮,不過68蚊就食到咁多豬頸肉,重想點先!餐廳:Thai Kitchen 地址:鰂魚涌海堤街16號龍景大廈地下5D1B號舖Address:Shop 5D1B G/F, Dragon View House, 16 Hoi Tai Street, Quarry Bay#肥誠 #肥誠搵食 #fatshinghk #instagramhk #instagramfood #food #餐廳 #香港美食 #香港餐廳 #灣仔lunch系列 #灣仔 #屯門 #鰂魚涌 #早餐 #午餐 #晚餐 #hongkong #hongkongfood #hongkongfoodie #hongkongfoodblogger #food #foodie #foodiehk #wine #winelover #winelovers #steak  #外賣 #鰂魚涌lunch系列 #ThaiKitchen continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-20
這間泰式外賣經常都大排長龍,很受歡迎,想買飯要早一點在網上落定單😆香茅雞翼飯加炒什菜 $62雞翼有4件,大大隻,肥美,香脆的外皮,裡面肉厚多肉汁,外脆內軟,香茅味夠入味,增加雞翼的層次感,飯盒內配有什菜,幾種唔同的菜炒埋一齊,有鑊香味,非水煮🤤有菜有肉很健康,另外仲有一個泰式汁可以點,酸酸辣辣,感覺很多不同香料,一點也不馬虎,出面很多都是豉油汁的,這醬汁很特別,白飯也軟硬適中,還有泰式例湯附送,湯有菜味,應該是類似什菜湯,整體都很不錯。還有5-6款其他菜式可以選擇,日日食都唔會厭😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)