5-min walk from Exit B, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
Owned by the apprentice of famous Ah Yat, partnered with Uncle King who was known as the “King of Congee”, with their secret recipe of cooking congee, now is one of the famous dining place of celebrities. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
10:30 - 20:30
10:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (50)
Level3 2023-05-06
呢一間有米芝蓮推介嘅粥店好耐之前已經聽過,報紙、唔同社交媒體同平台都有報導過。專程過嚟食,過嚟之前打電話問店員幾點last order,點知去到,店員話呢個時間只可以做外賣唔再做堂食。咁唔緊要啦,諗住照食。點知比完錢,又話呢樣冇果樣冇,仲係咁焗你要其他賣淨貨。都唔緊要啦,成碗粥無味,得個咸字,火鴨得幾條火鴨絲,但無香味,無米味。完全係名不符實,粥底唔綿,唔香,成碗粥好似粥水咁,而且價錢唔係平,唔會再嚟食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-30
米其林「必比登」推薦這裡的粥和麵。在附近的鰂魚涌做完運動,我們就跑上來吃。叫了一個比較誇張的「大鍋粥」一叫做「超級無敵艇王粥」入面有帶子、鯇魚片、鹹瘦肉、豬肚、豬腰、豬心、肉丸、牛肉、鯪魚球。他們說這窩粥是給兩個人用,其實我覺得才六個人也可以用。我們還叫一碟「牛筋牛腩」淨食不錯,好吃。還有一碟蒸蝦米腸粉,但是那個腸粉蒸得過熟了-告訴他們的店員他們也沒有什麼反應,覺得這個是理所當然的啊! 的。环境:還算乾淨,但是廚房裡頭有一些男服務或人員在大大聲聲的說「粗口」服务:很呆-你跟他們說那個腸粉蒸得過熟,他基本上是沒有什麼感覺大問題!沒什麼要改動-整體感覺他們服務人員的服務方式是比較舊式的,不會很主動去改善自己的服務,也不會跟廚房去溝通。Came here since it’s a Bib Gourmand recommended restaurant by Michelin Guide. We ordered a big pot of congee, beef brisket & tendon and also the steamed rice roll - cheung fun. The rice rolls were far to sort as it was overly cooked or steamed. We were disappointed as we told their staff and they didn’t see there’s any major issue. There was foul language speaking staff shouting out from the kitten all around the time we visited. We felt bad for their management and operations. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-21
據說這𥚃的大廚曾在上環生記工作多年,係被譽為「粥王」的景叔;退休多年後和好友再戰江湖,開立這間粥麵店,後更成為米芝蓮推介之一。喜歡吃粥的我,知道後當然不能錯過;平日中午到來,店內末算好繁忙,坐下後便立即叫一早已想好的食品。金品大窩粥(二人用)食材非常豐富,有金粟、雜菌、粟米、鮮鯇魚腩、帶子及鯪魚球等,經過多小時老火慢煲,由生米熬成熟粥,口感綿密細滑,帶有米香;聽說魚腩非常出色,當然是必選,果然魚肉鮮嫩滑口,不負眾望;鯪魚肉Q彈,但比生記要細粒小小;$145一大鍋,都算抵食;最可惜係胡椒粉冇味又唔香,下次要自備帶去。炸油條,侍應話說是即叫即炸,但明顯係返炸,酥脆中帶煙韌,好在和粥一起吃都算唔錯。醬油韮菜乾炒麵,炒得乾身又不會太油,味道適中,吃得過!煎魚餅(4件),新鮮熱辣酥脆可口,蜆蚧醬簡簡單單沒有什麼裝飾,而味道就稍為偏淡。豉油王炒腸粉,最敗筆的一樣點心,完全係蒸腸粉加豉油,又淡又冇味,食兩舊就自動放棄,不值一試。粥麵館地址: 鰂魚涌英皇道683號嘉里中心2樓電話: 27500208 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又係鰂魚涌揾食!天氣涼左想食粥,見呢間好巴閉攞過米芝蓮,就一於試一試佢啲粥麵,主打生滾粥同麵類,真心幾好食,價錢都唔貴,全日同一個價錢,都食得過!🍴豉油韮菜乾炒麵 $25 (7.5/10)份量比想像中少,豉油王炒麵都炸得好乾身,啲麵好爽口輕盈,唔會太重鹼水味,豉油味道比較淡上咗個顏色,幾香唔鹹,芝麻芽菜,韭菜都幾香,炒得唔算油膩OK!🍴原汁牛腩撈麵 $68 (8/10)牛腩撈麵,面都好爽口冇鹼水味,腩汁好香夠濃,但一啲唔會鹹,牛腩好入味好軟淋,唔使咬就散開咗,都有牛嘅香味!幾好食!🍴鯇魚腩滑雞粥 $55 (8/10)個粥好棉滑,煲到見唔到米粒,但質感比較水份多啲,魚腩都有四舊,雞都有五六粒,鯇魚腩係新鮮魚,好鮮甜魚肉好滑,好有魚味,雞就係普通嗰啲雪雞,用咗酒去醃都幾香幾滑,成個粥好鮮味好食!食完係剛好,未到飽肚。推薦指數: 7.8/10粥同麵都幾好食,果然係米之蓮推介!想食下中式嘢都可以嚟食,幾唔錯,坐得都舒服! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2022-06-17同女友係鰂魚涌食晏👯‍♀️走咗去米之蓮推介嘅粥麵館🍚女友點了豉汁鳳爪排骨飯,56蚊煲🍱排骨大大件又好入味🍖我點係梅菜肉餅飯,56蚊煲🍲肉質唔會太肥膩有豬肉油香味🐖鼓油係另上,自己控制鼓油量🫙整體環境同服務都正常,兩個飯都正常,唔洗等位可以試吓,100蚊左右食到車呔人嘅味道,抵玩🛞😆😆#粥麵館#米芝蓮#梅菜肉餅飯#豉汁鳳爪排骨飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)