港鐵中環站 H 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳設計充滿時尚感,大蝦手工義大利麵及寬扁麵是必試菜式。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2011), 米芝蓮三星餐廳 (2012-24),亞洲50最佳餐廳 (2017-2021)
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Visa Master 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (185)
等級3 2024-10-10
245 瀏覽
這是在中環我最喜歡的西餐廳。 中午人均消費1300~1400。 午餐可以選兩道菜,三道菜或四道菜。 價格不等! 我認為女生選三道菜已經很足夠了,如果要選擇肉食還是意粉,我還是建議吃這裡的意粉,這裡的意粉非常地道,肉食反為一般。 餐前麵包很多味道一流,吃完麵包已經飽了一半。 甜點我推介廚師招牌菜Halzenut真是 最好吃。 義大利麵今天有吞拿魚蕃茄義粉或是菠菜羊肚菌意粉。 我覺得吞拿魚番茄義大利麵比較鮮甜,今天頭盤有魷魚或龍蝦湯可供選擇龍蝦湯。 龍蝦煮得剛剛好,湯頭沒有非常濃,但是也非常鮮甜,魷魚味道一般。 不難吃,但也不感動。 。 朋友選了四道菜。 主菜是魚,我覺得味道一般,可以不吃。 吃飯後還有免費的巧克力車,可以任意選擇順便,巧克力比較出色。 ,還有三種小蛋糕,但味道是一般的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-27
1151 瀏覽
很多年没去了,以前就记得是香港最好吃的西餐昨天去了一下,还是很不错的点的是套餐,5道菜,主食是牛肉和鸭肉的选择个人比较喜欢牛肉价格有点贵,没有喝酒的情况下2个人5000+hkd但餐厅氛围很不错,感觉像上海的DV甜品的话,我比较喜欢巧克力,所以换了不在套餐里的巧克力,也试了朋友的榛子甜品也很好吃。下次去试试他们包间的套餐 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-09-25
1359 瀏覽
呢間係Book,終於有機會同朋友一齊去試吓,入面嘅環境好靚,而且唔會太嘈吵,絕對適合傾偈我哋揀咗set menu因為第一次嚟食,想每樣菜都可以試到,所以就叫咗個set,唔講咁多,睇下相先 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-09-16
2141 瀏覽
我唔知點樣去描述意大利境外嘅第一間唯一一間三星米芝蓮意大利餐廳。幾乎冇乜唔好嘅地方。每一道菜都證明咗廚師嘅奉獻精神同藝術造詣,展示出反映創作背後巨大努力嘅複雜性。對細節嘅一絲不苟在各個方面都顯而易見—從烹飪方法到華麗嘅呈現、鮮豔嘅顏色同多變嘅口感。每一口都帶來一場風味交響曲,即使用餐結束後,味蕾仍留戀味道,令你渴望再次光臨。不過公平嚟講,我覺得肉有啲偏鹹。我個人比較喜歡更濃烈嘅牛肉味道。儘管有這個小小批評,整體體驗絕對非同尋常。氣氛既精致又親切,使其成為舉行特殊場合或純粹沉醉於卓越美食嘅理想場所。如果你追求超凡用餐體驗,呢間餐廳絕對值得一遊。這是一場對意大利烹飪卓越嘅慶祝,你將難以忘懷! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
To celebrate 2 consecutive successful closings, have decided to reward myself by embarking on a 3 stars culinary journey this week with different dining buddies.Second one on the list: Bombana for dinner.Wine by the glass selection was great. Here’s what we had.Bread basket- albeit a simpler affair than its French counterpart, was an incredible and aromatic prelude to the meal, especially when slathered with the accompanying olive oil and balsamic vinegar.Hoikkado scallop, nestled on a bed of smooth and smoky eggplant purée, its earthy notes enhancing the delicate sweetness of the scallop.Spaghetti, perfectly al dente served with Sicilian red prawns, datterino tomatoes and citrus. The prawns, perfectly cooked, were succulent, fresh and bursting with flavor, whilst the sweet, tangy tomatoes and citrus zest provided a vibrant acidity that balanced the richness of the dish.Baby Lamb from Aveyron, with aromatic herbs, black olives, and caponata (comprising capers and green olives, adding a tangy flavor). The lamb, incredibly tender and flavorful, (albeit too tiny as usual) was cooked to a perfect medium-rare: a seemingly simple dish, but in fact a masterpiece of culinary precision.Short rib and beef tenderloin from the South Australian Mayura beef farm, served with whipped potato, all tied together with a rich red wine and plum sauce. The tenderloin, expertly grilled, was tender and juicy, while the short rib, equally impressive and slow-cooked to melt-in-your-mouth tenderness, added a depth of richness to the dish. The potato, with its earthy sweetness and creamy depth, provided a perfect counterpoint to the richness of the beef.Figs Tart with flaky crust, filled with compote and topped with juicy figs. On the side: creamy, honey-infused gelato.Slice of raspberry cake on the house.Decadent finale: all you can eat from the chocolate trolley.In summary: true culinary gem, with every dish meticulously crafted, showcasing the finest ingredients and the chef's impeccable technique and passion for authentic Italian flavors. Came close second as my favorite in the trilogy series. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)