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食評 (101)
等級4 2016-03-30
1691 瀏覽
Madam Sixty Ate店子小小,劃成幾個區域,酒吧設近門廊,用餐區和open kitchen在內庭,另熱廚房在最後方.踏進內廰,便被美麗的歐陸式花鳥牆紙,和敞大吊燈掛飾所吸引;室雅何須大,乍看竟有花都茶藝沙龍的綽約風範.熱情的經理和友善的服務生必定是這𥚃的亮點!其實如何評價一間食肆,於我而言,環境食物氣氛加起來還遠不及親和有禮的服務.經服務員細心的介紹和講解,我們作出如下晚餐配酒的選擇.AppetizerScallop carpaccio, black rice, bacon, corn & eshallot "Screin estate, Momo, Sauvignon blanc , New Zealand"頭盤三位朋友均點了帶子刺身,看見他們吃得津津有味,似乎十分滿意.Roasted chicken consommé, coconut scented with confit chicken salad"Chantemerle, Medoc, Cabernet Sauvignon, merlot, Bordeaux, France"而我就要了個椰子雞湯,侍者先端來盛有食材的湯碟,再以小瓶將湯緩緩注進;湯清帶微甜,椰香配燒雞,頗堪玩味;美則美矣,不過個人習慣了中式椰子煲雞的味道,覺得本土版本更滋潤更有層次..MainsSeared Duck breast, cherry jam, cherry bread, coffee & a duck leg spring roll"Chantemerle, Medoc, Cabernet Sauvignon, merlot, Bordeaux, France)嚐了一片朋友的鴨胸,烹調時間抓揑得很好,份量不少,可是櫻桃麵包的模樣像食剩跌了下去似..她認為鴨腿春捲內肉質偏乾且韌..Spiced pork loin, truffled pumpkin, pickled beets & crackling"Roaring Meg,Pinot noir, central otago, New Zealand"我的豬柳味道不錯,肉也淋稠,紅菜頭南瓜清新甜美,只是不大喜歡炸豬皮那股油膉味,吃罷口腔殘留不討喜味道..Poached salmon, Apple, parsnips, potato crumble, sprouts& bergamont"Chateau roubines rose, cinsault, grenache, Provence, France"朋友的三文魚,說是很細嫰幼滑,不過稍嫌過生..DessertsOlive oil cake, citrus curd, orange meringue & blood orange pepper sorbet我想試試他們怎焗製蛋糕,結果呢?蛋糕如想像中的粗糙亁身,不過配合血橙雪芭和香橙蛋白,又出奇地搭檔,居然成為我整晚最欣賞的菜式呢.Lots of chocolate; creamed, crisp, sponge,crumbled & iced端上枱,看似亂糟糟,不過朋友是巧克力控,她十分喜歡,說濃郁非常.Caramel banana's, date pudding & smoked peanut butter ice cream裝碟大方得體,淺嚐了布甸一口,黏黏糊糊的質地,可能更適合外國人的口味..是次菜式,效果未必很對胃口,不過wine pairing的選酒不錯,良朋美酒言談甚歡,總括是一個愉悅的晚上.剛剛從官方網業得知Madam Sixty Ate已告別灣仔,呼籲顧客継續支持位於圓方的姊妹店Madam S'Ate.不知此店往後有何新發展,期望他朝江湖再見吧.. 繼續閱讀
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向來係前衛及Posh嘅母親大人係係六月生日,小弟揀咗一間位於灣仔船街及莊士敦道一間上樓嘅型格食肆,請母親大人食一餐有型又有款有好味道嘅西式午餐。因為第一次想去幫襯所以我哋兩個都決定叫set lunch試試。呢間有型食肆你一坐低就有個鬼佬埋你問你飲Still or Sparkling, 要俾錢冇理由叫水飲,梗係叫有氣礦泉水飲啦! 因為天氣太熱所以叫咗一杯Cocktail 名為Hong Kong Tai Tai (Grape, Ceylon Tea, Lemon & Ginger Ale ),雖然一啲都唔洗寶貝但小弟唔使五分鐘就飲晒之後再叫一杯 Madam S’ Ate Tonic ( Grapefruit, Cranberry, Lavender Syrup & Tonic)。頭盤我叫左個Beef Carpaccio比自己然後再叫熱湯 Roast Duck Soup with Tortellini and Cornbread俾母親大人,主菜我就叫左母親大人最喜歡羊肉 (Lamp Rump with House Sausage)自己繼續鍾意牛肉 (Skirt Steak with French mushroom)。最後在叫咗個Sesame Bruleee with yoghurt bubble比母親大人當係生日蛋糕呢個食lunch送兩件餐包(味道唔錯),但當我決定encore嘅時候waiter就表示encore要收錢 <ANGRY!!!!> 出嚟請母親大人食飯冇理由咁失禮, 人哋話要收錢就唔叫, 我就答個waiter:”要錢冇問題俾多份我啦!!!”講真七百幾蚊食set lunch連餐茶都冇!!! encore麵包有要收錢…….真係唔抵,食物質素勉強可以值七百幾蚊但因為價錢貴唔抵食所以餐廳全場只有十零個食客,我諗我下次想同搵一間冇乜人幫襯 嘅餐廳我先會再嚟幫襯 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-08-28
3474 瀏覽
 星期二到灣仔上關於工作上的training, lunch 有個半鐘時間,搵間坐得舒服又唔迫人的地方食個閑閒的 lunch 慰勞一下自已,記得曾到過 Madam Sixty Ate 食佢的afternoon tea,氣氛環境都唔錯。大約12:45到,客人並不多,只有3﹣4枱二人的客人,真係夠晒清靜。可以好好咁靜下看下文件。看過餐牌,我選擇咗3 courses lunch set. 首先送上餐包,個牛油好有肉味,好特別好好食,哈哈,怕肥都要揸多D。頭盤我揀咗呢個清湯,因為有sour cream的原故,飲落小小酸,我個人唔係好慣。 主菜揀咗BB雞,D肉好幼嫩,而sauce就有好香的花生味,但有D油膩,總括都好食最後甜品的芒果好鮮甜,creme brulee 甜度恰到好處,整體有好清新的感覺。好滿意。如果想搵個地方靜靜地同朋友傾下計,呢度食lunch真係唔錯,食物也很用心去做的 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-08-14
4351 瀏覽
Like many friends I know, I was devastated with the closing of The Principal. A bit shocked too I might add. It wasn't that long ago when the restaurant raved about capturing their second Michelin star but in only 6 months, they decided to throw in the white towel ending a great run under the guidance of Executive Chef Jonay Armas. Very sad indeed.What that meant to me was more than just losing my favorite lunch spot in Wanchai. It's an alarming fact that even some of the best restaurants in town could no longer afford the rising rents. To me, that was the more concerning part.So from now on, Restaurant Akrame takes over as my No.1 in Wanchai. But having just visited them not too long ago, I decided to go with other places this afternoon, places I've not visited for a long long time - Madam Sixty Ate or The Pawn?After checking out the menu at the Pawn, I decided to visit Madam Sixty Ate instead. (Too much fish on the menu for me.)Looks like poor business was everywhere in Wanchai. Still recalled Madam Sixty Ate as one of the more popular choices for lunch back in their hay days but now just one table at 12:45pm on a weekday. WTF?? That was incredible. Incredibly sad.I've always enjoyed dining at this spacious dining room. The design was very modern and elegant.After an underwhelming piece of bread, things began to turn around for me. I was in love with my starter the moment it arrived. A lovely duo of seared scallops with cauliflower cous cous, spiced corn, black garlic gel, almond and parsley. The scallops were a little more than half cooked, which was exactly the way I wanted. The cauliflower and black garlic were great matches for the sweetness of the scallops. And the spiced corn? Were they really corn puree? Tasted a lot like artichoke to me but surprisingly well matched with the rest of the ingredients. This was a well-designed dish. Well done (4/5).For main course, I went with their seared sea bass with confit tomato and pickled fennel. That was alright but not finger licking good. I did like the sauce which was made with egg yolk, fish stock and roasted garlic. Very rich and refreshing which was quite ideal to go with the sea bass (3/5).I was going to leave without dessert but somehow I found room under my belly for dessert like I always did (for dessert only). This was a simple dish of chocolate panna cotta served with strawberry parfait and chocolate powder. Found it a little interesting that they made the panna cotta in stripes. I thought it was "serviceable" (3/5).It's been a while since I last visited Madam Sixty Ate's Wanchai branch. I thought the ambiance was still very relaxed and enjoyable so of course I was a little disappointed to see the small crowd here. Will they follow the same fate of The Principal? Let's hope not.PS. Rumors now have Giando moving from their Fenwick Pier location to Star Street to take up the vacant spot by The Principal. Stay tuned. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-05-26
5875 瀏覽
Came with some expectations. Left with quite a lot of disappointments.Ordered 2 weekend set lunch at $308 each.BreadThe sourdough is piping hot and tasty, especially after wipg with the homemade butter. The best part of the meal.Starters1. Herb Risotto, mascarpone, and Serrano crusted soft eggThis is spendid. Although the risotto has lost its chewy texture after deep-frying, the combination of the sauce, cheese, poached egg and rice is unbeatable. The flavor is diversifying and interesting. 2. Celeriac and pear soup, duck croquettes and salad of shaved pear, fennel and thymeNot bad a dish to start. Taste a bit like Chinese pork soup however. The duck croquettes immersed in the liquid is great.Mains1. Wagyu tri tip, braised short rib, fondant potato, knobbled artichokes, french beans & tarragon (+$40)Wagyu is tender, juicy and great. Potato with jam tastes spendid. But that's all for the whole dish. The short rib is over-seasoned, so as the sauce. The artichokes is burnt. Overall, the entirety is a bit too salty. 2. Confit salmon, green peas, old grain crust, potato puree & bacon jamI.e. slow cook salmon. Nothing to bring home about. Mediocre.Dessert1. Lychee & white tea pannacotta, white chocolate parfait & pineappleThe most disappointing session of the meal. The pannacotta is lack of lychee and tea flavor. The pineapple is weird. It does not look or taste fresh. The whole plate is simply ruined. 2. Cinnamon spiced mandarins, lemon thyme cake & caramel ice creamIt did not perform much better. The lemon cake is dry and tasteless. The various components did not come well together.OverallThe quality of the food goes down as the meal advances. That is really distressing. The food quality and the service as a whole deserve an "okay", but considering the price, a "cry" is seemingly inescapable. Hence the verdict. 繼續閱讀
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