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Confit leg parcel Farmed snails from Lyon in crispy shell French ‘’Charolais’’ Beef Fillet Jus and dauphinois gratin Marinated Hokkaido scallops with watercress and wasabi dressing Pigeon breast on artisanal ginger bread
食評 (18)
Chez Patrick 是知名的法國菜館,馬賽海鮮湯更是招牌菜式之一,得知有普羅旺斯馬賽海鮮湯之夜,當然勿失良機!位於灣仔的 Chez Patrick 餐廳有私人電梯直到。大門招牌上有美食圖片,令人食慾大增。環境雅緻舒適,簡潔光明。餐具如是,白色為主,感覺高雅但不奢華。 Bouillabaisse in Provencale Menu三道菜晚餐,每位$588,價錢非常合理。 因為晚餐八時方開始,餐廳送上鴨肝pate及火腿小吃於早到的客人,pate滋味,風乾火腿醎香濃,與麵包同吃,正好招乎肚子,免得她發聲投訴!Fresh tuna tartare, peppadew, red bell pepper, virgin olive oil tapenade  前菜是免治生吞拿魚扒,饀料混合青椒、紅椒、大量洋蔥及橄欖油,鮮嫩中帶爽,調味恰當,合符水準。Traditional Marseille's bouilabaisse, rocky fish and saffron soup  慕名已久的馬賽海鮮湯,果然名不虛傳,三種魚類均來自法國,是不一樣的品種,大廚根據魚的特質在不同時間加進湯窩烹調,入口鮮嫩魚味香,除了有魚外,亦加進數只青口及一只大蝦,同樣新鮮肉質彈牙,最出色當然是湯底,呈深橙帶啡色之海鮮湯更是真材實料,味濃醇厚,鮮香樸鼻,餘韻悠長,好喝至停不了,幸好可以添加,心水推薦!"rouille" dip sauce and garlic croutons客人亦可隨意蘸以甜芥茉吃海鮮,加芝士於湯底及伴以香脆蒜香麵包片同吃,非常體貼。看我們如貓咪般洗碟全清,一滴不留!Lavender flower cream brulee  甜點是有薰衣草香的法式燉蛋,頂層加糖燒至微焦,是指定動作,確實又增添層次,香脆帶硬跟燉蛋之棉滑成強烈的對比,完美的結束。三道菜晚餐,價錢不過份,味道一流,環境服務無失望,夫復何求。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-07-03
1055 瀏覽
Visiting this French bistro is always a delight - the maître d' (yes the great Patrick himself) was always jovial and attentive. As I arrived before my dining companions, he was kind enough to bring a mini amuse bouche to sweeten the wait.The gazpacho was light spicy and quite stimulating; there was much more to it than plain tomatoes - it actually contained garlic and brioche! Naturally this completely outshone the garnishes. As for the appetizers, the seasoning was a shade too heavy on the herring fillet, but the foie gras dishes were amazing (fig & smoked terrine versus "trio" foie gras); especially the "trio" variation consisting of profiteroles filled with foie gras or terrine with dark chocolate sauce - looking like a dessert but not at all sweet, with the chocolate accentuating the aroma of the foie gras.The main courses were satisfying but less "wow" when compared to the appetizers. The fish, though prepared as a western cuisine, bore a faint resemblance to the traditional Guangdong steamed fishes. The steak and the gravy was a nice match. The quail and potatoes dish was a pleasant surprise and the quail tasted like tender chicken flesh with slow cooking. The desserts were laudable too; the poached pear in red wine sauce was extraordinary in spite of its rather plain appearance - the pear melted in one's mouth and tasted like hawthorn. The ice cream and rhubarb tart was unique as the latter was not the British earthy version but a "Frenchified" dainty one. The creme brûlée was nothing short of the ideal - the glazed caramel crust was crispy but not too sweet, the custard base was smooth but the consistency was adequately firm for the spoon. What topped this wonderful repast was the very reasonable price as weekend 3-course lunches ranged from $300-350 only! From the menu, weekday lunch buffets are also a bargain and hopefully I would be able to try this in future. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-05-31
1089 瀏覽
It was Le French Gourmay month that attracted me and my wife to experience Chez Patrick Lyonnais menu.  I took their promoted menu but my wife decided to try 2 of their signature dishes instead.The 4-course with wine pairing was HK$810 per head.  I would say that this was an impressive experience of "Cuisine Bourgeoise" as they positioned.The Amuse Bouche was good especially the Asparagus soup.The 4 courses were:1. Black pudding tartlet, comfit apple and creamy cardoon veloute - this was very well balanced for the 3 items mixing together in mouth.  The wine (Cotes du Rhone Villages Belleruche 2012) delivered the usual Rhone Blanc feel but won't merit a high rate.2. Braised cabbage and pig trotters parcels, wild mushrooms sauce - it looked heavy because of its dark colour but it was in fact quite light because of the cabbage and it was tasty with the mushroom sauce.  It did give a good feel of home cooking.  The wine (Saint Joseph Deschants Rouge 2010) went well with this dish with its rather rough and spicy notes of Rhone.3. Roast whole rib eye, Beaujolais blue cheese sauce - the beef was lovely and it was nicely paired with the sauce.  The wine (Crozes Hermitage les Varonniers 2011) matched well with the beef and sauce.4. Pink praline ice nougat, Lyon's fittlers and apricot coulis - this was well presented and gave satisfying taste to finish the meal.The 2 signature dishes picked by my wife were:1. Foir gras trio with orange and bitter chocolate sauce - it gave 3 different foir gras experience and the terrine with figs and ice-cream were especially good.2. Pan seared John Dory fillet and king prawn, sauce bouillabaisse from Marseille - very fresh seafoods with tasty sauceThe overall experience was good and we will come back for further experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-04-11
1467 瀏覽
At the point of writing this, I have already been to the restaurant for 4 times. On each and all occassions, the dining experience was near perfect. (perfection is an illusion).I write on my first experience at dinner on 29 March 2014.1.   The restaurant was very simply designed with modern awnings and wall paper. It was located diagonally opposite the Hopewell centre. 2.   When we arrived, we were immediately shown to our table at a comfortable corner and was offerred the drink list and the menu. 3.  Apart from ala carte, there were a choice of 1,2 or 3  course set dinners to choose from ranging from a price of HKD$280 to 480 per person.4.  We ordered a 3 course dinner each at HK$480+ each.5.  My wife had : Foie Gras Trio, John Dory and Lavender creame brulee     I had : Scallops Duo, Grilled Pigeon and Appla Tart.6.  The Foie Gras was served in 3 small portions in 3 different forms - beautifully cooked from grilled, fried and terrine. My wife loved all the flavours from the lusciously cooked dish.7.  The John Dory fillet was cooked in white wine sauce and was delightfully delicious. the skin was crispy and the fillet.. - warmth and juicy.8.  The lavender creame brulee was unusual in its name but was aromatically baked and deliciously true to its flavours.9.  As for my scallops, they were beautifully grilled and overlayed with homemade sauce. Very fragrant and rich and was the best dish amongst all of my choice.10.  The grilled pigeon was very juicy. Not dry as was assurred to me by the chef. Lots of 'character' with each bite oozing with flavour from the red colour sauce which accompanied the dish.11.  Lastly, the  apple tart which like the creame brulee, was freshly baked on our orders (we usually order dessert at the end of our second course). The crust was crispy and piping hot. Fillings of apples were fresh and hot. Right from the oven to our table.12.  The evening meal was a sumptuous and very satisfying gourmet experience.13.  As for the wine, we ordered 3 glasses of Rose. I completed the night with a Graham 10yrs Vintage Port.14. Before I conclude, I must add that the restaurant carries a unique personal touch of chef Patrick. Chef patrick will go from table to table of guest seeking their feedback on his dishes and even recommending them dishes. It was the personal interaction with the chef that has made the experience ever more personal, delightful and enjoyable.15.  Lastly, one more surprise for the restaurant came in its bread basket. The bread was a  home made baguette and was very crunchy and tastety. It carries a uniquely different taste from normal baguette- slightly more tasty with a warmth - centre portion. Beautiful..16.  We completed the evening by buying a fresh loaf of baguette from who else..but the chef himself.17.  Total bill with 3 rose + port + dinner = HKD$1,470 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-03-13
1699 瀏覽
Date of visit : 28 February 2014 (Fri) 7:30pmNo. of diners : 2Average cost per head : $500 (with wine)Food quality : 7.5/10Environment : 8/10Service : 7.5/10Value-for-money : 7.5/10Overall rating : 7.5/10This is one of my reviews on meals booked in the Restaurant Week event.I have only visited Chez Patrick Deli on Star Street for lunch. I picked Chez Patrick Restaurant given some positive feedback from my friends. The menus offered in the Restaurant Week were of the middle tier, at $348 for dinner.My overall experience was just so-so. The menu and food preparation both lacked a spark to make the dishes interesting. Most of wait staff serving us barely passed the standard of a mid-range western restaurant. They were either with stiff faces or didn't address to our request.  The executive chef, Patrick Goubier, was the most active one in the restaurant welcoming and explaining the dishes to diners.I may visit Chez Patrick again but it will not be on my wish list in the next Restaurant Week.a) Amuse Bouche (complimentary) – 8/10On the left is the crab meat mousse, mild in taste but still good as spread with baguette served. On the right is the chilled cauliflower soup, refreshing and palette cleansing.b) Le Puy Green Lentils Soup, Foie Gras and Morels Cappuccino (optional entrée) – 7.5/10French lentils blended with foie gras and morel mushroom to form the foam. Both the flavour of foie gras and morels were mild.c) Chilled Fresh Mussels Bavarois and Home Smoked Salmon (optional entrée) – 7.5/10As explained by Patrick, mussel stock was reduced to thick concentration and then beaten with mascarpone cheese, saffron and curry. Wrapped with home cured salmon and green salad on side.d) Roast French Free Range Chicken Breast with Creamy Oyster and Citrus Zest Sauce (optional main) – 7/10The cooking temperature was just slightly over thus making the meat tough and dry. The use of orange zest was good and matched the dish. The hash brown on the side was nicely pan fried.e) Pollock Fillet (optional main) – 7/10The fillet-o-fish was too salty than it should be, somewhat reflecting its freshness. Served with two sauces, one in mild mushroom and the other in Jerusalem artichokes, both couldn’t help much.f) Artisan cheese selection from France (optional dessert) – 7.5/10French cheese including goat cheese, camembert and the one that I didn’t know.g) Fine pineapple jelly on a coconut and rum mousse (optional dessert) – 7/10This was a pina colada in the form of jelly. The texture of the pineappale was more like agar which made the whole dessert very Asian like.03.2014 繼續閱讀
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