此店是一間西式的CAFE,店內裝修優雅,是一處舒適的CAFE。可以和三五知己坐在這裡吃些小食,一邊談心。食物種類選擇比較西方口味,而且特別。 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 22:00
07:30 - 23:00
12:00 - 20:00
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
士多啤梨雪冰 扒菜、羊乳酪三文治 朱古力曲奇餅 西班牙批 西蘭花櫻桃蕃茄沙律 意大利菜蛋撻
食評 (151)
等級2 2013-03-04
867 瀏覽
喺一個Happy Friday嘅Lunch Hour食咗unhappy嘅一餐。之前舊址喺Zambra,見佢新裝修完諗住再去試食啦!點知一去到見到連舖名都改埋Bolaven,變咗喺食東南亞食品,見個餐牌都要成六個幾蚊一個Set,雖然食品有特色,但哩個價錢喺灣仔區都仲有好多選擇。心大心細之下經職員介紹一下之後,話喺同Zambra同一個集團。而且主打organic食材,咁不如都試一試啦!應該唔會好難食掛!入到去個service都ok,新裝修環境一流,餐廳喺開放式廚房,感覺唔錯。頭盤點咗個肉碎生菜包:首先我真喺未食過咁難食嘅肉碎生菜包,眼見果三粒只喺普通嘅豬肉丸(粒),無味無道,感覺好似食緊湯渣。主菜點咗個喇沙:之後嚟個喇沙仲離譜,份量少得兩啖食完,我覺得好唔尋常,昅一昅隔離枱,其他人好多都點炒粉,每碟份量都好合理,但點解會出現天價喇沙呢?講返味道先,雖然食到有辣味又都喺偏清淡。睇佢哩個湯底嘅顏色咁濃,但要做到咁淡口,真喺顛峰之作,貴就貴在金肉其外,真喺畀佢呃晒...睇埋單發現,要加一服務費,頓時覺得真喺搵笨!唉...鬼叫哩度喺灣仔區咩! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-11-13
311 瀏覽
位於Stewart Road與Java Road的交界, 正對面就是Pacific Coffee, 通常的選擇, 邊間少人去邊間, 鋤強扶弱呀, 教喜歡Zambra的鮮奶咖啡, 味道較濃, 濃一丁點啦, 而且鮮奶照打泡, 泡較濃, 飲落非常滑, 樓上座位寬敞, 可以望街, 舒適度高. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
俠女這晚約了俠男於藝術中心欣賞話劇《笑之大學》,他說事前想吃西餐,我想也不想便決定去Zambra了。灣仔是俠女工作的地方,食肆林立,Zambra向來穩守「我的最喜愛食店」頭幾位,對一個不喝咖啡的人來說,它到底魅力何在呢?位於街角的咖啡廳,樓高兩層,落地玻璃隔絕街外的車水馬龍。中午時份,陽光照在一樓的沙發上,溫暖無比,與其太陽標誌相映成趣。牆上以橙色作主調,讓人感覺有如置身熱情奔放的南美國度,身心不禁活潑起來。晚上時份,夜幕低垂,灣仔也開始打瞌睡了,最好上咖啡廳的二樓靠窗位置(這位置似曾相識,因不少劇集也在此取景),靜靜品嚐一頓豐富晚餐,就如今晚一樣。可愛的俠男接俠女下班,兩人手牽手步進咖啡廳,點了兩個晚餐,主菜分別是巴馬火腿露筍意粉及牛扒伴蔬菜,餐湯是番茄湯,沙律則是長通粉沙律,另加甜品:香橙罌粟籽蛋糕和藍莓黑巧克力蛋。餐飲方面,我們加錢轉了杏仁熱巧克力。(明白為何我會說豐富了吧?)二樓靜靜的只有我倆,我們邊分享沙律和湯,邊欣賞外頭的雨景,很愜意。我最愛吃這兒的意大利麵,款式多之餘,分量亦足,味道自然誇啦啦了!這次點的意粉用了白汁烹調,汁較稀,所以不會太膩口。露筍是清淡的食材,配以鹹味的巴馬火腿,剛好互相補足,佳作也!另一主菜牛扒經過醃製,很入味,不過我那塊部位較多筋,吃起來有點韌,俠男那塊則沒這問題。配菜量很多,有青豆和紅蘿蔔。我不太好紅蘿蔔,幸好俠男幫我吃掉大部份,還說味道帶酸,開胃非常。俠女不能喝咖啡,所以在咖啡廳只會叫熱巧克力,剛好俠男是同好,這晚叫了兩杯杏仁味的。這兒的拉花杯杯不同,每每有驚喜,加上杏仁味道濃郁,加錢升級絕對值得。時候不早了,甜品只能外帶,待話劇完了,我們到運動場旁的平台慢慢吃。甜品味道很好,在微涼的初秋,有你在身邊一起享受美食,真好!   The HeroWe are preparing to going to watch a Japanese stage drama called “Laugh Institute” (笑之大學) thus would like to have something before going for the show in Wan Chai.Wan Chai in the Hong Kong Islands is full of delicacies and Zambra is a special and relaxing place for solitude in the hustle and bustle in the busy Hong Kong streets. The 2-storey bistro is in a relaxing setting and there are not many customers in the restaurant around 7 pm. It is off working hours and we see pedestrians on the streets heading home. We came in and ordered first and then chose a place beside the window on the restaurant’s 2nd floor.We ordered 2 dinner sets including 1) Parma ham with Asparagus linguine, 2) Tenderloin with vegetables and come with tomato soup and macaroni salad. Of course, it also comes with two selected desserts: we chose 1) Orange poppy seed cake and 2) Blueberry dark chocolate cake. We had also chose Almond chocolate to accompany the dinner. It was just all by ourselves on the 2nd floor and it was so romantic while no one disturbs us in such a quiet setting. The outside drizzling rain also enchanted the experience. The linguine here is well-cooked as the sauce is light mixing with the salty Parma ham provides a good mix and match combination. The tenderloin is marinated and well-seasoned. The piece I gave to Adorable is quite thick and since Adorable dislike carrots, I have to eat them all.The almond chocolate is another recommendation because the smell is so good and rich and creamy. The extra money added serves its cost. Since we both are full, the two desserts have to be taken away. We enjoyed it after the end of the drama and the taste is wonderful. It was such an enjoying day in the metropolis today.      繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-10-01
107 瀏覽
不用工作的假期早上,走到了人流比較少的灣仔區來吃個早餐,本來想去Starbucks或者這裡對面的Pacific Coffee,但走到附近的時候醒起Cafe Zambra這裡也不錯,那些連鎖咖啡店還是留給走投無路時才試吧。在商業區附近,假期的人流不會很多,很輕易便找到個靠近落地大玻璃的坐位,享受著秋天的日光。作為早餐本來是打算要杯咖啡跟一件鬆餅的,但看了看餅櫃內的鬆餅存貨,似乎不太吸引。就在這個時候,我的眼角看到了在餅櫃的一角,有一個完整的Banoffie Pie在跟我打招呼,看上去很吸引,於是便要了一件,另外再要一杯latte。走回我的座位等了一會,店員便把咖啡及批送上。這杯latte入口的溫度合適,是不會燙口至不能吞下的,espresso的味道比較奶味突出一點,入口醇和順喉,奶泡打得夠細滑,只是較薄了一點,若能厚一點便完美得多。早餐來件蛋糕似乎是heavy了一點,但說實在的,這件Banoffie Pie實在很好吃。在我吃入口的第一啖開始便慶幸自己沒有要鬆餅,而改選了這個批。面層的忌廉打得很幼滑企身,入口有奶香;而下面的香蕉片用的香夠熟夠香,當然也很甜美;批底有一層焦糖,這個焦糖有濃郁的焦糖香味,而入口不會很甜膩,加上香脆的消化餅底及上層的香蕉片及忌廉同吃,實在好吃得無話可說。另外很喜歡這裡用上的杯碟,色彩很鮮艷,令人覺得很有朝氣。就這樣慢慢的在中秋的陽光底下吃著早餐,輕鬆舒服的度過了今年中秋節的早上。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-09-22
151 瀏覽
Visited Zambra for lunch with my wife. Heard it is run by a kiwi so was looking foward to some NZ style dishes. The place is has a grotty 90's throwback interior. The seats by the window look particularly sad - like they haven't been drycleaned for a few years. This place could definately use a facelift. I had a chicken curry pie set. The soup was very bland, seemed like it was just hot water with diced veggies. The curry pie was ok, with nice pastry but rather cold. I had the greek and malaysian salads which were both bland. My wife had the canelloni iat least it was cooked properly but also tasted pretty average. She had the bean salad with her set which was also bland. By the way, when you order a set they say coffee is included, but if you want a latte you have to pay $12 extra.. Go figure. The coffee was ok, better than normal HK standard but not great. To finish off we had a banana cake which was... Bland. Seriously never had a meal where there was so little flavour i was willing my tastebuds on to find something. Really dissapointing and am pretty suprised by how well reviewed the place is on open rice. Definately will not be returning. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)