2521 0868
花串日本料理是一間舒適的日本料理餐廳,提供親切的氣氛和友好的服務。自1989年於蘭桂坊成立以來,花串日本料理最著名的是串燒。超過40多種傳統串燒如雞肉碎丸子,脆皮雞皮,亦提供很多日式清酒和啤酒。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
VIP房 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
西京烤銀鱈魚 刺身 脆雞皮 雞肉碎丸子
食評 (40)
等級3 2016-09-14
3042 瀏覽
成日都想去日本,係一年四季都想去,但返返下工,真係話去就去咩?諗下係無罪既一於食住左日本LUNCH訂住先啦一碗刺身飯係咪真係頂得住可以唔去日本?當然係不可能既事事關呢碗飯有三文魚,帶子,甜蝦同海膽,仲有日本豉油。但好似不夠齊全先講味道,每樣食材都夠新鮮,碗飯亦有日本米應有既甜及軟。確實係一碗不錯既飯,但總係覺得未夠開心。但以一碗賣飯既飯來講,合格有餘! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-01-18
1749 瀏覽
中環日本菜有幾間質數不錯, 其中花串很保持水準壽司set - 刺身都厚厚的, 飯酸度適中,飯挾起不散, 每一件入口大大的, 雖然已大部份沒有用了日本刺身做食材, 但味道外觀仍然很像日本菜一樣, 火焰肥吞拿壽司,入口即溶 上面一點燒汁,不用點豉油味道已經好足夠, 三文魚子壽司,三文魚子不太咸脆卜卜, 海謄壽司乾身靚貨無防腐劑味,份量多, 珍寶帶子成1cm厚刺身定食+toro 飯- yummyyummy~~~~ 刺身份量多, 真的很新鮮, 喜歡將鱆紅魚卷著海謄, 很有海鮮鮮甜味,牡丹蝦大隻彈牙, 蝦頭新鮮無黑色,最差可能係件三文魚不是腩位, 喜歡高擋食肆對食品高要求必用新鮮wasbi, toro 飯淡粉紅色賣相已不錯, 啖啖入口即溶...OMG 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-01-12
988 瀏覽
- Made a reservation before, so was setaed very quickly- noisy restaurant, so unless you are seated at the back seats, it is better to eat with friends here- the service has been constantly good everytime I went- I only go for lunches because they have good dealsRecommend:Toro Rice- The toro rice is my favorite in this restaurant. It is also always part of the lunch set menu (around 150-200HKD), so after the salad + soup, you feel like you are getting your money's worth. - The toro rice is mixed with sesame, white spring onion and probably pink sugar, thus the toro rice is very sweet. Love itBeef rice with egg in a pot"- I hate green pepper, so I ask them to take it out everytime I order this dish- There was one time when the dish was not served with green pepper, but I could still taste it in the beef, so even though you may order it without the green pepper, the dish may still have the taste- the dish has been very constant, the beef is always cooked just right and the onions go well with the beef. There is also always just enough sauce for the rice.- My friends usually order toro rice or this dishThey also offer yakitori sets here for lunch. The sets include i think around 10 different yakitoris for around 200 HKD.Although I personally don't think the yakitori here is their strong suit, the yakitori is decent enough to satisfy cravings.The few I like:Chicken meatball- sauce reminds me of the Ajitommi meatball sauce- taste a little floury, but good enoughOther decent yakitori include: chicken wing yakitori and the corn yakitoriDesertI am very particular with my green tea ice cream. I think the Haagan Daaz one is good, but if it was sweeter, it would be better. This restaurant has the Japanese sweet type. So if you like this kind of Green Tea ice cream, you can order it for desert. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-11-17
636 瀏覽
係中環食日本lunch, 閒閒地都要百幾二百,都仲係普普通通的.聽朋友講呢度okay, 都好耐無去蘭桂坊哪,咪去下啦.呢度每日都有d special set lunches 的.呢度d set lunch 大約$150 至 $200 不等.我點了手卷配牛肉烏冬($150),是當日的 specials, 已平了$20.呢度坐位吳太逼,係都中環來說算好,不過多幾十蚊就係坐得好點啦.手卷有兩件,一件係三文魚,另一件係海膽,兩件都好新鮮.吳錯.碗牛肉烏冬都好好味,不過應該好多味精,因食完後好口渴.咁就吳係咁好啦. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-08-08
483 瀏覽
七月二十三日 (星期五)老公仔在公司工作了五年多,話長唔長,話短唔話短我們部門最有(或者是唯一有)良心的老闆特地邀老公仔來一個歡送午敍並請了數位要好的同事一起前來(當然有我的份兒)差不多每次到日式食肆,我都會選三文魚的定食今次也不例外,選了三文魚親子定食看到每塊厚厚的三文魚,已令我垂涎三呎每塊三文魚都閃耀着豐富的油份再看看大大粒的魚籽嘩!一向不太好魚籽的我,也不禁要試試配襯的白飯,我又何能忍手呢!每粒飯飄着飯香,一粒一粒軟稔度適中三文魚是近腩位的部份,油份充足,而且魚肉爽而鮮美,無得頂!一口飯,一口三文魚,極致享受老公仔選了三文魚的朋友-吞拿魚蒽吞拿魚腩蓉定食起初以為是魚蓉味道必會大打折扣相反,味道依然,而且油份充中魚腩蓉很厚,差不多有2cm,攪拌於飯中一起吃,老公仔說好味得不得了!!!其他同事選的燒銀鱈魚和燒牛肉,都一樣讚不絕口!每個餐都差不多二百多塊,但我們都覺得物有所值!喜慶場合,可考慮來此一聚John, thanks for the treat! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)