12:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Contrary to the common belief, not all my meals are extravagant! I do enjoy simple dishes and this Shanghainese meal was another good example of how I enjoy simple dishes with good company! Xinjishi 新吉士 is one of my personal favorites not only because of the food but perhaps the environment as well.(1) Preserved Eggs with Bean CurdOne of my favorite dishes of all times! Many restaurants nowadays tend have less preserved eggs for this dish but I like it with plenty of preserved eggs to go along with the silky smooth bean curd / tofu. I think the sauce was one of the key factors in making this dish so ... addictive. Slightly sweet but not too strong in overtaking the flavors of the preserved eggs. My friends and I were fighting over this dish!(2) KO-FU (braised wheat gluten with bamboo shoots)Rich in flavors on every bite but slightly too strong in my opinion. It was soft and chewy, a great dish to start the meal off.(3) Pan-fried string beans with dried chopped shrimpsIt was rather salty! The dried chopped shrimps paste were too salty and it was better to be mixed with some rice to go along with it. Also, the proportion was rather small as well. Disappointing!(4) Xiao Loong Bao (Steamed Pork Dumplings)The skin was thin enough but again the tip part of the dumpling was too "dough-y" likely due to the way it was prepared / wrapped. Not much meat juice was found inside but the meat was moist enough with a sufficient flavors. A fair dish indeed.(5) Fried rice cake with pork and vegetablesIt lacked flavors or maybe it was intended to have a light flavors. In either case, I don't like it not just because of the lack in flavors but also the rice cake was overly chewy, took me a long while to finish a spoonful of it.(6) Mini-rice dumplings in ginger soupWOW! It was spicy! Spicy in a Gingery way !!! I coughed a few times after the first sip. It was like having a burning sensation in mouth. I love ginger but this was too much! For ginger lovers, give it a try, you might actually like it. I guess my tolerance level for ginger might not be as high as I imagined!Likes: * Preserved Eggs with Bean Curd - might have to order two dishes next time to avoid the fight over it. * Xiao Loong Bao - not the best but meat was moist enough and skin was pretty thinDislikes: * Pan-fried string beans with dried chopped shrimps - too salty! * Fried rice cake with pork and vegetables - rice cake slices overly chewy * Mini rice dumplings in ginger soup - extremely gingery to a point it was rather spicy! Avg Spending: HKD 100 - 200 per personOriginal Blog with More Pictures: http://jason-bonvivant.blogspot.com/2009/11/xinjishi.html
Tonight is friend gathering. We want to try "shang hai" food and one of our friends suggested to try this restaurant. Below are the list of food with comments:: bowl:1. 鱔糊 好味 魚肉不"林" 2. 炒麵和年糕 較油 不好味3. 炒粉皮 太淡 但我覺得ok, 因人家寫明無肉 (小南國 My love)4. 小龍飽, 我無份食, sorry, no commentOthers are fine. (Sorry that I cannot remember all)Price is a little bit expensive, but as the service is great and no one would "give signal" to you to leave eariler. So I would still try again with my wife.
叫左菜式如下:椒盬小黃魚2條 $120 條魚不是很大條, 魚要靠點淮盬才有味香酥鴨半隻 $120 偏乾,偏鞋, 好彩可以ORDER 半隻雙菇麵筋煲 $55 D麵筋同一般素菜館賣的唔同, 不會浸到淋晒, 一 PAT PAT, 麵筋少少挺身, 幾好味薺菜肉絲炒年糕 $68 很淡口麻醬雞絲粉皮 $45 D麻醬帶紅, 應該不是全''麻'' 唔知加左D 乜, 但幾好味咸水鴨 $55 鴨肉浸過咸味, 但不會過咸, 而且肉質不會過肥,瘦得來也不''un''雞汁百葉包$60 雞肉醃得幾惹味生煎包 & 鍋貼 $32EACH 肉汁夠麻婆豆付 $60 以前曾在其他食店包括粵式,上海式菜館都食過麻婆豆付,但這個辣少少蔥油餅 $50 煎得略為燶左些少, 而且D蔥是成條夾在蔥油餅內 .....不是切碎, 仲以為是碎蔥, 不知成條蔥夾在餅內是否特式制法 ????以這種裝修格局的食店, 份量不會很多, 我覺得偏貴是椒盬小黃魚打電話訂位時,問過甚麼卡可以有折扣, 但去到食野時才知聯營卡不包在內 , 他們在這方面做得不是太好, 應該在電話內講清楚, 但其他服務方 面如寫菜,上菜, 收碟是ok食滿$800 可以free 3小時泊車另外標題'可以再試'' 是因為menu內還有很多款式未試過, 以上曾經食過的食物會再叫的是...麻醬雞絲粉皮, 鍋貼, 雙菇麵筋煲
恤完靚髲的孖芝,出動覓食,鐘情上海菜,聽朋友評價又不錯,故來了這兒試食 鎮江肴肉:質感比其他店爽口,層次分明,那個jelly部分做得很好,無任何肥膩感,蘸以鎮江醋很醒胃 醉雞,孖芝到上海館子必點的菜!這店的醉雞很有酒香,不過調味偏淡,雞肉不夠滑,較多碎骨呢 小籠包︰皮很薄,肉夠香嫩,熱騰騰呷一口肉湯,好味! 上海粗炒:麵身嘛,孖芝一個覺得偏硬,一個覺得有咬口,個人喜好啦~ 不會太咸,伴以很多青菜炒起,不油也不膩 桂花丸子:第一次吃有涵的酒釀丸子,而且有點點生果,蠻特別... 但酒味略淡,桂花香不突出,而且... 孖芝還是比較喜歡傳統的小粉團 總的而言,所有菜色調味皆偏清淡,不過不失倒是姐姐們勤快的斟茶換碟功夫,值得一讚
第一次在openrice寫食評. 本人對上海食物情有獨鍾, 特別係點心! 訂了幾次"新吉士"都去唔成, 今次終於在掛8號風球前同老婆來了。先講食左d mud 啦 (d價錢可能有少少出入, 因為唔係好記得):1/ 麻醬雞絲粉皮 ($44) d麻醬幾特別, 雞絲ok 啦, 粉皮就幾滑同薄2/ 小籠包 ($32) 4隻 本人最愛的上海點心, 皮薄, 多湯, d豬肉都幾好, 夾住搖左幾下都無穿. 大小適中. 好多出面出名的小籠包(什麼鼎泰豐, 翡翠) 都無這裡的出色3/ 生煎包 ($32) 4隻ok! 個底"high"左d芝麻來煎, 幾香. 有兩個擺左成半個鐘先食, 都仲有少少湯係裡面4/ 上湯番薯苗 ($70) 初初係想叫清炒($50), 個經理話上湯啦. 不過真係幾得,有好多金華火腿, 又有冬筍, 個湯我飲哂, (老婆話我太誇張了), d菜幾爽.5/ 黃芽菜絲炒年糕 ($72)ok啦, 個豉油汁幾好味. d年糕算有咬口, 但係厚多少少會好d, 黃芽蔔好新鮮.d 份量幾多, 而d class o既酒樓來講真係幾多. 食完都好鬼飽.講下d服務la, 一路食都ok. 到埋單時, 我們問有沒有card會有discount, 佢就話左一d比我聽, 會有9折. 到我拿出來時, 又話不能是聯營卡. 我就開始有點火了. 因為, 我訂位時問了一次, 他們說無任何card有discount. 早一日, 我老婆打去re-confirm位時, 又問多一次, 都係咁答. 而家就話好多張都有同埋開始左好耐. 大佬, 我無理由日日都拎哂d card出街ga ma! 我同個waitress講, 佢就話可能訂位個日係星期日, 個staff攪錯, 第一唔係, 第二我有講係訂邊日ga ma. 重有有mud可能分開兩日兩次問都話無先得ga. 跟住越唸越唔順氣, 就搵個manager來反應下, 點知重激氣, 佢一聽之後, 就話"咁我要了解下你地訂位時的對話先", 我當時即刻黑面, 佢就話先講對唔住. 跟住都重係話可能溝通上的問題, 我話兩個唔同人, 唔同日打來問, 都係溝通問題. 佢又問我記唔記得同事叫什麼名, 我真係俾佢激死, 有幾多人會訂位問埋個staff叫mud 名ga, 佢話都有d ga! 個態度係完全唔得, 無誠意!