港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
2383 8765
2383 8611
餐廳共有兩層,以簡潔的白色作為主色加上大型落地玻璃,充滿一種簡約美,呼應著總廚Giorgio Antoniella 的烹調真言︰以平凡的材料煮出不凡美味。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 17:30
18:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
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切餅費 詳細介紹
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以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
大蝦蟹肉燴意大利飯配西紅柿和西蘭花 卡斯特扁豆湯伴番茄及龍蝦 帕爾馬火腿,番茄片,水牛芝士,芝麻菜及帕爾馬奶酪 美國安格斯烤牛排(300克)及帕爾馬奶酪伴烤蔬菜配酒醬 海鹽焗全鱸魚伴蔬菜 烤帶子伴白玉米,黑松露,煙肉卷
食評 (175)
等級3 2021-10-18
1466 瀏覽
一客香烤海鮮拼盤餵飽兩條仔,直落甜品餵飽埋另外兩個胃。 We got 2 male stomachs fully filled with the amazingly grilled seafood platter "Gran grigliata mista di mare". We ordered desserts to fill our alternative stomaches though. 這裏氣氛很好。窗邊位有無敵大海景,看到M+博物館那邊,而其他食客也享受到舒適的環境,柔和的光綫,輕鬆的音樂。而且這裏的侍應都很專業,由接待到上菜都能感受到他們的友善和友善。The ambiance was superb. Window-seaters enjoy wide-screen sea view overseeing M+ Museum, while other diners enjoy cozy environment, mild lighting and light music. Moreover, the waiters and waitresses were obviously well trained. From receptionist to waitress serving food, every single staff was nice and attentive to details. 我們等待烤海鮮的時候有一堆麵包(沒錯,是一堆,不同種類都有)。每款都好食,味道口感都不錯,又新鮮。而特別值得一提的是這款長方型脆脆麵包。我們指定refill這款,而侍應都知道就是這款人人都愛。餐廳都好大方(因應價錢)給我們refill這麽多。While we were waiting for the grill, a variety of bread was served. This rectangular crispy bread was so nice and we particularly ordered refill for it, and the waitress KNEW IT. From the picture you can see how generous the restaurant was! (well, of course, given the price of the dinner)香烤海鮮拼盤一上桌,那陣炭燒香味實在難以忘懷。豐富的香味來自新鮮的龍蝦、蝦、扇貝、海螯蝦、魷魚、魚柳和墊底的薯仔,另外有沙律。出奇地好味的是在底部默默吸收不同鮮味的薯仔,實在不能再更好食。另一樣正野是龍蝦鉗,因為有殼保護,燒烤後爽滑彈牙,鮮甜無比。美中不足的只是魚柳,略乾。這碟來頭不小,兩條仔都已經飽了第一個胃,所以直落甜品。 The platter arrived our table bursting with fragrance of the grill. It came with lobster, prawns, scallops, scampi langoustines, squid, fillet, served with salad and potatoes at the bottom. Everything was fresh, so you can imagine the savoury smell after grilling. The potatoes was a pleasant surprise, as they were at the bottom absorbing the tastes from all kinds of seafood above. The result was amazing. Another pleasant surprise was the clamp of lobsters as they were protected by the shell during the grill, so they were extra juicy, smooth and tender. The only thing to improve was the fillet- just a little bit dry. We were unexpectedly full after this single platter so we directly reached dessert session! 甜品精心佈置。我點了開心果甜品。甜品中的開心果雪糕來得正及時,不太甜,但好有果香,又令飽飽的胃再添加一份滿足。裝飾的生果都是選過的,多數都甜美,而莓又不會太酸。Desserts were nicely displayed. I ordered the pistachio dessert and the pistachio ice cream was just right. It was not too sweet, and its fruity smell was satisfying. The fruits were in good quality- mostly sweet, and the berries were not too sour. 同行條友點的巧克力甜品應該好吃,因爲他老實不客氣,不肯跟我分享。(枉我跟他分享我的雪糕)The chocolate dessert should be nice because that guy going with me refused to share. (I shouldn't have shared my ice cream with him) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-10-03
3695 瀏覽
I took spaghetti, the tomato sauce was very bad and acidic. Probably kept for 4 years on the shelf. It came up all day up my stomach and at the end of the day, I had to go and vomit in the toilet at work. Very sad for me.I never saw a spaghetti so lousy in my life! 1. needing salt2. 4 times more sauce than actual pasta. It was more a soup tomato spaghetti than spaghetti. 3. out of date or acidic tomato sauce, is that still an italian restaurant?One manager,  seemed to harass the waiters ladies. He was not shaved, which in asian culture is not very polite. Andhe talked very loudly and making derogatory remarks to the ladies waitress. Hey Isola, THANK YOU BUT GOODBYE, last time i come. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-04-04
15434 瀏覽
Called to reserve a table but took 3 calls to get through the line and the lady was already rude to begin with. Entered the restaurant and they told us we didn't reserve, super bad service, got the wrong order twice and food took an hour to arrive. Expected way better than this. Food quality is not bad, but will not return until the service improves. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-03-06
11806 瀏覽
We were at Isola for early supper yesterday and as far as I am concerned this is supposed to be a great experience for the high price one pays. The table we were led to had no table cloth, we had to go find someone to bring us a menu, we were the only table that did not receive a bread basket, the food was at best average. My husband had homemade ravioli with a mushroom sauce and he said the sauce was great but the pasta was overworked and stodgy. I had the salmon which was good, the sauce was on the bitter side. My daughter had margarita pizza which was fresh and tasted great. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-02-26
8602 瀏覽
在ifc食晚餐是最寫意的,因為環境及餐廳質素都非常好,而且菜式亦相當多選擇。今次就選擇了ifc我isola意式餐廳,試下他們的食物。西餐中我最愛吃意粉或pizza,嚟到意大利餐廳梗係要試下pizza啦~我們兩人order了一份腸仔薄餅 (sausage pizza ) 小食就叫了雞翼(chicken wings) 前菜就order咗Caprese mozzarella salad,所有食物質素都很好而且仲好好味,等待食物時間都不太耐,落訂後10分鐘內即到。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)