今天下午請了假, 做完d 野先有空去吃午餐, 3點多踏入這間餐廳, 其實這個時間都有下午茶供應, 但我實在太肚餓了, 點了三文魚沙律, 粟米甘荀湯, 咖啡做午餐。這裡環境普通, 裝修痳痳, 但我很喜歡這裡, 待應們都很親切, 尤其是女的那位, (因為以前我常常來這裡幫趁的)三文魚沙律, 粟米甘荀湯, 咖啡 一共$51 元, 其實值得的, 這個價錢在中環一定食不到.三文魚都頗大塊, 沙律是有醋汁的, 唯一可作改善的是, 醋汁甜了一點.不過整體上, 不錯~
2008-10-14 ( *I forgot to tell they also serve vegetarian dishes! )To celebrate my good friend's birthday, we went to Fresco Cafe last Saturday night ( Oct 11th ). My friend previously took lunch here and she recommended to try their dinner. We arrived at about 6:45p.m. under the waiter's warm hospitality. There were a variety of food choices. We had chosen 芝士大蝦龍利燴意大利飯、鵝肝芭菲扒牛柳配紅酒黑椒汁 not knowing they were 招牌菜.First came the fresh salad and then Papaya & Pumpkin soup ( in one ) which were made of good quality. The goose liver was melty and crispy in mouth! After finishing the drinks, we were surprised there followed the dessert - Wow, my favourite cheese cake.After a whole week of business, what a wonderful moment for 2 good old friends to sit together in a harmonious, quiet, warm and candle night enjoying quality food and service.We enjoy ALL the food here especially the tastes were not exaggerated or heavy. All were done just good. To our surprise, the bill was just $315 including 10% service charge. This quality of food usually can only be found in top hotel outlet. Before we left, I asked if the cheese cake was hand-made by themselves. The answer was YES!To talk about room for improvement, I would think of their loom. The floor is a bit wet.After taking the 2-hour dinner, we strolled from Sheung Wan to Central and found it a most enjoyable gathering!
今天下午順道經過此地, 約要等個幾鐘, 吃飯是最好消磨時間的, 兩點鐘...未到下午茶, 但又想吃點東西, 見此餐廳幾舒服(人少少)!午餐由 $4x 至 $ 6x 不等, 沙律, pizza, 意粉, 飯都有, 我選了個 香蒜素菜雞柳炒扁意粉 + 凍檸水, 食物約十分鐘到, 素菜有椰菜花, 西蘭花, 紅蘿蔔等等, 鹹咗少少, 扁意粉都炒得幾乾身, 蒜味淡淡, 食物不至令我再次幫襯 (因為同區還有很多想試), 但服務就值得一讚, 侍應有禮, 而且不會常作騷擾動作!
read the comments here before I went therebut was really disappointedthe food there was not badbut not special at alljust like cafe de coralbut the curry source here is really badit tastes like cream source w/ yellow colourother aspects are okthough really nothing special
呢間餐廳其實成日lunch都會黎食。。不過今日先有機會寫下食評。。今日同同事1行8人黎呢度開餐。。好想試下個紅酒繪牛尾。可能已經買灑。。(我地到既時候先1點15分咋。。甘快賣灑)。之後我點左蜜桃雞肉pizza....唔係好多地方lunch會有小pizza供應。味道既special。甜甜地。幾野味。。食完之後一定要叫拒個homemade cheese cake(不過唔記得要加幾多錢呢。同埋如果驚食唔灑可以叫拒幫你1開2。)..好好味...凍飲唔使另外加錢。。其實平時黎好中意食農夫派。幾得意好似午餐肉甘。但係無甘油之餘仲有小小雜菜。。好味道。另外据成日d 漿料都幾special..好似今日就有紅Curry蘋果汁。試過下。。味道都係幾好架。。同埋如果大食既朋友唔使擔心唔夠食架。因爲如果你食到1半發覺唔夠可以叫拒比多d飯/意粉你。唔使另外加錢架。。同埋d飯唔係白飯甘簡單,不過我又講唔出有咩唔同,大家自己去試下啦。。總括黎講我覺得呢度味道好。服務態度又好,係如果做正係廚房出面味道比較大。之外真係唔錯既一個地方。可惜只係因爲緊公司未有機會試下呢度既晚餐。我估一定唔會差。。另外同事叫左天使面啦,豬排牛肉腸紅Curry蘋果汁,T-bone,煙3文魚Salad,同羊排,全部都話幾好味。