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食評 (6)
等級4 2015-02-17
3825 瀏覽
I love to take cooking classes. I've been to both good ones and bad ones. But there are far too many bad ones among the small amount of really good ones. Hami Bakery is one that is really good.Hami Bakery is run by a young woman named Hami Cheung. She creates super kawaii cookies, cupcakes and whatever baked goodies for order. And in her studio in a factory in Kwun Tong, she also holds baking classes where she teaches people how to make her super kawaii macarons, cupcakes and cookies. Her classes fill up quickly. She's popular. Why? Because she runs an excellent class.A coworker did a macaron class during Christmas where she made Santa Claus macarons. We stood in awe at how cute they looked. Out of all the baking that I do, macarons is the one thing that I'm fearful of trying even though I know all the ingredients and all the steps. I always felt that I needed someone to actually guide me through to making them in order for me to succeed. So, when my coworker mentioned she was interested in taking the Chinese New Year macaron class, I asked to tag along.Her classes are located in a factory building but is fairly easy to find. It's actually right outside APM. Her classes are in one room while her kitchen/office is in the room across the hall. The room where the classes are held is actually rather small. The maximum amount of students she takes in is 16. This small number is a good reflection on why this baking class is so good. The small amount of students allows her to check how each student is doing. There is no abandonment of any student under her watchful eye. The room, though small, is clean and even has a closet to place your coats and bags and a washroom.It had a super cute display of the various macaron designs she's done.Each student was given a set of utensils. All the ingredients were measured out ahead of time for all. Recipes were passed out to all. However, instructions were all in Chinese except for the ingredients which were both in English and Chinese. Classes are done in Cantonese. I'm unsure if she'd do English but one can always ask? A demonstation is done for all and then you are put to work. As you blend away, she walks around to see how you are doing and check if everything is not over whipped.My macarons before I baked them. I learned how to properly pipe the macarons into perfect circles!The macarons were baked in the room across the hall. She let us touch the macaron after it was dried so we know what it's supposed to feel like before baking. My little babies baking away.After finished baking, we were given back our macarons and taught how to frost them.We were given royal icing that was colored and made ahead of time for us. However, she did demonstrate how to make royal icing and the different textures we should look for and how to use them. FINALLY I learned to make royal icing from scratch! She even taught us how to pipe things and different techniques. So, useful! Some I didn't know.After working hard at decorating my macarons, they came out pretty cute. I filled them with the pre-made ganache and my macarons were done! I was so proud of my work, I immediatly shared them on Facebook for all my friends to see.We were given nice boxes to put our macarons in to take home.The class took four and half hours to complete. There were still students decorating away when my coworkers and I left. Hami was in no rush to make them leave. It seemed they could stay as long as they needed. That's pretty good. Another reason this is an excellent class. No rush for you to get out, like other places I've been to.The class was $450. Though cost more than most baking classes, it was really worth it. Excellent tips were given. Demonstation was clear. Questions were answered. Class size was small so she could check in on each student. There was no rush to get you out of there. Everything was clean and tidy. I would definitely take another class if I get the chance and recommend to many. Now to take my new found macaron making skills and try them at home! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-01-13
2395 瀏覽
馬卡龍這玩意其實一直都不是宅女心頭好, 不過唯獨是HAMI出品的馬卡龍就會時不時買來過過甜癮.除了因為味道不俗, 也喜愛其創意無限的手工繼早陣子宅女買過的小新大頭, 這次居然能做出維妙維肖的IRONMAN 出來!!IRONMAN套裝(1SET5件 HK$120)一整個IRONMAN大頭造型精緻得來又帶著霸氣, 實在不忍心吃入口呢!!不過咬下去其實餅身煙韌中帶鬆化, 甜度亦不會太高內裡的味道就是檸檬, 但酸度又不會太過, 味道不錯.另外亦有2件士多啤梨及2件拖肥口味的, 味道不會作假, 也不俗.更喜歡HAMI的馬卡龍就算放了兩天再吃口感都仍然不會差的! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-10-18
1859 瀏覽
四月二十四日 (星期三)還記得那天,是我們相識二千天的大日子架架仔仔一早找來蝦米,特別訂製了另一半最喜愛的低BDuck Macaron!六吋的鴨頭Macaron,做型相似度是百份之九十九點九九!!!以為大件的Macaron不會好吃,誰知,以鮮芒果肉作餡的這大塊頭,實在令人驚喜~入口是煙韌的質感,伴以鮮甜的芒果肉,實在好吃除了好吃,也甜在心呢細心的蝦米,也物盡其用,做了一些小低B Duck很可愛喔~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
有幸獲得飲食網站 Openrice 的邀請, 參加了一個別開生面的 Macaron (法式甜餅) 製作班, 對於「檸茶」這個甜魔來說, 平日只有吃的機會, 要親手造的, 實屬首次, 可算是一個大挑戰。是晚共有八位 Openrice 殿堂和資深食家出席, 當中有部分有製作甜品的經驗, 但大部分也是跟「檸茶」一樣屬「初哥」程度。活動地點是 Hami Bakery (烘焙自修研究所), 來到這個位於觀塘區某工業大廈內的工作室, 面積不大, 但麻雀雖小, 五臟俱全, 除了跟製作有關的器具外, 也不乏一些以 Macaron 為主題的擺設, 十分吸引, 真的想偷偷地摘下一兩個來吃。負責人 Hami (蝦米) 是城中炙手可熱的獨立甜品師, 由最初為興趣而開始於網上分享心得和出售小量甜餅, 到後來出現於各大傳媒, 到現在已經擁有自己的工作室, 更不時於各大展覽場地擺設攤位等, 是現時城中人氣最高的本土 Macaron 製作人。是晚由 Hami 本人親自教授製作 Macaron 的方法和技巧, 能夠首次學習便獲得名師指點, 「檸茶」實在獲益良多。所有材料和配套事前已經由店方預先準備好, 成功與否, 便看看大家的天資如何了。首先以雞蛋﹑ 杏仁粉﹑ 糖粉放到攪拌器內, 攪拌途中更要分開數次加入砂糖, 時間掌握是關鍵, 不準確的話便會影響了完成品的質素, 而最後的竅門, 則是把攪拌後的材料拿出來時反轉, 達到右圖這個呈勾狀的形態便合格了。加入微量食用色粉, 並加以攪拌後, 色粉便會由原來的深橙色散發至均勻的黃色; 放入特定膠袋內, 便可以把甜餅外殼逐一擠出來了。這是其中一個最考功夫的環節, 無論所用的力度﹑ 擠出來的份量﹑ 甚至器具和版面的距離都非常重要, 缺一不可, 否則便會導致大小不一或變形的問題。之後便要經過風乾程序, 須由表面呈光澤變為暗啞, 才可放進焗爐內。是晚天氣較為潮濕, 因此風乾時間較長。於烤焗期間, 每片甜餅的邊緣位置已漸漸變成常見的粒狀裙邊了。先後以兩種不同溫度進行烤焗, 以保持外層香脆。輪到製作皇室糖霜 (Royal Icing) 的時間, 做法是將有關材料攪拌至帶流質, 可以用右圖的這個方法來做個小測試。將皇室糖霜加上不同食用色素, 便可以開始繪畫圖案了。這是 Hami 老師的即場示範作, 不知「檸茶」可以做到有幾分相似呢?把烤焗後的甜餅由烤焗用紙張拿下來, 至於是否容易, 則完全視乎上述所有工序的精準度, 加上天氣有所潮濕, 是晚「檸茶」這個版本的附著力較高, 需要較長時間來處理。如果之前擠出來的甜餅大小不一, 不要緊, 現在可以換玩一玩配對遊戲, 將大小相若的兩片配對起來, 如果本身不是太誇張的話, 應該沒有難度。最後, 由原來只有「笑面」, 變成即興的全套「開飯」評級系列, 感謝店方慷慨解囊, 專程為我們調製那滴眼淚的藍色糖霜。當然亦不少得自由創作環節, 這兩個「檸茶」甜餅, 日後也可註冊成商標吧?晚每人製作了合共十五個 Macaron, 放在一起時, 場面甚為壯觀。首次製作來說, 能夠達到這個效果, 「檸茶」實在相當感動, 收貨有餘了。製作出來的 Macaron 通常都需經過好一段時間的放涼或冷藏程序才可食用, 以減少內含的水份, 增強外層香脆和內層煙韌的口感, 達至最佳食用效果。 經過一日後, 「有幸」品嚐「檸茶」拙作的朋友均說「有些像樣」, 除了最內層略為濕潤, 和甜度略嫌高了些外, 也不失為一個美味的 Macaron, 「檸茶」也總算放下心頭大石。很高興能夠有這個機會, 跟名師學習製作 Macaron, 是「檸茶」極罕有的機會, 實屬可貴。再一次感謝 Openrice 的邀請, 還有 Hami Bakery 的安排! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)