港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
Beirut是一個熱情的餐廳,充滿溫馨的氣氛。客人可以享受正宗,美味的黎巴嫩菜餚。客人可坐在樓下的開放的大門附近,伴隨著蘭桂坊的景致和音韻吃一頓飯和享受飲料或可在樓上用餐區,悠閒地躺在沙發舒適的座位上享受食物。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:15
Visa Master 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
沙律三明治 莎威瑪 麥粒番茄生菜沙拉 鷹嘴豆泥伴全麥中東包
食評 (15)
等級4 2018-08-04
2479 瀏覽
I found this place on a restaurant booking app and was unsure due to the mixed reviews here.5 of us came for drinks and bites, we ordered the falafel, hummus, halloumi cheese, fries, lamb skewers, a cheese spread, spinach pastry, and a rice "dumpling". I can't remember all the names of the food but everything was great.The spinach pastry and the rice dumpling was a little strange due to the lemon juice, I guess it's just that we are not used to the tang in our food.The place was quiet and I wish they had more people so I've uploaded their menu for all to see. Service was amazing and food was great. Will definitely go back! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-10-22
2287 瀏覽
由地下搬到樓上後,這餐廳變得不易找。真的要留心看看指示牌,才發現上到一樓呢。轉個角後,便發現很獨特的門面,也知道找到了。餐牌的設計也與門面互相呼應。餐牌的封面就像是一度門。打開就可以找到美食。因為對黎巴嫩菜真的不是很熟悉,所以就點份午餐吧。頭盤Moutabal,係烤茄子,加上芝麻油及檸檬汁。味道香甜帶點酸,很開胃。而烤餅也很鬆軟,很易入口。開胃得來,也叫人滿足的頭盤菜。主菜是Lamb Roll,當中的羊肉味道很濃,第一口吃下去時羶味有點嗆口,要慢慢吃去才可舒緩。不過包的質感不錯,配合夾脆的菜及蕃茄,是很有特色的食品。在場內有不少有特色的擺設,可以慢慢地欣賞一番。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-07-31
4014 瀏覽
與家人到Lan Kwai Fong 食lunch, 黎到呢間lebanese restaurant, 因為大約一個月前黎過食, 幾好味, 而家人從來未試過lebanese food,所以照辦煮碗再order 多一次Houmous, Tabbouleh Salad, Pita Bread.Hummus/Houmous -- 好食, 味道不濃, 建議唔好食左main course 之後先至食.Tabbouleh Salad - 有tomato, parsley, lemon juice etc..... 好食到不得了, 感動流淚, 強烈推介. (家人本身接受不到Parsley菜式, 但都話幾好味)Pita Bread - 同上, 好滑, 好香, 一定要order!main course - chicken好好味呀~~~~~~~ 少少油, 但D雞好嫩, 多汁, 好耐未食過咁好食既雞肉! 強烈推介! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-02-18
2857 瀏覽
I've been coming here and ordering takeway for years. This time was different, it just felt from the start that they were trying to squeeze every penny out of us. We asked what beer they had, they gave us menus and asked if they could start us with still or sparkling water, quite pushy, while we were asking about beer.. then the starters - humus & another dip, which came with just two pieces of bread - we asked for some more and they stated it was $8 a piece. The main courses came with no bread at all. This contrasted significantly from visits in a few years ago where bread was unlimited and water was not "pushed"! I can't help but feel that the high costs of LKF have ruined a good restaurant. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-11-29
2158 瀏覽
一行十三人黎到食 lunch,好像也不是很多人黎,we were almost the only group there on the second floor....the waitress asked us if we wanted any water (distilled / sparkling), we said just tap water please.....she exchanged this look with the manager and she COMPLETELY ignored our request and continued to go on and asked any bottled water?...hate this part the most...cos we already knew they would charge a premium on the bottled water and since we were a big group...surely one bottle was not enough...I always thought that we should be reasonable on spending on food...I would rather spend more on trying more dishes than keep having her serve bottled water.......I thought her pretend-did-not-hear-us-attitude was pushy and poor....We finally ordered:Hommos - a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, sesame paste, lemon juice, and olive oil dipped with pita bread (this one more creamy and delicious in respect of the taste...although the chickpeas were tasteless)Baba Ghannouj - another spread made with eggplant , sesame paste and lemon juice (I would prefer hommos more)麥粒番茄生菜沙拉 Tabbouleh salad - chopped mint leaves, parsleys, tomatoes, onions, lemon juice....太酸了,好難食...我寧願食無味菜。Falafet balls - too much spice or herbs mixed together,超難食啊!好辣添,攪到我咳番....Beef / lamb / fish / chicken kebabs - beef and chicken were juicy...I don't like the strong lamb taste and the sour sauced fish....so I only ate the french fries and ordered more pita breads ($5 each) to dip with the HommosIts pricey $160 each...considered that we only ate pita breads to make us full for lunch... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)