11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
最近在某雜誌看到蔡瀾先生評論「何謂食家」,與大家分享一下。原文節錄:「所謂食家,有以下的標準。1. 不能讓餐廳請客,一定要自己付賬,那麼食家發表的評論才會公平。2. 甚麼是好吃?都是比較下來的結果。食家要很勤力地去食遍各類的食肄,才有這種能力。3. 除了本地的,也要到各國試吃,視野廣闊,味覺更為靈敏,不能只比較一個國家,要比較天下的。4. 只選高貴的餐廳,而不去露天覓食,那麼,這個所謂的食家,就會脫離群眾,所發表的言論片面,到最後也會被大家離棄。5. 永遠保持好奇心,不斷地尋找未吃過的美色,試過,才有資格說喜歡或不喜歡。」非常中肯的評論,同意!本少值著此五大原則,本少爺對以下這頓自費泰式午餐「泰殿」有此評語:「冬蔭公海鮮金邊粉」湯好喝,夠酸又夠辣,始終香濃的湯頭才是主角,這比同區的「Soho Thai」、「Cafe Siam」都來得好吃。配料有鮮蝦、尤魚、小蕃茄,應爽的爽,應腍的腍,已很難得,金邊粉亦爽口帶米香。午餐賣 $55 連飲品,划算。「泰式肉片炒河」這個是在「泰殿」第一次點的。炒得油膩又不夠鑊氣,不太好吃,下油多可能是避免河粉被黏作一團。本少爺吃過最好吃的泰式炒河是隨便在曼谷街頭,即點即炒那種。小販通常只簡單地下雞蛋、菜心、魚露、兩小塊肉片與河粉,鑊氣十足,好吃得會令人喪失理智地全碟掃清。加上價錢只是十零港元一碟,到泰國旅遊的朋友必要一試這風味。看來我仍未有資格做一個好的「食家」吧!
今日同事請食午飯,所以我們一行人都來泰殿試下泰國菜!!因為驚午飯時間沒位所以今早打電話訂枱,點知好好彩有位!!這裡個環境唔錯,還見到牆上掛了泰皇和泰后的相係到(我估係,因沒見過,同事說的)。我們叫了個八人餐,略略講下有什麼野食先,因為我掛住食唔記得影相,所以唔係有整咁得款食物相片!! >.<1.餐湯 (冬陰公/魚肚湯) 二選一2. 泰式炒時菜3. 沙律 (木瓜/柚子) 二選一4.咖哩飯 (可選配其中一樣: 牛、豬、羊、雞) , 不過D.咖哩汁不太濃, 味道有點稀的感覺!!5.蜜汁豬頸肉6.Steamed Fish Grwy 7.小食拼盆8. 雞9.甜品 - 椰汁西米糕10. 凍/熱飲品
We were halfway through our grocery shopping in Graham Street when the hunger pang struck (how is it possible when we've just overfed overselves over Christmas?), so we racked our brains to think of a decent Thai place nearby, and decided to come here for a bit of people watching on the escalator as well. Free entertainment, why not.The place had 2 other groups of diners, so it was nice and peaceful. A window seat for us so we can clock people who went by, and we scanned the lunch set menu. Boyfriend ordered the fried flat noodles with chicken in chilli which comes with a small tom yum soup and coconut sago pudding, and I ordered a tummy-warming tom yum soup with 金邊粉, which also came with dessert. For $76 and $68 respectively, it wasn't the cheapest, but then we're talking Central prime location. Add $10 for the special drinks, otherwise it's plain coffee or tea. For us, that's a no brainer. Lime soda for him, Longan drink for me.The tom yum was the best part of the meal, one of the better versions I've had that packs in a punch. The sourness hits your first, and afterwards you appreciate the heat from the spice coming out and tickling your taste buds. Not hot enough to make me tear, but enough to satisfy that craving for spiciness. There were 4 or 5 prawns in there, with 2 kinds of mushrooms (Chinese variety, but it's good to make use of local ingredients), and lots of real ginger, lemongrass, cilantro and other spices. I especially liked that it wasn't too oily, as sometimes the cook skimps on the herbs and just substitute chilli oil for the taste, which doesn't work. The fried noodles were so so, a bit greasy and gooey by the look of it, and not enough noodles to balance the dish, but you can look at it the other way and say there was lots of veg and chicken pieces. The drinks were average, and I suspect the use of fancy glasses means they don't have to give you as much as in a regular tall glass. At least they had the decency not to pack in the ice. Dessert was coconut sago pudding SANS sweetcorn which pleased my boyfriend (he vows sweetcorn does not have a place in any form of dessert, it's just inappropriate).Service was prompt and polite, and the bill came to $180 for a very filling meal. A good start to the year of more food and blogging.