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江山笑是一間傳統的中菜館,提供創意菜式和迷人的氣氛。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:00
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川芎白芷燉魚頭 五頭吉品鮑魚伴鵝掌 清湯牛坑腩煲 麻辣口水雞 鎮江焗肉排
食評 (40)
等級1 2014-07-24
6113 瀏覽
We had our company soft opening here back in 2010 and the food was very good then.Today we had company lunch and ordered some dimsum and mains.. very disappointing. Dimsum - xiao long bao and hargow. Both dimsum were cold and the xiao long bao did not have any broth in it. The hargow seemed undercooked and was cold. Mains - we ordered some stir fried string beans with minced pork, sweet and sour pork, stir fried morning glory and spring roll. The string beans were not too bad, however it was too greasy and salty. The pork was too fatty and greasy. The morning glory tasted fine but it looked nowhere near fresh at all.Only the spring rolls and fried rice were the better ones.Overall, we were not very pleased with the food and did not feel satisfied. We expected more.There won't be a next time. 繼續閱讀
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見完客, 行過見到有露天位, 好似幾正, 於是就選擇左呢度做晚飯地點.翠塘豆腐: 蛋白和豆腐都好香好滑.鎮江排骨: 口感ok, 肥瘦平均, d汁亦都好好味.口水雞: 雞肉夠滑, 麻麻辣辣咁,好開胃. 但我覺得下面d青瓜更加好味.蛋白杏仁茶: 口感唔夠滑, 但好夠杏仁香.雖然唔平, 但都算唔錯. 有返咁上下質素. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-06-10
6410 瀏覽
 參加完Flawless Grand Opending,連同收工不久的老公,FHY很即興的來了江山笑晚飯下場。這間餐廳在OR享負盛名,但想不到原來佔地不大,總檯數應只十張左右;然而坐落高貴金融區卻能竟做到定價不貴而有質素,十分難得!常常與兩位食友參與不同的試食,但這樣大家一起吃家常飯卻不常有,感覺熟悉又新奇,挺特別。稱得上是家常飯,點的都是簡單而飽肚的菜式,首先是鎮江焗肉排($118,店內推介),排骨以瘦肉為主,但食感豐腴帶適當脂香,是靚位來的;加上調味濃淡得宜,惹味得來不會膩滯,加上排骨焗得香口而且肉質鬆化,是款很滿意的菜式!家常飯的另一特點是較多健康蔬菜,接著的馬拉盞啫啫時蔬煲($88)雖然不是店內推介,但份量足味道也佳,生菜(食客也可選其他時蔬)的清甜與馬拉盞的香口惹味相當配合,這個送飯可真一流呢!翠塘豆腐($108,店內推介)也是款清淡得來,營養豐富又鮮美滑口的菜式,撈飯來吃真的很一流,需要吸引蛋白質及鈣質的孕媽媽幫襯了超超超多呢!最後還有麻辣口水雞(半隻$128,店內推介),其實此菜另設前菜版本,但為滿足辣魔老公, 還是來半隻才夠盡興! 成品夠麻也頗辣,CEO與劉總都是兩件止步,我為了協助老公清碟,大發神威食了6-7件! 要讚同上的青瓜也清爽可口,是晚也幫襯了不少。四款小菜再加三大碗白飯,大家都挺飽了,當然仍然不會放過甜品環節。飯後點了清香桂花糕($30/3件,店內推介),成品膠質不重,較為水潤而且味道清甜天然,挺喜歡的。還有石磨蛋白杏仁茶($38)x2,成品夠香又滑口,而且熱度也足,飽餐一頓後來碗很是舒服!憑任何信用卡小菜都有88折優待,折後連茶水加一今餐只是$642,在這區來說真是難得的美味抵食兼具! 其實在日常的tasting飯局以外,多些這樣的家常小局也不錯,當然之後可能要多靠大家了! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-05-31
4757 瀏覽
出席完活動後,FHY同埋龍哥要找地方醫肚,很罕有地大家是沒有預先定好目標餐廳 (不要問點解),求其搵個地方中入去。有時侯這麼的隨意,反而會吃到好東西。餐廳面積原來很小,不過裝修幾骨子,門口有個陳列櫃展示些乾鮑,明顯是以商務消費為主。我一向懶得睇餐牌,點菜的重任就由Yan和拔兄負責好了,我去完洗手間回來,差不多可以吃,多好。食物陸續上桌,鎮江排骨質感幾好,肥瘦有致,入口鬆化,沒有太乾太硬,醬汁當然是很好送飯,所以大家都點了白飯來伴之,而我更加是一吃便吃夠三件才肯收手。龍哥最愛食辣,Yan也很細心地選了麻辣口水雞,好像是店家的招牌菜色。半隻雞,所以份量都頗多,雞肉幾嫩滑,味道麻多於辣,大概是花椒油出來的效果,墊底的青瓜吸收了紅油,當然更為惹味,龍哥果然吃得津津有味。我們都是偏重口味,就是蔬菜亦要吃啫啫唐生菜,貪其夠惹味。爽脆、味濃的菜蔬,我亦會食唔少的。都係來款清淡一點的,翠塘豆腐,賣相雖未見精緻,但蛋白和豆腐都幾滑身,帶子及菇粒增添了鮮味及口感,在吃過麻辣同埋惹味的菜色之後,吃到此味,是合適的。兩款的甜品分別是桂花糕與蛋白杏仁茶,前者味道稍為過甜了少許,後者則幾有杏香,只是口感略為粗糙,不過都可以接受。時侯不早了,大家也該早點回家休息。 繼續閱讀
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I found out about this place because of this review of a Lobster claw lunch set for takeaways but since then they have not done the lobster again for lunch!Hopefully it will be back on the menu one day so I can try it.They did have sea cucumber for lunch but it didn’t look as good as the lobster.It used to be difficult locating this restaurant but now LabConcept is here and it located at the other end of LabConcept near The Frank.Basically they have an all you can eat offer for lunch and dinner, but for lunch they prefer you to arrive earlier as they stop taking orders at a certain time.The all you can eat menu is available online and in English too so you can check it out and they also have their weekly lunch sets as well online.There is a wide selection of soups, starters, mains and desserts.Items I tried as copied exactly from the menu:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Stewed chicken feet in abalone sauce:The sauce was nice and strong, however the texture of the chicken feet were not soft enough.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Braised chicken in wine sauce & shallot roll served with home made mustard sauce:This was my favourite because the chicken had been soaked heavily in the wine and mustard sauce.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chilled cucumber with garlic sauce:This was quite nice because the cucumbers were fresh and there was lots of garlic.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Steamed pork soup dumpling:These tasted how it should but the skin was slightly thick.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Steamed glutinous rice dumpling in lotus leaf wrapping:The rice was too soft★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Noodles with minced meat in spicy soup:This was too spicy★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Almond tea with egg-white:I do not like almond puddings but this was surprisingly delicious.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chilled marinated black fungus with wasabi sauce:this was my favourite, the black fungas was really delicious with wasabi sauce.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sweet & sour pork with pineapple:this tasted as good as the sweet and sour pork in UK.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 繼續閱讀
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