港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
店主曾到法國米之蓮星級食店學藝,高水準的滋味法式甜品令該店成為知名Dessert Cafe 繼續閱讀
13:00 - 23:30
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Chocolate Fantasie Sift Chocolate Cake
食評 (127)
等級3 2016-11-30
1137 瀏覽
Sift-Cupcake Red-Velvet🍰又係嘢食篇,只因我比較為食的月巴女生😗!我隔離嗰個係女生比較肚餓所以食左幾口不知道大家對cupcake有冇興趣呢又可能1聽到cupcake而幾隻字就會旦開好似我男朋友咁 因為cupcake同甜而個字太有關係 所以1聽到都會覺得5好食 本人都不太愛食Cupcake的徐了Chocolate Chips Cupcake個殼 姐係個頂😂因為食到去入面覺得好粉 5想食就好似食蝦餃我永遠都只係食個皮舊蝦餃肉就俾左也麻食😂5知點解講講下就講咗第二啲嘢離開咗個正題 5好意思😂因為我詞語比較窮要解釋長啲先至明白到 好啦講返正題😙🍰因為自從有個客買咗sift的cupcake比我們食我就對佢非常有好感 太好食 又不是太甜但如果你覺得Red-Velvent甜 你可以食佢有一隻都係同Red-Velvent1樣樣 但面粉係不同的係你一啲對麵粉過敏嘅人食🤔5知也拒係咁講嗰隻就冇咁甜譚口味啲 如果你連佢依隻都覺得甜你就當我咩都冇講過😂😅但係如果你食到甜你可以食下其他 因為其他我都覺得比較甜 同學只係鍾情呢一隻味道😂Red-Velvent佢上面啲好似Cream既嘢係帶有芝士嘅味道 下面就係Raspberry味既Cupcake3個字🖖🏻好味道 同埋都只係$28元1個食咗佢咁耐都只係加左$3元 係銅鑼灣旺角求其買1個仲要有款式都唔平 所以我覺得抵食到爆呢😳去人哋屋企唔想買水果或者兩手空空可買sift1的都5失禮 CWB希慎同中環太子大廈都有得買 但要早少少因為好食嗰啲四點前都會賣晒😮同埋我好奇怪的如果甜品嗰一樣野係好食就只會淨係識嗰個 次次都會一樣就好聰嫂次次都係水蜜桃仙子😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Valentine's Day is the one day of the year that I avoid booking at a fancy restaurant like the plague! I'm not sure what you think, but in my experience, it's the one day of the year where there is so much pressure on a restaurant to get it right, and people's expectations are way too high. You have desperate couples looking for that perfect meal to celebrate their (sometimes) perfect relationships. I also really don't love the set menu options filled with crap that I'd normally not love to eat, all shaped like love hearts - blergh!So we grabbed a quick pizza for Valentines day!But this post isn't about pizza or even Valentines day, although I will admit, that it's a funny coincidence that we hit up a specialist dessert bar on that one day of the year where there is a special connection with desserts!We were walking home from our cheep and cheerful pizza dinner, when we decided that we wanted some dessert to finish off the evening. Now, I love the pizzas at Pizza Express (see post here), but their desserts leave a lot to be desired. So, it was onto my trusty Open Rice iPhone app to see where the closest dessert bar was to our SoHo location. As luck would have it, we were only 150 meters away from Sift, and so began our decent into a sugary induced coma!In true Hong Kong fashion, there's a great story behind Sift, which began when a 4 year old Jennifer Cheung discovered a passion for desserts. Born in Hong Kong, but schooled in the United States, Jennifer took a detour through Harvard Business School and a stint as an Investment Banker before she realised that working 100+ hour weeks for someone else was unfulfilling. Correcting the course of her life, Jennifer spend an eye opening six months studying at New York City's Institute of Culinary Education. It would be the start of a journey that would see Jennifer completing an internship at Thomas Keller's world renowned Per Se, before moving back to her native Hong Kong to build her own culinary empire.Described as a truly modern patisserie, Jennifer is driven by a passion to bring the most refined gourmet cupcakes, French pastries, macarons and cookies to her ever growing base of dedicated followers. With skills honed as Per Se, Sift uses only the best ingredients imported from France and other exotic locations to produce sweets par excellence.Sitting down in Jennifer's original Graham street Sift, we had a quick look over the menu, which changes regularly, and decided on a series of sweets that led me to making a comment on Facebook "No More Food, please!" - a statement that's almost unbelievable in hindsight My decent into sugary madness commenced with a Valrhona hot chocolate (served with a toasted marshmallow), that had that slightly bitter taste the only the best chocolate in the world can produce. The hot chocolate was sweet, oh-so-very-sweet too, but that little streak of bitterness helped keep the drink in balance. The girls opening choice of a dessert muscat was probably much safer, given the sweet assault to follow, but the incredibly generous serving of muscat (it went to the brim of the glass) was also very sweet!My choice of the Chocolate Strawberry Pavlova sounded intriguing, as an Aussie schooled in the ways of the pavlova, I was interested to see the interpretation of a native Hong Konger. The chocolate meringue was nicely toasted and had a crispy outer and a gooey centre, which was just about ready to collapse under the weight of the whipped cream and freshly sliced strawberries. In fact, it only took one spoonful for the meringue to collapse. The strong chocolate flavour needed the whipped cream and fresh strawberries to balance out the flavours, but I loved the combination, one that I'd never had before. But boy, was it sweet. I felt the sugar coma coming on before I'd even finished.The girl decided that Lemon Meringue Tart made with super crumbly Pâte bruise (short pastry), almond cream and aerial lemon lime curd with zest. Topping off the beautifully prepared and dainty tart was the requisite gold leaf that's so ubiquitous throughout Hong Kong. The bite of the lime curd was offset from the sweetness of the almond cream and the buttery goodness of the Pâte bruise. It wasn't huge, but what it laced in size, it made up for with presentation and pure indulgent delight.On a normal night, that would have been the end of it, but it was still Valentines day, so Sift had a special little treat for the diners on that auspicious day. We were given a little treat of a heart shaped raspberry macaron and a itsy-bitsy little red velvet cup cake. Now, did I mention that Sift is recognised as having the best cupcakes in all of Hong Kong? No? mmm, not sure how I missed that little fact, but according to the girl, it was a total knockout, so much so that she ordered another cupcake straight away, this one was a banana with chocolate. The moist and full flavoured cupcake was topped with buttery icing sugar, the combination of banana and chocolate working beautifully well together.My raspberry macaron was too big for a single bite, so it took me a couple of mouthfuls to devour the treat that had fresh raspberries in-between the perfectly formed meringue casing. It was about this time that the trio of chocolate pavlova, macaron and valrhona hot chocolate hit me and I felt like I needed a lie down. I was so overloaded with sugar that I couldn't even finish off my delicious hot chocolate!At the time, I couldn't have fit another bite in, but upon reflection, I've been able to recount how much I enjoyed our sojourn to Sift on our way home. The girl was so enamoured with her cup cakes that she's done nothing but think about her next trip to Sift to devour one of the many flavours on offer (I think she really wants a Red Velvet again!) Luckily, we won't have far to travel, Jennifer Cheung's Sift is now in six different locations spread through out Hong Kong, including one on Wan Chai, where we are about to move!I'm not sure I'd recommend waiting until Valentine's Day to check out Sift, especially if you've not been before. If you're a fan of French patisserie, cupcakes, chocolate and all things sweet, then you need to get in and check this place out, stat!@FoodMeUpScottyMy Valrhona hot chocolate with toasted marshmallow was superb - but so huge!Not a traditional pavlova but was delicious nonethelessA couple of Valentine's Day treatsThis sweet muscat was huge and the girl tells me, quite tastySift in SoHo is not huge and it was pretty quiet while we visited - couples drifted in and out The cupcakes at Sift are something to behold! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-02-10
1219 瀏覽
Happy Friday 又是放假的時候了!要買D甜食慰寂下自己。是曰選了red velvet cake 同芝麻cupcake. 即使只買兩個,但小盒子精美 Red velvet cupcake: 入口非常濕潤同輕盈! 面層cream cheese 酸酸地又有檸檬香,配鬆軟帶可可味的旦糕底,非常美味!真係好想食多個!係食過衆多red velvet cake 之中最好! 芝麻cupcake: 芝麻cream 好幼滑好香芝麻味! 旦糕香甜鬆軟,相比red velvet ,這芝麻旦糕底無咁moist. 但是味道同旦糕鬆化度都比twelve cupcake 更出色, 令我對cupcake 完全改觀! 推介! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-01-27
1196 瀏覽
週末和好友在中環吃完brunch以後,想找個甜點小店繼續聊天,想到了這家很久沒來的Sift, 突然有點想念他們的甜點!我們去的是嘉咸街那家,下午三點只有一半座位坐滿。拿了個靠窗邊的桌子坐下,點了我最愛的巧克力蛋糕和Eclair,飲品則點了綠茶。我覺得除了萬豪酒店蛋糕店裡的巧克力蛋糕外,我最喜歡就是這家Sift的了。他們家的巧克力蛋糕外層是很滑很有口感的像結實版的chocolate mousse.可能用黑巧克力比較多,不會很甜但是保留了巧克力的香味。蛋糕最裡面是有點像餅乾碎的內餡,有點hazelnut的味道像在吃Kinder Bueno. 配上綠茶,搭配度就100%! 另外這個Eclair我第一次點,味道很特別!外型像一個中式炮竹,研究了一下才知道怎麼打開(笑)。泡芙上面是柚子醬,醬上面放了爆炸糖,吃在口裡糖在舌頭上跳動哈哈口感特別!泡芙的甜味和柚子的酸味綜合在一起不會覺得吃完很heavy! 吃甜食心情變得很好哈哈! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-12-05
882 瀏覽
週末簡評一則:今週參加中環一童裝活動時,除了店內嬌俏可人的小甜姐兒令人融化,店外亦擺著同場Sift Dessert Bar的不同款甜點,吸引之極!雖然晚上還有豐盛火鍋局,臨尾也忍不住取了兩小件來吃:印象中第一次吃雙色拿破崙,造型又夠小巧實在可愛,但酥皮可以再脆些,絕對會更喜歡前方的迷你焦糖蘋果批,果香甜蜜又帶脆口,無論你是焦糖迷或蘋果批迷,都一定會愛上!在附近上班的甜魔可以留意後者了~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)