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食評 (31)
等級1 2018-03-03
3328 瀏覽
I had a Peony with Pearl butter cream cake today. The cake was nicely decorated and the coloring was just so artistic that it's like being painted by an artist. The vanilla flavored butter cream was not too sweet but quite filling. I had chosen earl grey cake flavour which was nice. The cake texture was slightly dense but I was ok with it. My birthday friend liked it very much. I had ordered a mini cake for 4 of us, just the right size as dessert after dinner. They allowed me to hold my order for 2 months because something came up. That's very nice of them. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-01-09
2108 瀏覽
女兒滿月了,朋友來開派對。朋友訂了個蛋糕給女兒慶祝。之前已經聽過依間店的蛋糕好食,果然名乎其實!朋友訂的獨角獸蛋糕,外面嘅butter cream 好味唔甜,入面揀咗earl grey 味。淡淡的伯爵茶香配上butter cream 嘅甜,非常之夾! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-12-16
3603 瀏覽
I came here twice now and both times have been disappointed by their cupcakes. Thankfully I was using a buy 1 get 1 free deal both times which made it slightly less insulting that a company would charge $30-$35 for a cupcake that felt like and tasted like it was several days old and had been stored in the fridge without any covering to preserve since of the moisture. The cake was horribly dry and much too dense. The frosting was thankfully not too sweet but it was also dry and a strange texture that it could barely be spread out with a knife. I expected the cupcakes I had bought the 2nd time were fresh because the girl working was unpacking them from a box into the display case. My guess was they just came out of storage where they have been kept for about 1 week. Honestly will never be back, not even if I was given a free cupcake. I've had better cupcakes that were made from the store bought box mix 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2016-05-30
4288 瀏覽
感謝同事送來Cupcake作他的2位千金100日的紀念禮物,讓我有幸可以嘗試渴望已久的Phoenix Sweets。盒子以Tiffany Blue作主色,充滿女生的感覺, 盒上印有店舖名,聯絡方法等。我拿到的是Blueberry的Cupcake, 淡紫色的牛油忌廉上面放上2顆Blueberry, 還有一些裝飾用的銀珠,單看外型已讓人感到賞心悅目。Blueberry不會過甜,算是帶點清新的點綴,但當然主導的仍是那濃郁的牛油味。牛油忌廉細滑,唧花出來賣相美觀,不過始終加入了牛油,還是帶點膩感。底下的杯子蛋糕則是摻入了Blueberry,其濕潤感也可以補足蛋糕部分。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-03-26
3576 瀏覽
年前掀起的杯子蛋糕熱潮似乎已經稍為冷靜下來,港人一貫的作風。對杯子蛋糕沒有熱忱的我其實一直也沒有追捧這些。若果是鬆餅的話又不同,那我大概會不斷暴食。差別……最主要是那牛油忌廉以及質感吧?首先我就不喜歡牛油,也不愛忌廉……要找到一家牛油忌廉叫入得口的,就是最大的難處。  之前已經嚐過兩三次的Phoenix Sweets雖然稱不上是我的心頭好。但這次跟友人在PMQ打躉的時候就再次吃到了這家出品。單純想吃點甜,但附近幾家也興趣不大,唯有再次回到Phoenix Sweets。曾經想著儘量不要重覆一去再去同一家食肆,除非是味道絕讚。只是跟友人同行的話,還是算了,下次自己先去嚐鮮。Cherry Chocolate $40  名符其實的杯子蛋糕,牛油忌廉上清楚明白的頂著飽滿的黑櫻桃。聽說櫻桃色澤越黑,是含有越多花青素的跡象。而黑櫻桃還有著其他的營養成分及高抗氧化作用,而且意外地不會酸溜溜的。雲尼拿牛油忌廉帶著雲尼拿清香的同時又有牛油的油潤,加上少許焦糖漿倒少了分膩。底下的三重朱古力杯子蛋糕不會油淋淋,朱古力香氣非常濃郁。濕潤得宜,沒有過份的漿口感,不過仍是以甜為主導的朱古力味道。Rose Earl Grey $40  另一款則是清香芬芳之選,跟朱古力的邪惡截然不同。以有機玫瑰水製作的牛油忌廉散發著陣陣玫瑰芳香,未食就已經聞到那份紓心花香。唧成漂亮花狀的粉紅牛油忌廉上更灑有點點玫瑰乾花碎點綴添香,賞心悅目。以底下的杯子蛋糕用到公平貿易的伯爵茶製成,茶香怡人,甜度適中。唯獨乾身了些少,想要潤潤口的話就只可靠牛油忌廉了。 繼續閱讀
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