港鐵銅鑼灣站 D4 出口, 步行約5分鐘
12:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
星期日和家人共聚吃晚飯,溫馨的同時又有機會到新地方吃東西。家人推介到世貿吃牛肉麵,愛試新的我當然贊成。差不多8時,到達店子。店子地方不算小,坐位頗多,即時便可以入座,真好。半筋半肉粗麵和牛肉麵(可以選擇幼麵,酸菜也可選擇要或不要)牛筋夠林又彈牙,剛剛好 ,牛肉部份有些筋,是我愛吃的部份,同樣醃得入味,肉質夠林,因有些筋,所以又彈牙,好味。湯的味道亦功不可沒,香香的牛肉味👍四季豆,炒得剛剛好,豆身不會太林,味道夠。麻辣牛肚粉皮,粉皮夠滑。醬料是這類冷盤的靈魂,這麻辣醬不太辣,適合我因我很喜歡麻辣,所以覺得醬料的麻可以再加重一點,好味。麻辣蓮藕片,藕片爽脆炒土豆絲炒山竹米粉手抓餅,略嫌不夠鬆,但夠香脆。蚵仔煎,十分香口,但蚵仔太碎,也太少,吃不到蚵仔的鮮香味。我要了杯少冰少甜的珍珠奶茶,茶味較淡,珍珠差一點點才煮透。整體覺得好味,有機會會再吃
這是我第一篇食評, 本來沒有寫食評的習慣, 但是我不得不給我吃過最不像麵線的麵線一個劣評! 這個就是他們所謂的麵線, 湯像水一樣稀, 麵線口感像吃線條一樣, 真的中伏了 這個麵線還要$42(已經是下午茶價格)!!! 八方雲集比這個好食千百倍接下來是這個豆腐, 叫鹽酥一口豆腐, 先不說這個豆腐炸的奇型怪狀根本不能一口吃進口裏, 上面的豆腐鹹得要命, 下面的淡而無味 最後說說這杯跟下午茶的飲料, 整杯飲料只能用一個字來形容, 甜. 還不只甜, 而且一點茶味都沒有 用餐後整體的感覺是勁... 不過是非常差勁
I'm no expert on Taiwanese beef noodles; I've been to Taiwan and eaten the noodles there, at places recommended in the guide books, but eating a few bowls of soup hardly qualifies one to pronounce on authenticity or correctness. So this review is just about how the food tastes, not whether it's authentic or correct.The first thing that came was our appetizer of cucumber in sesame sauce. It's hard to do this wrong-- I guess I prefer the cucumber in chili oil and vinegar to the sesame sauce, but this is still good.The soup section of the menu has a lot of options on it: beef shank, neck, brisket, tendon, and some combos. For $168 you can get the signature noodle soup, but it takes 25 minutes to prepare and they only serve 10 portions a day, so we just skipped that one. Instead, I got the shank and my wife got the brisket. For each soup you have the option of thick or thin noodles and an option to add pickled mustard greens. We went with the thick noodles. The soup wasn't particularly spicy. They did give us one small plastic cup of chilis in oil, but they weren't very hot either. The broth was the right amount of oily and it was definitely aromatic-- star anise, I think, and maybe ginger-- and had a good beefy flavor. The noodles were OK-- nicely firm but a little bit plain. I recently had some excellent 'Taiwanese knife cut noodles' at Buddies Crawfish, so I know these can be a lot better. I think both my wife's choices were the way to go: while I liked my beef shank, her beef brisket was better, and you definitely want to order the pickles for added flavor, texture, and vegetable-y goodness. The soup was served almost immediately after we ordered it. A little bit later in the meal came something we ordered from the "snack" portion of the menu: crispy chicken fillet. This was fantastic: piping hot from the deep fryer, crispy and crunchy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, with a good amount of salt and five spice powder. If you know Hot Star, it's like that, but perhaps with thicker breading and a little bit more flavor in the marinade for the chicken. This is not something that you need if you're having a big bowl of soup, but it is very tasty.I can definitely see myself coming back. It's not a mind-blowing taste sensation experience, but it doesn't have to be that. The meat was nice and tender, the broth was tasty, and the noodles were serviceable. If it were closer to my house I'd probably eat here regularly.